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Class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifTextAreaUI
- public class MotifTextAreaUI
- extends MotifTextUI
Provides the look and feel for a plain text editor. In this
implementation the default UI is extended to act as a simple
view factory.
- Creates the view for an element.
create(Element, int, int)
- Creates the view for an element.
- Creates a UI for a JTextArea.
- Name used as a key to lookup properties through the
- Load the given keymap with default settings
appropriate for the UI being created.
public MotifTextAreaUI()
public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent ta)
- Creates a UI for a JTextArea.
- Parameters:
- ta - a text area
- Returns:
- the UI
protected String getPropertyPrefix()
- Name used as a key to lookup properties through the
UIManager. This is used as a prefix to all the standard
text properties.
- Overrides:
- getPropertyPrefix in class DefaultTextUI
public View create(Element elem)
- Creates the view for an element.
- Parameters:
- elem - the element
- Returns:
- the view
- Overrides:
- create in class DefaultTextUI
public View create(Element elem,
int p0,
int p1)
- Creates the view for an element. Since there is
no formatting for the associated component, this
should never be called.
- Parameters:
- elem - the element
- p0 - the starting offset
- p1 - the ending offset
- Returns:
- the view
- Overrides:
- create in class DefaultTextUI
protected void loadDefaultKeymap(Keymap map)
- Load the given keymap with default settings
appropriate for the UI being created. This
is implemented to do the superclass behavior
as well as load the settings appropriate for
a multi-line text editor.
- Overrides:
- loadDefaultKeymap in class MotifTextUI
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