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- public class InputMethodHighlight
- extends Object
A InputMethodHighlight is used to describe in an abstract way the highlight
attributes of text being composed. A range of text can be selected or
unselected, and it can be highlighted in different ways to indicate the
conversion state or other interesting, input method specific information
about the text. Two states are predefined and supported directly
by Graphics2D: raw (unconverted) and converted text.
These styles are recommended for use before and after the
main conversion step of text composition, say, before and after kana->kanji
or pinyin->hanzi conversion. However, input methods can add their own style
variations as necessary.
InputMethodHighlight instances are typically used as attribute values
returned from AttributedCharacterIterator for the INPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT
- See Also:
- AttributedCharacterIterator
INPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT- Attribute name for input method highlight styles.
SELECTED_CONVERTED_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT- Constant for the default highlight for selected converted text.
SELECTED_RAW_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT- Constant for the default highlight for selected raw text.
UNSELECTED_CONVERTED_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT- Constant for the default highlight for unselected converted text.
UNSELECTED_RAW_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT- Constant for the default highlight for unselected raw text.
InputMethodHighlight(boolean, int)
- Constructs an input method highlight record.
InputMethodHighlight(boolean, int, int)
- Constructs an input method highlight record.
- Returns the conversion state of the text range.
- Returns the style variation of the text range.
- Returns whether the text range is selected.
public static final String INPUT_METHOD_HIGHLIGHT
- Attribute name for input method highlight styles. This name is used to
indicate the input method highlight attribute in
AttributedCharacterIterator or other classes handling text attributes.
These attributes are used while text is being composed using an input
method. Text editing components should retain them even if they
generally only deal with unstyled text, and make them available to the
drawing routines.
InputMethodHighlight instances should be wrapped in Annotation instances
if segments need to be highlighted separately.
- See Also:
- Annotation, AttributedCharacterIterator
public static final InputMethodHighlight UNSELECTED_RAW_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT
- Constant for the default highlight for unselected raw text.
public static final InputMethodHighlight SELECTED_RAW_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT
- Constant for the default highlight for selected raw text.
public static final InputMethodHighlight UNSELECTED_CONVERTED_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT
- Constant for the default highlight for unselected converted text.
public static final InputMethodHighlight SELECTED_CONVERTED_TEXT_HIGHLIGHT
- Constant for the default highlight for selected converted text.
public InputMethodHighlight(boolean selected,
int state)
- Constructs an input method highlight record.
The variation is set to 0.
- Parameters:
- selected - Whether the text range is selected
- state - The conversion state for the text range
public InputMethodHighlight(boolean selected,
int state,
int variation)
- Constructs an input method highlight record.
- Parameters:
- selected - Whether the text range is selected
- state - The conversion state for the text range
- variation - The style variation for the text range
public boolean isSelected()
- Returns whether the text range is selected.
public int getState()
- Returns the conversion state of the text range.
public int getVariation()
- Returns the style variation of the text range.
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