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Class java.awt.TextComponent


public class TextComponent
extends Component
The TextComponent class is the superclass of any component that allows the editing of some text.

A text component embodies a string of text. The TextComponent class defines a set of methods that determine whether or not this text is editable. If the component is editable, it defines another set of methods that supports a text insertion caret.

In addition, the class defines methods that are used to maintain a current selection from the text. The text selection, a substring of the component's text, is the target of editing operations. It is also referred to as the selected text.


Variable Index

 o textListener

Method Index

 o addTextListener(TextListener)
Adds the specified text event listener to recieve text events from this textcomponent.
 o getCaretPosition()
Gets the position of the text insertion caret for this text component.
 o getSelectedText()
Gets the selected text from the text that is presented by this text component.
 o getSelectionEnd()
Gets the end position of the selected text in this text component.
 o getSelectionStart()
Gets the start position of the selected text in this text component.
 o getText()
Gets the text that is presented by this text component.
 o isEditable()
Indicates whether or not this text component is editable.
 o paramString()
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this text component.
 o processEvent(AWTEvent)
Processes events on this textcomponent.
 o processTextEvent(TextEvent)
Processes text events occurring on this text component by dispatching them to any registered TextListener objects.
 o removeNotify()
Removes the TextComponent's peer.
 o removeTextListener(TextListener)
Removes the specified text event listener so that it no longer receives text events from this textcomponent
 o select(int, int)
Selects the text between the specified start and end positions.
 o selectAll()
Selects all the text in this text component.
 o setCaretPosition(int)
Sets the position of the text insertion caret for this text component.
 o setEditable(boolean)
Sets the flag that determines whether or not this text component is editable.
 o setSelectionEnd(int)
Sets the selection end for this text component to the specified position.
 o setSelectionStart(int)
Sets the selection start for this text component to the specified position.
 o setText(String)
Sets the text that is presented by this text component to be the specified text.


 o textListener
protected transient TextListener textListener


 o removeNotify
public void removeNotify()
Removes the TextComponent's peer. The peer allows us to modify the appearance of the TextComponent without changing its functionality.

removeNotify in class Component
 o setText
public void setText(String t)
Sets the text that is presented by this text component to be the specified text.

t - the new text.
See Also:
 o getText
public String getText()
Gets the text that is presented by this text component.

See Also:
 o getSelectedText
public String getSelectedText()
Gets the selected text from the text that is presented by this text component.

the selected text of this text component.
See Also:
 o isEditable
public boolean isEditable()
Indicates whether or not this text component is editable.

true if this text component is editable; false otherwise.
See Also:
 o setEditable
public void setEditable(boolean b)
Sets the flag that determines whether or not this text component is editable.

If the flag is set to true, this text component becomes user editable. If the flag is set to false, the user cannot change the text of this text component.

t - a flag indicating whether this text component should be user editable.
See Also:
 o getSelectionStart
public int getSelectionStart()
Gets the start position of the selected text in this text component.

the start position of the selected text.
See Also:
setSelectionStart, getSelectionEnd
 o setSelectionStart
public void setSelectionStart(int selectionStart)
Sets the selection start for this text component to the specified position. The new start point is constrained to be at or before the current selection end. It also cannot be set to less than zero, the beginning of the component's text. If the caller supplies a value for selectionStart that is out of bounds, the method enforces these constraints silently, and without failure.

selectionStart - the start position of the selected text.
See Also:
getSelectionStart, setSelectionEnd
 o getSelectionEnd
public int getSelectionEnd()
Gets the end position of the selected text in this text component.

the end position of the selected text.
See Also:
setSelectionEnd, getSelectionStart
 o setSelectionEnd
public void setSelectionEnd(int selectionEnd)
Sets the selection end for this text component to the specified position. The new end point is constrained to be at or after the current selection start. It also cannot be set beyond the end of the component's text. If the caller supplies a value for selectionEnd that is out of bounds, the method enforces these constraints silently, and without failure.

selectionEnd - the end position of the selected text.
See Also:
getSelectionEnd, setSelectionStart
 o select
public void select(int selectionStart,
                   int selectionEnd)
Selects the text between the specified start and end positions.

This method sets the start and end positions of the selected text, enforcing the restriction that the end position must be greater than or equal to the start position. The start position must be greater than zero, and the end position must be less that or equal to the length of the text component's text. If the caller supplies values that are inconsistent or out of bounds, the method enforces these constraints silently, and without failure.

selectionStart - the start position of the text to select.
selectionEnd - the end position of the text to select.
See Also:
setSelectionStart, setSelectionEnd, selectAll
 o selectAll
public void selectAll()
Selects all the text in this text component.

See Also:
 o setCaretPosition
public void setCaretPosition(int position)
Sets the position of the text insertion caret for this text component.

position - the position of the text insertion caret.
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
if the value supplied for position is less than zero.
 o getCaretPosition
public int getCaretPosition()
Gets the position of the text insertion caret for this text component.

the position of the text insertion caret.
 o addTextListener
public void addTextListener(TextListener l)
Adds the specified text event listener to recieve text events from this textcomponent.

l - the text event listener
 o removeTextListener
public void removeTextListener(TextListener l)
Removes the specified text event listener so that it no longer receives text events from this textcomponent

 o processEvent
protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e)
Processes events on this textcomponent. If the event is a TextEvent, it invokes the processTextEvent method, else it invokes its superclass's processEvent.

e - the event
processEvent in class Component
 o processTextEvent
protected void processTextEvent(TextEvent e)
Processes text events occurring on this text component by dispatching them to any registered TextListener objects. NOTE: This method will not be called unless text events are enabled for this component; this happens when one of the following occurs: a) A TextListener object is registered via addTextListener() b) Text events are enabled via enableEvents()

e - the text event
See Also:
 o paramString
protected String paramString()
Returns the parameter string representing the state of this text component. This string is useful for debugging.

the parameter string of this text component.
paramString in class Component

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