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Class java.awt.font.GlyphSet
- public abstract class GlyphSet
- extends Object
- implements Cloneable
GlyphSet is a graphical representation of text with bidirectional ordering.
Instances of GlyphSet are
produced by Font (or subclasses of Font) and contain a sequence of integer
glyph codes, used by the Font to represent text graphically. The glyph codes
are not characters; they are meaningful only
to the Font which produced them. GlyphSets may be displayed on a graphics
device. Metrics for the entire GlyphSet or for individual glyphs may be
queried. Additionally, new GlyphSets may be produced from old ones for
operations such as taking a subset of a glyphset, justification, changing
a single character in the source text, and setting the direction of the
glyphs in a GlyphSet.
GlyphSets are immutable; once created, their state never changes. In particular,
changes to the text from which they were created do not affect existing GlyphSets.
The glyphs in a GlyphSet are stored in logical order; that is, they
are stored in the same order as the characters from which they were generated.
GlyphSets also maintain a visual order for their glyphs. The visual
order is the order, from left to right, in which the glyphs will be displayed.
For text with right-to-left or bidirectional ordering, the logical order will
not be the same as the visual order. Glyphs are available in logical order
directly from the GlyphSet. Additionally, visualToLogicalIndex
will convert a visual position to a logical position.
A GlyphSet may contain more glyphs
than the number of characters in the sequence it represents (but never less).
Methods on GlyphSet which return information on glyphs require a glyph index. Other
methods on GlyphSet are commonly associated with text editing (such as inserting or
deleting a character, or taking a subset). These operations used character indices.
Examine glyphs in visual order
GlyphSet glyphSet = ...;
for (int i=0; i < getNumGlyphs(); i++) {
int logIndex = glyphSet.visualToLogicalIndex(i);
int glyphCode = glyphSet.getGlyphCode(logIndex);
// do something with glyphCode...
- See Also:
- Font, GlyphMetrics, TextLayout
LEFT_TO_RIGHT- An argument to setDirection indicating LEFT_TO_RIGHT glyphs.
RIGHT_TO_LEFT- An argument to setDirection indicating RIGHT_TO_LEFT glyphs.
applyJustification(float[], int, boolean[])
- Return a justified copy of this glyphset.
deleteChar(AttributedCharacterIterator, int, int, int, int[], byte[])
- Return a new GlyphSet which is an incremental modification of this
draw(Graphics2D, float, float)
- Draw this glyphset at the provided position.
- Test for full equality.
- Return the advance of the glyphset.
getAdvanceBetween(int, int)
- Return the sum of the advances for the glyphs corresponding to
characters in logical positions from start up to limit.
- Return the ascent of the glyphset relative to the baseline.
- Return the baseline used by this glyphset.
- Return an array containing contiguous values from 0 to length
having the same ordering as the source array.
- return the descent of the glyphset relative to the baseline.
- Return the font that created this glyphset.
- Return the advance for the glyph at the given logical position.
- Return the glyphcode at the given logical position in this glyphset.
- Return the x-direction advance of the glyph at the given logical
- Return the y-direction advance of the glyph at the given logical
- Return the inverse array, source array must map 1-1
- Return the bidirection level of the glyph at the given logical position.
getLineBreakIndex(int, float)
- Return the logical position of a possible break.
getNormalizedOrder(int[], byte[], int, int)
- Return an array containing the values from start up to limit,
normalized to fall within the range from 0 up to limit - start.
- Return the number of characters represented by this glyphset.
- Return the number of glyphs in this glyphset.
- Return the x position of the first visual glyph in the glyphset.
- Return the y position of the first visual glyph in the glyphset.
- Return a hashCode for this glyphset.
insertChar(AttributedCharacterIterator, int, int, int, int[], byte[])
- Return a new GlyphSet which is an incremental modification of this
- Return true if every glyph in the glyphset is left-to-right, and
the glyphs all run from left to right.
reshape(AttributedCharacterIterator, int, int, int, int[], byte[])
- Reshape a glyph set after a change to neighboring text.
- Return a GlyphSet identical to this one, except with all glyphs
going in the same direction.
subset(int, int)
- Generate a GlyphSet that contains the subset of this from logical
start up to limit.
- Map from visual position to logical position.
public static final boolean LEFT_TO_RIGHT
- An argument to setDirection indicating LEFT_TO_RIGHT glyphs.
- See Also:
- setDirection
public static final boolean RIGHT_TO_LEFT
- An argument to setDirection indicating RIGHT_TO_LEFT glyphs.
