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Class java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment


public abstract class GraphicsEnvironment
extends Object
This class specifies the graphics environment. The resources in this environment might be local or on a remote machine. The graphics environment consists of a number of GraphicsDevice objects and Font objects. GraphicsDevice objects are typically screens or printers and are the destination of Graphics2D drawing methods. Each GraphicsDevice has a number of GraphicsConfiguration objects associated with it. These specify the different configurations in which the GraphicsDevice can be used.

See Also:
GraphicsDevice, GraphicsConfiguration

Constructor Index

 o GraphicsEnvironment()

Method Index

 o createGraphics(BufferedImage)
Returns a Graphics2D object for rendering into the given BufferedImage.
 o getAllFonts()
Returns all fonts available in this environment.
 o getDefaultScreenDevice()
Returns the default screen graphics device.
 o getFont(String)
 o getFonts(TextAttributeSet)
Returns all Fonts available in this environment that match the specified AttributeSet.
 o getImagingLib()
Returns a ImagingLib object that can used to process some/all of the imaging ops.
 o getLocalGraphicsEnvironment()
Returns the local graphics environment.
 o getPrintJob2D()
Gets a PrintJob2D object suitable for the the current platform.
 o getScreenDevices()
Returns an array of all of the screen devices.


 o GraphicsEnvironment
protected GraphicsEnvironment()


 o getLocalGraphicsEnvironment
public static GraphicsEnvironment getLocalGraphicsEnvironment()
Returns the local graphics environment.

 o getScreenDevices
public abstract GraphicsDevice[] getScreenDevices()
Returns an array of all of the screen devices.

 o getDefaultScreenDevice
public abstract GraphicsDevice getDefaultScreenDevice()
Returns the default screen graphics device.

 o createGraphics
public abstract Graphics2D createGraphics(BufferedImage img)
Returns a Graphics2D object for rendering into the given BufferedImage.

 o getImagingLib
public abstract ImagingLib getImagingLib()
Returns a ImagingLib object that can used to process some/all of the imaging ops. Can be null.

 o getAllFonts
public abstract Font[] getAllFonts()
Returns all fonts available in this environment.

 o getFonts
public abstract Font[] getFonts(TextAttributeSet attributes)
Returns all Fonts available in this environment that match the specified AttributeSet.

 o getFont
public abstract Font getFont(String fontFaceName)
 o getPrintJob2D
public abstract PrintJob2D getPrintJob2D()
Gets a PrintJob2D object suitable for the the current platform.

a PrintJob2D object.
See Also:

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