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Interface java.awt.font.MultipleMaster
- public interface MultipleMaster
This is an interface representing Type 1 Multiple Master fonts.
A particular Font object may implement this interface.
- Creates a new instance of a multiple master font based on the design axes
values specified by the array.
deriveMMFont(float[], float, float, float, float)
- Creates a new instance of a multiple master font based on detailed metric
- Returns an array of default design values for each axis.
- Returns the name for each design axis.
- Returns an array of design limits interleaved in the form [from->to]
for each axis.
- Returns the number of multiple master design controls.
public abstract int getNumDesignAxes()
- Returns the number of multiple master design controls.
Design axes include things like width, weight and optical scaling.
public abstract float[] getDesignAxisRanges()
- Returns an array of design limits interleaved in the form [from->to]
for each axis. For example,
design limits for weight could be from 0.1 to 1.0. The values will be
returned in the same order returned by getDesignAxisNames().
public abstract float[] getDesignAxisDefaults()
- Returns an array of default design values for each axis. For example,
the default value for weight could be 1.6. The values will be returned
in the same order returned by getDesignAxisNames().
public abstract String[] getDesignAxisNames()
- Returns the name for each design axis. This also determines the order in
which the values for each axis will be returned.
public abstract Font deriveMMFont(float[] axes)
- Creates a new instance of a multiple master font based on the design axes
values specified by the array. The size of the array
must correspond to the value returned from getNumDesignAxes() and the
values of the array elements must fall within limits specified by
getDesignAxesLimits(). In case of an error, NULL is returned.
public abstract Font deriveMMFont(float[] glyphWidths,
float avgStemWidth,
float typicalCapHeight,
float typicalXHeight,
float italicAngle)
- Creates a new instance of a multiple master font based on detailed metric
information. In case of an error, NULL is returned.
- Parameters:
- glyphWidths - An array of floats representing the desired width of
each glyph in font space.
- avgStemWidth - The average stem width for the overall font in font
- typicalCapHeight - The height of a typical upper case char.
- typicalXHeight - The height of a typical lower case char.
- italicAngle - The angle at which the italics lean, in degrees
counterclockwise from vertical.
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