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Class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFComboBoxUI


public class JLFComboBoxUI
extends BasicComboBoxUI
JLF UI for JComboBox

See Also:
JLFComboBoxListCellRenderer, JLFPopupMenuBorder

Constructor Index

 o JLFComboBoxUI()

Method Index

 o createArrowButton()
 o createUI(JComponent)
 o getMyInsets()
This function computes the space taken up by the border on this object
 o installUI(JComponent)
 o layoutContainer(Container)
this implementation of a LayoutManager interface function is an override from the BasicComboBoxUI class it arranges the pulldown button and editor.
 o rectangleForCurrentValue()
This is an override from BasicComboBoxUI.
 o validateMenu()


 o JLFComboBoxUI
public JLFComboBoxUI()


 o createUI
public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c)
 o createArrowButton
protected JButton createArrowButton()
createArrowButton in class BasicComboBoxUI
 o installUI
public void installUI(JComponent c)
installUI in class BasicComboBoxUI
 o rectangleForCurrentValue
protected Rectangle rectangleForCurrentValue()
This is an override from BasicComboBoxUI. it returns the bounds of the ComboBox editor.

rectangleForCurrentValue in class BasicComboBoxUI
 o layoutContainer
public void layoutContainer(Container parent)
this implementation of a LayoutManager interface function is an override from the BasicComboBoxUI class it arranges the pulldown button and editor.

layoutContainer in class BasicComboBoxUI
 o getMyInsets
protected Insets getMyInsets()
This function computes the space taken up by the border on this object

 o validateMenu
public void validateMenu()
validateMenu in class BasicComboBoxUI

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