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Class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFDesktopPaneUI


public class JLFDesktopPaneUI
extends BasicDesktopPaneUI
implements MouseListener, ActionListener
This class is in charge of display of the JLFDesktop. It creates a JLFDesktopMenu which it installs inside itself. It then registers for MouseEvents. When the mouse enters the JLFDesktopMenu it pops down a menu to display the iconized windows.

See Also:
JLFDesktopManager, JLFDesktopMenu

Constructor Index

 o JLFDesktopPaneUI()

Method Index

 o actionPerformed(ActionEvent)
This is an implemention of ActionListener.
 o createUI(JComponent)
This fuction creates and returns a new JLFDesktopPaneUI.
 o frameDeiconified()
This function is called each time a frame is deiconified.
 o frameIconified()
This function is called each time a frame is iconified.
 o getIconizedWindows()
This function returns the list of all iconizedWindows.
 o installUI(JComponent)
This fuction creates the JLFDesktopManager.
 o mouseClicked(MouseEvent)
 o mouseEntered(MouseEvent)
This is an implementation of a MouseListener function.
 o mouseExited(MouseEvent)
 o mousePressed(MouseEvent)
 o mouseReleased(MouseEvent)
 o removeDesktopIcons()
This function removes any DesktopIcons from the desktop and asks the DesktopManager to place them in the iconizedWindowList.
 o replaceDesktopIcons()
This function removes InternalFrames from the IconizedWindowList and places the DesktopIcons into the desktop.
 o showSelectionMenu()
This function shows the popup menu which allows the user to select a window to deiconify.
 o uninstallUI(JComponent)
This replaces desktop icons back to the Desktop.


 o JLFDesktopPaneUI
public JLFDesktopPaneUI()


 o createUI
public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c)
This fuction creates and returns a new JLFDesktopPaneUI. in the current implementation each JDesktopPane needs its own UI. They cannot be shared. BAD THINGS WOULD HAPPEN.

 o installUI
public void installUI(JComponent c)
This fuction creates the JLFDesktopManager. It also causes all JDesktopIcons to be removed from the container and put into the desktop menu. It also creates and installs the JLFDesktopMenu.

installUI in class BasicDesktopPaneUI
 o uninstallUI
public void uninstallUI(JComponent c)
This replaces desktop icons back to the Desktop. It also kills the DesktopMenu.

uninstallUI in class BasicDesktopPaneUI
 o removeDesktopIcons
protected void removeDesktopIcons()
This function removes any DesktopIcons from the desktop and asks the DesktopManager to place them in the iconizedWindowList. It is called by installUI.

 o replaceDesktopIcons
protected void replaceDesktopIcons()
This function removes InternalFrames from the IconizedWindowList and places the DesktopIcons into the desktop. It is called by uninstallUI.

 o mouseEntered
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
This is an implementation of a MouseListener function. and asks the DesktopManager to place them in the iconizedWindowList. It is called by installUI.

 o showSelectionMenu
protected void showSelectionMenu()
This function shows the popup menu which allows the user to select a window to deiconify. It is called by mouseEntered.

 o getIconizedWindows
public Vector getIconizedWindows()
This function returns the list of all iconizedWindows.

 o frameIconified
public void frameIconified()
This function is called each time a frame is iconified. it is called by JLFDesktopManager. this notification is used to tell the DesktopMenu to update.

 o frameDeiconified
public void frameDeiconified()
This function is called each time a frame is deiconified. it is called by JLFDesktopManager. this notification is used to tell the DesktopMenu to update.

 o actionPerformed
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
This is an implemention of ActionListener. this function is called when the user selects an item from the menu which is created in the showDesktopMenu

 o mouseExited
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
 o mousePressed
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
 o mouseReleased
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
 o mouseClicked
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)

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