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Class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFOldTabbedPaneUI


public class JLFOldTabbedPaneUI
extends BasicTabbedPaneUI
implements MouseMotionListener
A Java L&F extension of BasicTabbedPaneUI.

Variable Index

 o selectedTabTextColor
 o selectedTriangleColor
 o tabThatTheMouseIsOver
 o triangleColor

Constructor Index

 o JLFOldTabbedPaneUI()

Method Index

 o arrangeTabs(int, int, int, int, int, Font, int, int, int, JTabbedPane)
 o calculateXNudge(Rectangle)
Overidden to do nothing for the Java L&F.
 o calculateYNudge(Rectangle)
Overidden to do nothing for the Java L&F.
 o createUI(JComponent)
 o drawLineBelowTabs(Graphics, int, int, int)
this function draws the line which separates the tabs from the content area below.
 o drawTabBorder(Graphics, int, int, int, int)
Overidden to do nothing for the Java L&F.
 o getTabThatTheMouseIsOver()
 o installUI(JComponent)
 o layoutLabel(FontMetrics, String, Icon, Rectangle, Rectangle, Rectangle, boolean)
 o mouseDragged(MouseEvent)
 o mouseMoved(MouseEvent)
 o padSelectedTab(JTabbedPane)
 o paint(Graphics, JComponent)
 o paintTab(Graphics, JTabbedPane, Rectangle[], int, Rectangle, Rectangle)
This override adds the triangle to the left.
 o paintTabBackground(Graphics, int, int, int, int)
 o paintText(Graphics, JTabbedPane, String, int, Font, Rectangle, FontMetrics, boolean)
 o selectTabBelow(JTabbedPane)
 o setTabThatTheMouseIsOver(JComponent, int)
 o tabWidth(JTabbedPane, int, FontMetrics)
We add the width of the triangle.
 o uninstallUI(JComponent)


 o selectedTriangleColor
protected Color selectedTriangleColor
 o triangleColor
protected Color triangleColor
 o selectedTabTextColor
protected Color selectedTabTextColor
 o tabThatTheMouseIsOver
protected int tabThatTheMouseIsOver


 o JLFOldTabbedPaneUI
public JLFOldTabbedPaneUI()


 o createUI
public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent x)
 o installUI
public void installUI(JComponent container)
installUI in class BasicTabbedPaneUI
 o uninstallUI
public void uninstallUI(JComponent container)
uninstallUI in class BasicTabbedPaneUI
 o drawTabBorder
protected void drawTabBorder(Graphics g,
                             int x,
                             int y,
                             int w,
                             int h)
Overidden to do nothing for the Java L&F.

drawTabBorder in class BasicTabbedPaneUI
 o paintTabBackground
protected void paintTabBackground(Graphics g,
                                  int x,
                                  int y,
                                  int w,
                                  int h)
paintTabBackground in class BasicTabbedPaneUI
 o tabWidth
protected int tabWidth(JTabbedPane pane,
                       int index,
                       FontMetrics metrics)
We add the width of the triangle.

tabWidth in class BasicTabbedPaneUI
 o calculateXNudge
protected int calculateXNudge(Rectangle tabRect)
Overidden to do nothing for the Java L&F.

calculateXNudge in class BasicTabbedPaneUI
 o calculateYNudge
protected int calculateYNudge(Rectangle tabRect)
Overidden to do nothing for the Java L&F.

calculateYNudge in class BasicTabbedPaneUI
 o paint
public void paint(Graphics g,
                  JComponent container)
paint in class BasicTabbedPaneUI
 o paintTab
protected void paintTab(Graphics g,
                        JTabbedPane pane,
                        Rectangle[] rects,
                        int i,
                        Rectangle iconRect,
                        Rectangle textRect)
This override adds the triangle to the left.

paintTab in class BasicTabbedPaneUI
 o paintText
protected void paintText(Graphics g,
                         JTabbedPane pane,
                         String title,
                         int tabIndex,
                         Font font,
                         Rectangle textRect,
                         FontMetrics metrics,
                         boolean isSelected)
paintText in class BasicTabbedPaneUI
 o selectTabBelow
protected void selectTabBelow(JTabbedPane pane)
selectTabBelow in class BasicTabbedPaneUI
 o layoutLabel
protected void layoutLabel(FontMetrics metrics,
                           String title,
                           Icon icon,
                           Rectangle tabRect,
                           Rectangle iconRect,
                           Rectangle textRect,
                           boolean isSelected)
layoutLabel in class BasicTabbedPaneUI
 o setTabThatTheMouseIsOver
public void setTabThatTheMouseIsOver(JComponent c,
                                     int tabIndex)
 o getTabThatTheMouseIsOver
public int getTabThatTheMouseIsOver()
 o arrangeTabs
protected void arrangeTabs(int paddingExemptRow,
                           int firstRowIndent,
                           int otherRowIndent,
                           int maxTabHeight,
                           int overlay,
                           Font font,
                           int maxX,
                           int returnAt,
                           int tabCount,
                           JTabbedPane pane)
arrangeTabs in class BasicTabbedPaneUI
 o padSelectedTab
protected void padSelectedTab(JTabbedPane pane)
padSelectedTab in class BasicTabbedPaneUI
 o drawLineBelowTabs
protected void drawLineBelowTabs(Graphics g,
                                 int selectedIndex,
                                 int tabHeight,
                                 int width)
this function draws the line which separates the tabs from the content area below.

drawLineBelowTabs in class BasicTabbedPaneUI
 o mouseMoved
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
 o mouseDragged
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)

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