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Class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifScrollBarUI


public class MotifScrollBarUI
extends BasicScrollBarUI
Implementation of ScrollBarUI for the Motif Look and Feel

Constructor Index

 o MotifScrollBarUI()

Method Index

 o configureScrollBarColors()
Initialize the private static colors used by paintKnob() and paintTrack().
 o createDecreaseButton(int)
 o createIncreaseButton(int)
 o createUI(JComponent)
 o getMaximumThumbSize()
Return the smallest acceptable size for the thumb.
 o getMinimumThumbSize()
Return the smallest acceptable size for the thumb.
 o getPreferredSize(JComponent)
A vertical scrollbars preferred width is the maximum of preferred widths of the (non null) increment/decrement buttons, and the minimum width of the thumb.
 o paintThumb(Graphics, JComponent, Rectangle)
 o paintTrack(Graphics, JComponent, Rectangle)


 o MotifScrollBarUI
public MotifScrollBarUI()


 o createUI
public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c)
 o configureScrollBarColors
protected void configureScrollBarColors()
Initialize the private static colors used by paintKnob() and paintTrack().

configureScrollBarColors in class BasicScrollBarUI
 o getPreferredSize
public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c)
A vertical scrollbars preferred width is the maximum of preferred widths of the (non null) increment/decrement buttons, and the minimum width of the thumb.

getPreferredSize in class BasicScrollBarUI
 o getMinimumThumbSize
protected Dimension getMinimumThumbSize()
Return the smallest acceptable size for the thumb.

getMinimumThumbSize in class BasicScrollBarUI
 o getMaximumThumbSize
protected Dimension getMaximumThumbSize()
Return the smallest acceptable size for the thumb.

getMaximumThumbSize in class BasicScrollBarUI
 o createDecreaseButton
protected JButton createDecreaseButton(int orientation)
createDecreaseButton in class BasicScrollBarUI
 o createIncreaseButton
protected JButton createIncreaseButton(int orientation)
createIncreaseButton in class BasicScrollBarUI
 o paintTrack
public void paintTrack(Graphics g,
                       JComponent c,
                       Rectangle trackBounds)
paintTrack in class BasicScrollBarUI
 o paintThumb
public void paintThumb(Graphics g,
                       JComponent c,
                       Rectangle thumbBounds)
paintThumb in class BasicScrollBarUI

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