- See Also:
- setDirection
public GlyphSet()
public abstract float getAdvance()
- Return the advance of the glyphset.
public abstract float getAscent()
- Return the ascent of the glyphset relative to the baseline.
This is the distance above (to the right of) the baseline.
The ascent is always positive or zero.
- See Also:
- getBaseline
public abstract float getDescent()
- return the descent of the glyphset relative to the baseline.
This is the distance below (to the left of) the baseline.
The descent is always positive or zero.
- See Also:
- getBaseline
public abstract Font getFont()
- Return the font that created this glyphset.
public abstract int getNumGlyphs()
- Return the number of glyphs in this glyphset.
public abstract int getNumCharacters()
- Return the number of characters represented by this glyphset.
Some fonts may use several glyphs to represent a single
character. There are never fewer glyphs than characters.
Glyphs representing more than one character are always followed
(logically) by an invisible combining glyph for each additional
public abstract int getGlyphCode(int index)
- Return the glyphcode at the given logical position in this glyphset.
- See Also:
- getNumGlyphs
public abstract byte getBaseline()
- Return the baseline used by this glyphset. All glyphs in a single
glyphset align to the same baseline.
- See Also:
- getBaselineFor
public abstract float getXAdjust()
- Return the x position of the first visual glyph in the glyphset.
The first visual glyph in the glyphset is offset by x, y from the
origin of the glyphset. This supports attributes like superscript.
- See Also:
- getYAdjust
public abstract float getGlyphXAdvance(int index)
- Return the x-direction advance of the glyph at the given logical
- See Also:
- getGlyphYAdvance, getNumGlyphs
public abstract float getYAdjust()
- Return the y position of the first visual glyph in the glyphset.
The first visual glyph in the glyphset is offset by x, y from the
origin of the glyphset. This supports attributes like superscript.
- See Also:
- getXAdjust
public abstract float getGlyphYAdvance(int index)
- Return the y-direction advance of the glyph at the given logical
- See Also:
- getGlyphXAdvance, getNumGlyphs
public abstract float getGlyphAdvance(int index)
- Return the advance for the glyph at the given logical position.
The X-advance is returned on a horizontal line; the Y-advance is
returned on a vertical line.
public abstract int visualToLogicalIndex(int index)
- Map from visual position to logical position.
For example, visualToLogicalIndex(0) = 5 means that the first
glyph drawn is at position five in the glyphCodes, levels, and
advances arrays.
- See Also:
- getNumGlyphs
public abstract byte getLevel(int index)
- Return the bidirection level of the glyph at the given logical position.
Glyphs whose level is even are left to right (top to bottom),
glyphs whose level is odd are right to left (bottom to top).
- See Also:
- getNumGlyphs
public abstract boolean isCompletelyLTR()
- Return true if every glyph in the glyphset is left-to-right, and
the glyphs all run from left to right.
- See Also:
- getLevel
public abstract GlyphSet applyJustification(float[] deltas,
int index,
boolean[] flags)
- Return a justified copy of this glyphset.
- Parameters:
- deltas - an array of amounts by which to change the left
and right sides of each glyph, in visual order. The array has
at least twice as many entries as there are glyphs in the glyphset.
For example, deltas[index] is the delta for the left side of
the visually leftmost glyph, deltas[index+1] is for the right side
of the visually leftmost glyph, deltas[index+2] is for the left side
of the visually second leftmost glyph, and so on.
- index - the starting position in the deltas array. It
corresponds to the left side of the leftmost glyph.
- shouldRejustify - an array containing a single input/output
boolean value. On entry, it indicates whether the returned glyphset
is allowed to cause rejustification, for example, if a ligature can
be formed or broken. On exit, it indicates whether the returned
glyphset will require rejustification (for example, due to the
formation or removal of a ligature).
public abstract float getAdvanceBetween(int start,
int limit)
- Return the sum of the advances for the glyphs corresponding to
characters in logical positions from start up to limit. Note these
are character indices, not glyph indices. They will be mapped
internally to glyph indices.
- Parameters:
- start - the character index at which to start measuring
- limit - the character index at which to stop measuring
public abstract int getLineBreakIndex(int start,
float hitAdvance)
- Return the logical position of a possible break. This adds up
advances of glyphs in logical order starting from the glyph for the
character at start, stopping before the first spacing glyph whose
advance would cause hitAdvance to be exceeded. The character
position of that glyph is returned. If no glyph would reach the
hitAdvance, the number of characters in the set is returned.
