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Class java.lang.Number


public abstract class Number
extends Object
implements Serializable
The abstract class Number is the superclass of classes Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, and Short.

Subclasses of Number must provide methods to convert the represented numeric value to byte, double, float, int, long, and short.

See Also:
Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short

Constructor Index

 o Number()

Method Index

 o byteValue()
Returns the value of the specified number as a byte.
 o doubleValue()
Returns the value of the specified number as a double.
 o floatValue()
Returns the value of the specified number as a float.
 o intValue()
Returns the value of the specified number as an int.
 o longValue()
Returns the value of the specified number as a long.
 o shortValue()
Returns the value of the specified number as a short.


 o Number
public Number()


 o intValue
public abstract int intValue()
Returns the value of the specified number as an int. This may involve rounding.

the numeric value represented by this object after conversion to type int.
 o longValue
public abstract long longValue()
Returns the value of the specified number as a long. This may involve rounding.

the numeric value represented by this object after conversion to type long.
 o floatValue
public abstract float floatValue()
Returns the value of the specified number as a float. This may involve rounding.

the numeric value represented by this object after conversion to type float.
 o doubleValue
public abstract double doubleValue()
Returns the value of the specified number as a double. This may involve rounding.

the numeric value represented by this object after conversion to type double.
 o byteValue
public byte byteValue()
Returns the value of the specified number as a byte. This may involve rounding or truncation.

the numeric value represented by this object after conversion to type byte.
 o shortValue
public short shortValue()
Returns the value of the specified number as a short. This may involve rounding or truncation.

the numeric value represented by this object after conversion to type short.

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