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Class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicMenuUtilities


public class BasicMenuUtilities
extends Object
A Windows L&F implementation of MenuUI. This implementation is a "combined" view/controller.

Constructor Index

 o BasicMenuUtilities()

Method Index

 o getMenuComponentAt(JMenu, int, int)
 o getMenuComponentAt(JMenuBar, int, int)
Returns the subcomponent at the given coordinates in this menubar's coordinate space.
 o getMenuComponentAt(JPopupMenu, int, int)
Returns the menu subcomponent at the given coordinates in this menu's coordinate space.
 o getTranslatedPoint(JMenu, int, int, Component, Component)
Returns the given point in the from components coordinate space translated into the to components coordinate space.
 o getTranslatedPoint(JMenuBar, int, int, Component, Component)
Returns the given point in the from components coordinate space translated into the to components coordinate space.
 o getTranslatedPoint(JPopupMenu, int, int, Component, Component)
Returns the given point in the from components coordinate space translated into the to components coordinate space.


 o BasicMenuUtilities
public BasicMenuUtilities()


 o getMenuComponentAt
public static Component getMenuComponentAt(JMenuBar menuBar,
                                           int x,
                                           int y)
Returns the subcomponent at the given coordinates in this menubar's coordinate space.

 o getMenuComponentAt
public static Component getMenuComponentAt(JMenu menu,
                                           int x,
                                           int y)
 o getMenuComponentAt
public static Component getMenuComponentAt(JPopupMenu popupMenu,
                                           int x,
                                           int y)
Returns the menu subcomponent at the given coordinates in this menu's coordinate space.

 o getTranslatedPoint
public static Point getTranslatedPoint(JMenuBar menuBar,
                                       int x,
                                       int y,
                                       Component from,
                                       Component to)
Returns the given point in the from components coordinate space translated into the to components coordinate space. The from component is expected to be a menu-parent of the to component.

 o getTranslatedPoint
public static Point getTranslatedPoint(JPopupMenu popupMenu,
                                       int x,
                                       int y,
                                       Component from,
                                       Component to)
Returns the given point in the from components coordinate space translated into the to components coordinate space. The from component is expected to parent the to component.

 o getTranslatedPoint
public static Point getTranslatedPoint(JMenu menu,
                                       int x,
                                       int y,
                                       Component from,
                                       Component to)
Returns the given point in the from components coordinate space translated into the to components coordinate space. The from component is expected to be a menu-parent of the to component.

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