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Class java.awt.swing.JComboBox


public class JComboBox
extends JComponent
implements ItemSelectable, ListDataListener, ActionListener

Class Index

 o JComboBox.KeySelectionManager

Variable Index

 o actionCommand
 o dataModel
 o editor
 o isEditable
 o keySelectionManager
 o maximumRowCount
 o renderer
 o selectedItemReminder

Constructor Index

 o JComboBox()
 o JComboBox(ComboBoxModel)

Method Index

 o actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
This method is public as an implementation side effect.
 o addActionListener(ActionListener)
Add an ActionListener.
 o addItem(Object)
Add an item in the item list.
 o addItemListener(ItemListener)
Add an ItemListener.
 o configureEditor(ComboBoxEditor, Object)
 o contentsChanged(ListDataEvent)
This method is public as an implementation side effect.
 o createDefaultKeySelectionManager()
 o fireActionEvent()
 o fireItemStateChanged(ItemEvent)
 o getActionCommand()
Return the action commnand that is included into the event sent to action listeners
 o getEditor()
 o getItemAt(int)
 o getItemCount()
Accessing the model
 o getKeySelectionManager()
 o getMaximumRowCount()
 o getModel()
 o getRenderer()
 o getSelectedIndex()
 o getSelectedItem()
 o getSelectedObjects()
Return an array containing the selected item.
 o getUI()
 o getUIClassID()
 o hidePopup()
Causes the combo box to hide its popup
 o insertItemAt(Object, int)
Insert an item in the item list at a given index
 o intervalAdded(ListDataEvent)
 o intervalRemoved(ListDataEvent)
 o isEditable()
 o isFocusTraversable()
Identifies whether or not this component can receive the focus.
 o isOpaque()
Returns true if this component is completely opaque.
 o processKeyEvent(KeyEvent)
Override processKeyEvent to process events
 o removeActionListener(ActionListener)
Remove an ActionListener
 o removeAllItems()
Convenience to remove all items This method works only if the receiving JComboBox uses the default JComboBox data model.
 o removeItem(Object)
Remove an item from the item list.
 o removeItemAt(int)
Remove the item at anIndex
 o removeItemListener(ItemListener)
Remove an ItemListener
 o selectedItemChanged()
This method is called when the selected item changes.
 o selectWithKeyChar(char)
 o setActionCommand(String)
Set the action commnand that should be included into the event sent to action listeners
 o setEditable(boolean)
 o setEditor(ComboBoxEditor)
 o setEnabled(boolean)
Enables or disables this component, depending on the value of the parameter b.
 o setKeySelectionManager(JComboBox.KeySelectionManager)
 o setMaximumRowCount(int)
 o setModel(ComboBoxModel)
 o setRenderer(ListCellRenderer)
 o setSelectedIndex(int)
 o setSelectedItem(Object)
Set the receiving JComboBox selected item.
 o setUI(ComboBoxUI)
 o showPopup()
Causes the combo box to show its popup
 o updateUI()
Overriden from JComponent to change the UI according to the default factory


 o dataModel
protected ComboBoxModel dataModel
 o renderer
protected ListCellRenderer renderer
 o editor
protected ComboBoxEditor editor
 o maximumRowCount
protected int maximumRowCount
 o isEditable
protected boolean isEditable
 o selectedItemReminder
protected Object selectedItemReminder
 o keySelectionManager
protected JComboBox.KeySelectionManager keySelectionManager
 o actionCommand
protected String actionCommand


 o JComboBox
public JComboBox(ComboBoxModel aModel)
 o JComboBox
public JComboBox()


 o setUI
public void setUI(ComboBoxUI ui)
 o updateUI
public void updateUI()
Overriden from JComponent to change the UI according to the default factory

updateUI in class JComponent
 o getUIClassID
public String getUIClassID()
getUIClassID in class JComponent
See Also:
getUIClassID, getUI
 o getUI
public ComboBoxUI getUI()
 o setModel
public void setModel(ComboBoxModel aModel)
 o getModel
public ComboBoxModel getModel()
 o setEditable
public void setEditable(boolean aFlag)
 o isEditable
public boolean isEditable()
 o setMaximumRowCount
public void setMaximumRowCount(int count)
 o getMaximumRowCount
public int getMaximumRowCount()
 o setRenderer
public void setRenderer(ListCellRenderer aRenderer)
 o getRenderer
public ListCellRenderer getRenderer()
 o setEditor
public void setEditor(ComboBoxEditor anEditor)
 o getEditor
public ComboBoxEditor getEditor()
 o setSelectedItem
public void setSelectedItem(Object anObject)
Set the receiving JComboBox selected item. If anObject is in the list of items the list will display anObject selected

