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Class java.rmi.activation.ActivationDesc


public final class ActivationDesc
extends Object
implements Serializable
An activation descriptor contains the information necessary to activate an object:

A descriptor registered with the activation system can be used to recreate/activate the object specified by the descriptor. The MarshalledObject in the object's descriptor is passed as the second argument to the remote object's constructor for object to use during reinitialization/activation.


Constructor Index

 o ActivationDesc(ActivationGroupID, String, CodeSource, MarshalledObject)
Constructs an object descriptor for an object whose class name is className that can be loaded from the CodeSource, source, and whose initialization information is data.
 o ActivationDesc(String, CodeSource, MarshalledObject)
Constructs an object descriptor for an object whose class name is className, that can be loaded from the CodeSource, source, and whose initialization information is data.

Method Index

 o getClassName()
Returns the class name for the object specified by this descriptor.
 o getCodeSource()
Returns the code source for the object specified by this descriptor.
 o getData()
Returns a "marshalled object" containing intialization/activation data for the object specified by this descriptor.
 o getGroupID()
Returns the group identifier for the object specified by this descriptor.


 o ActivationDesc
public ActivationDesc(String className,
                      CodeSource source,
                      MarshalledObject data) throws ActivationException
Constructs an object descriptor for an object whose class name is className, that can be loaded from the CodeSource, source, and whose initialization information is data. If this form of the constructor is used, the groupID defaults to the current id for ActivationGroup for this VM. All objects with the same ActivationGroupID are activated in the same VM.

Note: as a side-effect of creating an ActivationDesc, if an ActivationGroup for this VM is not currently active, a default one is created. The default activation group uses the java.rmi.RMISecurityManager as a security manager and upon reactivation will set the properties in the activated group's VM to be the current set of properties. If your application needs to use a different security manager, it must set the group for the VM before creating a default ActivationDesc. See the method ActivationGroup.createGroup for details on how to create an ActivationGroup for the VM.

className - the object's fully package qualified class name
source - the object's code source (from where the class is loaded)
data - the object's initialization (activation) data contained in marshalled form.
Throws: ActivationException
if the current group is inactive or a default group could not be created.
 o ActivationDesc
public ActivationDesc(ActivationGroupID groupID,
                      String className,
                      CodeSource source,
                      MarshalledObject data)
Constructs an object descriptor for an object whose class name is className that can be loaded from the CodeSource, source, and whose initialization information is data. All objects with the same groupID are activated in the same Java VM.

groupID - the group's identifier (obtained from registering ActivationSystem.registerGroup method). The group indicates the VM in which the object should be activated.
className - the object's fully package-qualified class name
source - the object's code source (from where the class is loaded)
data - the object's initialization (activation) data contained in marshalled form.
Throws: NullPointerException
if groupID is null


 o getGroupID
public ActivationGroupID getGroupID()
Returns the group identifier for the object specified by this descriptor. A group provides a way to aggregate objects into a single Java virtual machine. RMI creates/activates objects with the same groupID in the same virtual machine.

the group identifier
 o getClassName
public String getClassName()
Returns the class name for the object specified by this descriptor.

the class name
 o getCodeSource
public CodeSource getCodeSource()
Returns the code source for the object specified by this descriptor.

the code source
 o getData
public MarshalledObject getData()
Returns a "marshalled object" containing intialization/activation data for the object specified by this descriptor.

the object specific "initialization" data

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