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Class java.awt.swing.ImageIcon


public class ImageIcon
extends Object
implements Icon, Serializable
An implementation of the Icon interface that paints Icons from Images. Images that are created from a URL or filename are preloaded using MediaTracker to monitor the loaded state of the image.

Variable Index

 o component
 o tracker

Constructor Index

 o ImageIcon()
Creates an uninitialized image icon.
 o ImageIcon(Image)
Creates an ImageIcon from the image.
 o ImageIcon(Image, String)
Creates an ImageIcon from the image.
 o ImageIcon(String)
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified file.
 o ImageIcon(String, String)
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified file.
 o ImageIcon(URL)
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified URL.
 o ImageIcon(URL, String)
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified URL.

Method Index

 o getDescription()
Get the description of the image.
 o getIconHeight()
Get the height of the Icon
 o getIconWidth()
Get the width of the Icon
 o getImage()
Returns the Icon's Image
 o getImageObserver()
Return the umage observer for the image
 o loadImage(Image)
Wait for the image to load
 o paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int)
Paints the Icon
 o setDescription(String)
Set the description of the image.
 o setImage(Image)
Set the image displayed by this icon.
 o setImageObserver(ImageObserver)
Set the image observer for the image.


 o component
protected static Component component
 o tracker
protected static MediaTracker tracker


 o ImageIcon
public ImageIcon(String filename,
                 String description)
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified file. The image will be preloaded by using MediaTracker to monitor the loading state of the image.

filename - the name of the file containing the image
description - a brief textual description of the image
 o ImageIcon
public ImageIcon(String filename)
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified file. The image will be preloaded by using MediaTracker to monitor the loading state of the image.

 o ImageIcon
public ImageIcon(URL location,
                 String description)
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified URL. The image will be preloaded by using MediaTracker to monitor the loaded state of the image.

URL - the URL for the image
description - a brief textual description of the image
 o ImageIcon
public ImageIcon(URL location)
Creates an ImageIcon from the specified URL. The image will be preloaded by using MediaTracker to monitor the loaded state of the image.

 o ImageIcon
public ImageIcon(Image image,
                 String description)
Creates an ImageIcon from the image.

image - the image
description - a brief textual description of the image
 o ImageIcon
public ImageIcon(Image image)
Creates an ImageIcon from the image.

 o ImageIcon
public ImageIcon()
Creates an uninitialized image icon.


 o loadImage
protected void loadImage(Image image)
Wait for the image to load

 o getImage
public Image getImage()
Returns the Icon's Image

 o setImage
public void setImage(Image image)
Set the image displayed by this icon.

 o getDescription
public String getDescription()
Get the description of the image. This is meant to be a brief textual description of the object. For example, it might be presented to a blind user to give an indication of the purpose of the image.

 o setDescription
public void setDescription(String description)
Set the description of the image. This is meant to be a brief textual description of the object. For example, it might be presented to a blind user to give an indication of the purpose of the image.

 o paintIcon
public void paintIcon(Component c,
                      Graphics g,
                      int x,
                      int y)
Paints the Icon

 o getIconWidth
public int getIconWidth()
Get the width of the Icon

 o getIconHeight
public int getIconHeight()
Get the height of the Icon

 o setImageObserver
public void setImageObserver(ImageObserver observer)
Set the image observer for the image. Set this property if the ImageIcon contains an animated GIF. For example:
     icon = new ImageIcon(...)

 o getImageObserver
public ImageObserver getImageObserver()
Return the umage observer for the image

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