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Class java.awt.Window


public class Window
extends Container
A Window object is a top-level window with no borders and no menubar. The default layout for a window is BorderLayout.

Windows are capable of generating the following window events: WindowOpened, WindowClosed.

See Also:
WindowEvent, addWindowListener, BorderLayout

Constructor Index

 o Window(Frame)
Constructs a new invisible window.
 o Window(Window)
Constructs a new invisible window with the specified window as its owner.

Method Index

 o addNotify()
Creates the Window's peer.
 o addWindowListener(WindowListener)
Adds the specified window listener to receive window events from this window.
 o dispose()
Disposes of this window.
 o getFocusOwner()
Returns the child component of this Window which has focus if and only if this Window is active.
 o getInputContext()
Gets the input context for this window.
 o getLocale()
Gets the Locale object that is associated with this window, if the locale has been set.
 o getOwnedWindows()
Return an array containing all the windows this window currently owns.
 o getOwner()
Returns the owner of this window.
 o getToolkit()
Returns the toolkit of this frame.
 o getWarningString()
Gets the warning string that is displayed with this window.
 o isShowing()
Checks if this Window is showing on screen.
 o pack()
Causes subcomponents of this window to be laid out at their preferred size.
 o postEvent(Event)
 o processEvent(AWTEvent)
Processes events on this window.
 o processWindowEvent(WindowEvent)
Processes window events occurring on this window by dispatching them to any registered WindowListener objects.
 o removeWindowListener(WindowListener)
Removes the specified window listener so that it no longer receives window events from this window.
 o show()
Shows this window, and brings it to the front.
 o toBack()
Sends this window to the back.
 o toFront()
Brings this window to the front.


 o Window
public Window(Frame owner)
Constructs a new invisible window.

The window is not initially visible. Call the show method to cause the window to become visible.

owner - the main application frame.
See Also:
show, setSize
 o Window
public Window(Window owner)
Constructs a new invisible window with the specified window as its owner.

owner - the window to act as owner


 o addNotify
public void addNotify()
Creates the Window's peer. The peer allows us to modify the appearance of the Window without changing its functionality.

addNotify in class Container
 o pack
public void pack()
Causes subcomponents of this window to be laid out at their preferred size.

 o show
public void show()
Shows this window, and brings it to the front.

If this window is not yet visible, show makes it visible. If this window is already visible, then this method brings it to the front.

show in class Component
See Also:
toFront, setVisible
 o dispose
public void dispose()
Disposes of this window. This method must be called to release the resources that are used for the window. This method will automatically dispose any Windows which this window currently owns.

 o toFront
public void toFront()
Brings this window to the front. Places this window at the top of the stacking order and shows it in front of any other windows.

See Also:
 o toBack
public void toBack()
Sends this window to the back. Places this window at the bottom of the stacking order and makes the corresponding adjustment to other visible windows.

See Also:
 o getToolkit
public Toolkit getToolkit()
Returns the toolkit of this frame.

the toolkit of this window.
getToolkit in class Component
See Also:
Toolkit, getDefaultToolkit, getToolkit
 o getWarningString
public final String getWarningString()
Gets the warning string that is displayed with this window. If this window is insecure, the warning string is displayed somewhere in the visible area of the window. A window is insecure if there is a security manager, and the security manager's checkTopLevelWindow method returns false when this window is passed to it as an argument.

If the window is secure, then getWarningString returns null. If the window is insecure, this methods checks for the system property awt.appletWarning and returns the string value of that property.

the warning string for this window.
See Also:
 o getLocale
public Locale getLocale()
Gets the Locale object that is associated with this window, if the locale has been set. If no locale has been set, then the default locale is returned.

the locale that is set for this window.
getLocale in class Component
See Also:
 o getInputContext
public InputContext getInputContext()
Gets the input context for this window. A window always has an input context, which is shared by subcomponents unless they create and set their own.

getInputContext in class Component
See Also:
 o getOwner
public Window getOwner()
Returns the owner of this window.

 o getOwnedWindows
public Window[] getOwnedWindows()
Return an array containing all the windows this window currently owns.

 o addWindowListener
public void addWindowListener(WindowListener l)
Adds the specified window listener to receive window events from this window.

l - the window listener
 o removeWindowListener
public void removeWindowListener(WindowListener l)
Removes the specified window listener so that it no longer receives window events from this window.

l - the window listener
 o processEvent
protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e)
Processes events on this window. If the event is an WindowEvent, it invokes the processWindowEvent method, else it invokes its superclass's processEvent.

e - the event
processEvent in class Container
 o processWindowEvent
protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e)
Processes window events occurring on this window by dispatching them to any registered WindowListener objects. NOTE: This method will not be called unless window events are enabled for this component; this happens when one of the following occurs: a) A WindowListener object is registered via addWindowListener() b) Window events are enabled via enableEvents()

e - the window event
See Also:
 o getFocusOwner
public Component getFocusOwner()
Returns the child component of this Window which has focus if and only if this Window is active.

the component with focus, or null if no children have focus assigned to them.
 o postEvent
public boolean postEvent(Event e)
Note: postEvent() is deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1 replaced by dispatchEvent(AWTEvent).

postEvent in class Component
 o isShowing
public boolean isShowing()
Checks if this Window is showing on screen.

isShowing in class Component
See Also:

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