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Interface java.awt.swing.event.DocumentEvent.ElementChange

public static interface DocumentEvent.ElementChange
Describes changes made to an element.

Method Index

 o getChildrenAdded()
Gets the child elements that were added to the given parent element.
 o getChildrenRemoved()
Gets the child elements that were removed from the given parent element.
 o getElement()
Returns the element represented.
 o getIndex()
Fetches the index within the element represented.


 o getElement
public abstract Element getElement()
Returns the element represented. This is the element that was changed.

the element
 o getIndex
public abstract int getIndex()
Fetches the index within the element represented. This is the location that children were added and/or removed.

the index
 o getChildrenRemoved
public abstract Element[] getChildrenRemoved()
Gets the child elements that were removed from the given parent element. The parent element is expected to be one of the elements listed in the elementsModified method. The element array returned is sorted in the order that the elements used to lie in the document.

the child elements
 o getChildrenAdded
public abstract Element[] getChildrenAdded()
Gets the child elements that were added to the given parent element. The parent element is expected to be one of the elements given in the elementsModified method. The element array returned is sorted in the order that the elements lie in the document.

the child elements

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