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Class java.awt.swing.FocusManager


public abstract class FocusManager
extends Object

Variable Index

This property name is used to get the FocusManager implementation that should be used for a given UI
 o managers

Constructor Index

 o FocusManager()

Method Index

 o disableSwingFocusManager()
Disable Swing's focus manager for the calling thread's thread group.
 o focusNextComponent(Component)
Cause the focus manager to set the focus on the next focusable component You can call this method to cause the focus manager to focus the next component
 o focusPreviousComponent(Component)
Cause the focus manager to set the focus on the previous focusable component You can call this methid to cause the focus manager to focus the previous component
 o getCurrentManager()
Return the FocusManager for the calling thread There is one FocusManager per thread group
 o isFocusManagerEnabled()
Return whether Swing's focus manager is enabled
 o processKeyEvent(Component, KeyEvent)
This method is called by JComponents when a key event occurs.
 o setCurrentManager(FocusManager)
Set the FocusManager that should be used for the calling thread.


 o managers
public static Hashtable managers
This property name is used to get the FocusManager implementation that should be used for a given UI


 o FocusManager
public FocusManager()


 o getCurrentManager
public static FocusManager getCurrentManager()
Return the FocusManager for the calling thread There is one FocusManager per thread group

 o setCurrentManager
public static void setCurrentManager(FocusManager aFocusManager)
Set the FocusManager that should be used for the calling thread. aFocusManager will be the default focus manager for the calling thread's thread group.

 o disableSwingFocusManager
public static void disableSwingFocusManager()
Disable Swing's focus manager for the calling thread's thread group. Call this method if your application mixes java.awt components and swing's components. Your application will then use the awt focus manager.

 o isFocusManagerEnabled
public static boolean isFocusManagerEnabled()
Return whether Swing's focus manager is enabled

 o processKeyEvent
public abstract void processKeyEvent(Component focusedComponent,
                                     KeyEvent anEvent)
This method is called by JComponents when a key event occurs. JComponent gives key events to the focus manager first, then to key listeners, then to the keyboard UI dispatcher. This method should look at the key event and change the focused component if the key event matches the receiver's focus manager hot keys. For example the default focus manager will change the focus if the key event matches TAB or Shift + TAB. The focus manager should call consume() on anEvent if anEvent has been processed. focusedComponent is the component that currently has the focus. Note: FocusManager will receive both KEY_PRESSED and KEY_RELEASED key events. If one event is consumed, the other one should be consumed too.

 o focusNextComponent
public abstract void focusNextComponent(Component aComponent)
Cause the focus manager to set the focus on the next focusable component You can call this method to cause the focus manager to focus the next component

 o focusPreviousComponent
public abstract void focusPreviousComponent(Component aComponent)
Cause the focus manager to set the focus on the previous focusable component You can call this methid to cause the focus manager to focus the previous component

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