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Class java.awt.swing.event.TreeModelEvent


public class TreeModelEvent
extends EventObject
TreeChangeEvent is used to notify listeners that a tree model has changed.

Variable Index

 o childIndices
Indices identifying the position of where the children were.
 o children
Children that have been removed.
 o path
Path to the parent of the nodes that have changed.

Constructor Index

 o TreeModelEvent(Object, Object[])
 o TreeModelEvent(Object, Object[], int[], Object[])
 o TreeModelEvent(Object, TreePath)
 o TreeModelEvent(Object, TreePath, int[], Object[])

Method Index

 o getChildIndices()
 o getChildren()
Returns the objects that are children of the node identified by path at the locations childIndices (if this is removal event the *children will no longer be children).
 o getPath()
Convenience method to get the Object[] path from the JTreePath instance that this event wraps.
 o getTreePath()
 o toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.


 o path
protected TreePath path
Path to the parent of the nodes that have changed.

 o childIndices
protected int[] childIndices
Indices identifying the position of where the children were.

 o children
protected Object[] children
Children that have been removed.


 o TreeModelEvent
public TreeModelEvent(Object source,
                      Object[] path,
                      int[] childIndices,
                      Object[] children)
 o TreeModelEvent
public TreeModelEvent(Object source,
                      Object[] path)
 o TreeModelEvent
public TreeModelEvent(Object source,
                      TreePath path,
                      int[] childIndices,
                      Object[] children)
 o TreeModelEvent
public TreeModelEvent(Object source,
                      TreePath path)


 o getTreePath
public TreePath getTreePath()
 o getPath
public Object[] getPath()
Convenience method to get the Object[] path from the JTreePath instance that this event wraps.

 o getChildren
public Object[] getChildren()
Returns the objects that are children of the node identified by path at the locations childIndices (if this is removal event the *children will no longer be children).

 o getChildIndices
public int[] getChildIndices()
 o toString
public String toString()
Returns a string representation of the object.

toString in class EventObject

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