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public static class TargetManager.Util
extends Object

Variable Index

 o theTm

Constructor Index

 o TargetManager.Util()

Method Index

 o descendTargetForIteratorAndContinue(Object, Iterator)
A utility function for resolving target delegates, for use by implementations of TargetManager in their findTargetAndContinue methods.
 o descendTargetForIteratorWatchDepth(Object, Iterator, int)
The actual recursing part of descendTargetForIteratorAndContinue
 o getTargetManager()
Return the TargetManager for the current ThreadGroup.
 o setTargetManager(TargetManager)
Set the TargetManager for the current ThreadGroup


 o theTm
protected static TargetManager theTm


 o TargetManager.Util
public TargetManager.Util()


 o getTargetManager
public static TargetManager getTargetManager()
Return the TargetManager for the current ThreadGroup. If none has been registered with setTargetManager, return an instance of a dummy implementation that does nothing.

 o setTargetManager
public static void setTargetManager(TargetManager tm)
Set the TargetManager for the current ThreadGroup

 o descendTargetForIteratorAndContinue
public static boolean descendTargetForIteratorAndContinue(Object target,
                                                          Iterator c)
A utility function for resolving target delegates, for use by implementations of TargetManager in their findTargetAndContinue methods.

If target has a delegate (indicated by implementing the Target interface and giving a non-null return to getTargetDelegate) present that to the iterator, then present the target itself. Returns true if all candidates are rejected and the search must continue, false if the search is done.

This is a recursive test. The delegate may delegate in turn, up to a limit of 100 delegates. A delegate always gets first crack.

 o descendTargetForIteratorWatchDepth
protected static boolean descendTargetForIteratorWatchDepth(Object o,
                                                            Iterator c,
                                                            int depth)
The actual recursing part of descendTargetForIteratorAndContinue

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