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Class java.awt.swing.basic.BasicTextPaneUI


public class BasicTextPaneUI
extends BasicTextAreaUI
Provides the look and feel for a styled text editor.

Constructor Index

 o BasicTextPaneUI()
Creates a new BasicTextPaneUI.

Method Index

 o createUI(JComponent)
Creates a UI for the JTextPane.
 o getDefaultMargin()
Gets the default margins for the pane.
 o getEditorKit()
Fetches the EditorKit for the UI.
 o getPropertyPrefix()
Name used as a key to lookup properties through the UIManager.


 o BasicTextPaneUI
public BasicTextPaneUI()
Creates a new BasicTextPaneUI.


 o createUI
public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c)
Creates a UI for the JTextPane.

c - the JTextPane object
the UI
 o getPropertyPrefix
protected String getPropertyPrefix()
Name used as a key to lookup properties through the UIManager. This is used as a prefix to all the standard text properties.

getPropertyPrefix in class BasicTextAreaUI
 o getDefaultMargin
public Insets getDefaultMargin()
Gets the default margins for the pane.

the margins
getDefaultMargin in class DefaultTextUI
 o getEditorKit
public EditorKit getEditorKit()
Fetches the EditorKit for the UI. This is implemented to return a shared StyledEditorKit.

the editor capabilities
getEditorKit in class DefaultTextUI
See Also:
getEditorKit, StyledEditorKit

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