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Class java.awt.swing.motif.MotifTextUI.MotifController


public static class MotifTextUI.MotifController
extends DefaultTextController

Constructor Index

 o MotifTextUI.MotifController(JTextComponent)
Creates a new controller to serve an editor.

Method Index

 o caretOff()
Turns the caret off as a result of losing focus.
 o caretOn()
Turns the caret on as a result of getting focus.


 o MotifTextUI.MotifController
public MotifTextUI.MotifController(JTextComponent editor)
Creates a new controller to serve an editor.

editor - the text editor


 o caretOn
protected void caretOn()
Turns the caret on as a result of getting focus. The motif caret is always visible but quits flashing when focus is lost.

caretOn in class DefaultTextController
 o caretOff
protected void caretOff()
Turns the caret off as a result of losing focus. The motif caret is always visible, but quits flashing and changes color. The current blink rate is stashed so it can be restored later, and the rate is set to 0. The caret itself takes care of it's change in appearance.

caretOff in class DefaultTextController

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