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Class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifOptionPaneUI


public class MotifOptionPaneUI
extends BasicOptionPaneUI
Provides the CDE/Motif look and feel for a JOptionPane.

Constructor Index

 o MotifOptionPaneUI()

Method Index

 o addIcon(Container)
Creates and adds a JLabel representing the icon returned from getIcon to top.
 o createButtons()
Creates and returns a Container containin the buttons.
 o createUI(JComponent)
Creates a new MotifOptionPaneUI instance.
 o getBodyInsets()
Returns the insets to be used for the body, the body contains both the image and the actual message.
 o getButtonInsets()
Returns the insets to be used in the Container housing the buttons.
 o getMinimumOptionPaneSize()
Returns null, CDE/Motif does not impose a minimum size.
 o paint(Graphics, JComponent)
Fills the backround if the component is opaque.


 o MotifOptionPaneUI
public MotifOptionPaneUI()


 o createUI
public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent x)
Creates a new MotifOptionPaneUI instance.

 o createButtons
protected Container createButtons()
Creates and returns a Container containin the buttons. The buttons are created by calling getButtons.

createButtons in class AbstractOptionPaneUI
 o getButtonInsets
protected Insets getButtonInsets()
Returns the insets to be used in the Container housing the buttons.

getButtonInsets in class AbstractOptionPaneUI
 o paint
public void paint(Graphics g,
                  JComponent c)
Fills the backround if the component is opaque.

paint in class BasicOptionPaneUI
 o addIcon
protected void addIcon(Container top)
Creates and adds a JLabel representing the icon returned from getIcon to top. This is messaged from createBody

addIcon in class AbstractOptionPaneUI
 o getMinimumOptionPaneSize
public Dimension getMinimumOptionPaneSize()
Returns null, CDE/Motif does not impose a minimum size.

getMinimumOptionPaneSize in class BasicOptionPaneUI
 o getBodyInsets
protected Insets getBodyInsets()
Returns the insets to be used for the body, the body contains both the image and the actual message.

getBodyInsets in class AbstractOptionPaneUI

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