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Class java.awt.swing.jlf.JLFSliderUI


public class JLFSliderUI
extends BasicSliderUI
A Java L&F implementation of SliderUI.

Variable Index


Constructor Index

 o JLFSliderUI()

Method Index

 o calculateThumbBounds()
Subclasses of BasicSliderUI override this method to determine their own thumb size.
 o createUI(JComponent)
 o drawLine(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, boolean)
 o fillRect(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, boolean)
 o getThumbOverhang()
Returns the amount that the thumb goes past the slide bar.
 o getTickSize()
Gets the height of the tick area for horizontal sliders and the width of the tick area for vertical sliders.
 o getTrackLength()
Returns the longer dimension of the slide bar.
 o getTrackWidth()
Returns the shorter dimension of the track.
 o paintFocus(Graphics)
 o paintThumb(Graphics)
 o paintTicks(Graphics)
 o paintTrack(Graphics)
 o scrollByBlock(int)


protected static final int TRACK_BUFFER


 o JLFSliderUI
public JLFSliderUI()


 o createUI
public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c)
 o paintThumb
public void paintThumb(Graphics g)
paintThumb in class BasicSliderUI
 o drawLine
protected void drawLine(Graphics g,
                        int knobWidth,
                        int origX1,
                        int origY1,
                        int origX2,
                        int origY2,
                        boolean vertical)
 o fillRect
protected void fillRect(Graphics g,
                        int knobWidth,
                        int origX,
                        int origY,
                        int origWidth,
                        int origHeight,
                        boolean vertical)
 o paintTrack
public void paintTrack(Graphics g)
paintTrack in class BasicSliderUI
 o paintTicks
public void paintTicks(Graphics g)
paintTicks in class BasicSliderUI
 o paintFocus
public void paintFocus(Graphics g)
paintFocus in class BasicSliderUI
 o calculateThumbBounds
public void calculateThumbBounds()
Subclasses of BasicSliderUI override this method to determine their own thumb size.

calculateThumbBounds in class BasicSliderUI
 o getTickSize
public int getTickSize()
Gets the height of the tick area for horizontal sliders and the width of the tick area for vertical sliders. BasicSliderUI uses the returned value to determine the bounds of the tray rectangle and the tick area rectangle.

getTickSize in class BasicSliderUI
 o getTrackWidth
protected int getTrackWidth()
Returns the shorter dimension of the track.

 o getTrackLength
protected int getTrackLength()
Returns the longer dimension of the slide bar. (The slide bar is only the part that runs directly under the thumb)

 o getThumbOverhang
protected int getThumbOverhang()
Returns the amount that the thumb goes past the slide bar.

 o scrollByBlock
public void scrollByBlock(int direction)
scrollByBlock in class BasicSliderUI

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