This will not break between combining or component glyphs and their
base glyph.
public abstract GlyphSet subset(int start,
int limit)
- Generate a GlyphSet that contains the subset of this from logical
start up to limit. The new glyphset shares the same baseline,
xAdjust, and yAdjust as the previous one.
- Parameters:
- start - the character index where the subset will begin
- limit - the character index immediately after the end of
the subset
public abstract GlyphSet insertChar(AttributedCharacterIterator newText,
int start,
int limit,
int insertPos,
int[] order,
byte[] levels)
- Return a new GlyphSet which is an incremental modification of this
This glyphset must have been generated from text identical to
newText, with exactly one difference: an inserted character at
insertPos at newText.
- Parameters:
- newText - the text for the new glyphset. This represents
the text after the insertion occurred. The new glyphset will
represent the text beginning at start, up to (but not including)
- start - the start of the subrange in newText for the glyphset
- limit - the limit of the subrange in newText for the glyphset,
including the inserted character.
- insertPos - the character position in the glyphset at which
the single character was inserted.
- order - the logical-to-visual mapping array for newText.
If null, left-to-right is assumed.
- levels - the bidirection level of each character in newText.
If null, all levels are assumed to be 0.
- Returns:
- a new GlyphSet representing newText.
public abstract GlyphSet deleteChar(AttributedCharacterIterator newText,
int start,
int limit,
int deletePos,
int[] order,
byte[] levels)
- Return a new GlyphSet which is an incremental modification of this
This glyphset must have been generated from text identical to newText,
with exactly one difference: a deleted character at deletePos at
- Parameters:
- newText - the text for the new glyphset. This represents the
text after the deletion occurred. The new glyphset will represent
the text beginning at start, up to (but not including) limit.
- start - the start of the subrange in newText for the glyphset.
- limit - the limit of the subrange in newText for the glyphset,
not including the deleted character.
- deletePos - the character position in the glyphset at which the
single character was deleted.
- order - the logical-to-visual mapping array for newText.
If null, left-to-right is assumed.
- levels - the bidirection level of each character in newText.
If null, all levels are assumed to be 0.
- Returns:
- a new GlyphSet representing newText.
public abstract GlyphSet reshape(AttributedCharacterIterator newText,
int start,
int limit,
int changePos,
int[] order,
byte[] levels)
- Reshape a glyph set after a change to neighboring text.
If this GlyphSet's font does context-sensitive glyph shaping, then
a change in a character can affect the glyphs before and after it.
This method allows the Font to inspect the new text and (possibly)
return a new glyphset with different shaping. This method is used
in conjunction with insertChar and deleteChar.
- Parameters:
- newText - styled text represented by this GlyphSet over the
range start, limit.
- start - the start of the range in newText represented by this
- limit - the limit of the range in newText represented by this
- changePos - the position in newText that has changed since this
GlyphSet was created. This parameter must be either start-1 or limit.
- order - the logical-to-visual mapping array for newText.
If null, left-to-right is assumed.
- levels - the bidirection level of each character in newText.
If null, all levels are assumed to be 0.
- Returns:
- a GlyphSet representing newText over the range start, limit,
with updated glyph shaping (if any).
- See Also:
- insertChar, deleteChar
public abstract void draw(Graphics2D graphics,
float x,
float y)
- Draw this glyphset at the provided position.
public abstract GlyphSet setDirection(boolean leftToRight)
- Return a GlyphSet identical to this one, except with all glyphs
going in the same direction.
- See Also:
public abstract int hashCode()
- Return a hashCode for this glyphset.
- Overrides:
- hashCode in class Object
public abstract boolean equals(GlyphSet set)
- Test for full equality. Font, glyphs, baseline, advances, adjusts,
order, levels, count must all match.
public static int[] getInverseOrder(int[] values)
- Return the inverse array, source array must map 1-1
i.e. if values[i] = j, then inverse[j] = i.
public static int[] getContiguousOrder(int[] values)
- Return an array containing contiguous values from 0 to length
having the same ordering as the source array. If this would be
a canonical ltr ordering, return null. values[] is NOT
required to be a permutation.
public static int[] getNormalizedOrder(int[] values,
byte[] levels,
int start,
int limit)
- Return an array containing the values from start up to limit,
normalized to fall within the range from 0 up to limit - start.
If this would be a canonical ltr ordering, return null.
NOTE: This method assumes that values[] is a permutation
generated from levels[].
public abstract int[] getGlyphCodes()
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