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Class java.awt.geom.Dimension2D


public abstract class Dimension2D
extends Object
A class to encapsulate a width and a height Dimension.

This class is only the abstract superclass for all objects which store a 2D dimension. The actual storage representation of the sizes is left to the subclass.

Constructor Index

 o Dimension2D()

Method Index

 o getHeight()
Returns the height of this dimension in double precision.
 o getWidth()
Returns the width of this dimension in double precision.
 o setSize(Dimension2D)
Set the size of this Dimension object to match the specified size.
 o setSize(double, double)
Set the size of this Dimension object to the specified width and height.


 o Dimension2D
protected Dimension2D()


 o getWidth
public abstract double getWidth()
Returns the width of this dimension in double precision.

 o getHeight
public abstract double getHeight()
Returns the height of this dimension in double precision.

 o setSize
public abstract void setSize(double width,
                             double height)
Set the size of this Dimension object to the specified width and height. This method is included for completeness, to parallel the getSize method of Component.

width - the new width for the Dimension object
height - the new height for the Dimension object
 o setSize
public void setSize(Dimension2D d)
Set the size of this Dimension object to match the specified size. This method is included for completeness, to parallel the getSize method of Component.

d - the new size for the Dimension object

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