 o getSelectedItem
public Object getSelectedItem()
 o setSelectedIndex
public void setSelectedIndex(int anIndex)
 o getSelectedIndex
public int getSelectedIndex()
 o addItem
public void addItem(Object anObject)
Add an item in the item list. This method works only if the receiving JComboBox uses the default JComboBox data model. JComboBox uses the default JComboBox data model when created with the empty constructor and no other model has been set.

 o insertItemAt
public void insertItemAt(Object anObject,
                         int index)
Insert an item in the item list at a given index

 o removeItem
public void removeItem(Object anObject)
Remove an item from the item list. This method works only if the receiving JComboBox uses the default JComboBox data model. JComboBox uses the default JComboBox data model when created with the empty constructor and no other model has been set.

 o removeItemAt
public void removeItemAt(int anIndex)
Remove the item at anIndex

 o removeAllItems
public void removeAllItems()
Convenience to remove all items This method works only if the receiving JComboBox uses the default JComboBox data model. JComboBox uses the default JComboBox data model when created with the empty constructor and no other model has been set.

 o showPopup
public void showPopup()
Causes the combo box to show its popup

 o hidePopup
public void hidePopup()
Causes the combo box to hide its popup

 o addItemListener
public void addItemListener(ItemListener aListener)
Add an ItemListener. aListener will receive an event when the selected item changes

 o removeItemListener
public void removeItemListener(ItemListener aListener)
Remove an ItemListener

 o addActionListener
public void addActionListener(ActionListener l)
Add an ActionListener. The listener will receive an action event when the selected item changes

 o removeActionListener
public void removeActionListener(ActionListener l)
Remove an ActionListener

 o setActionCommand
public void setActionCommand(String aCommand)
Set the action commnand that should be included into the event sent to action listeners

 o getActionCommand
public String getActionCommand()
Return the action commnand that is included into the event sent to action listeners

 o fireItemStateChanged
protected void fireItemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
 o fireActionEvent
protected void fireActionEvent()
 o selectedItemChanged
protected void selectedItemChanged()
This method is called when the selected item changes. Its default implementation notifies the item listeners

 o getSelectedObjects
public Object[] getSelectedObjects()
Return an array containing the selected item. This method is implemented for ItemSelectable compatibility reasons.

 o actionPerformed
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
This method is public as an implementation side effect. do not call or override

 o contentsChanged
public void contentsChanged(ListDataEvent e)
This method is public as an implementation side effect. do not call or override

 o selectWithKeyChar
public boolean selectWithKeyChar(char keyChar)
 o intervalAdded
public void intervalAdded(ListDataEvent e)
 o intervalRemoved
public void intervalRemoved(ListDataEvent e)
 o setEnabled
public void setEnabled(boolean b)
Enables or disables this component, depending on the value of the parameter b.

setEnabled in class Component
 o configureEditor
public void configureEditor(ComboBoxEditor anEditor,
                            Object anItem)
 o processKeyEvent
public void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e)
Override processKeyEvent to process events

processKeyEvent in class JComponent
 o isFocusTraversable
public boolean isFocusTraversable()
Identifies whether or not this component can receive the focus.

isFocusTraversable in class JComponent
 o setKeySelectionManager
public void setKeySelectionManager(JComboBox.KeySelectionManager aManager)
 o getKeySelectionManager
public JComboBox.KeySelectionManager getKeySelectionManager()
 o getItemCount
public int getItemCount()
Accessing the model

 o getItemAt
public Object getItemAt(int index)
 o createDefaultKeySelectionManager
protected JComboBox.KeySelectionManager createDefaultKeySelectionManager()
 o isOpaque
public boolean isOpaque()
Returns true if this component is completely opaque.

isOpaque in class JComponent

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