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Class java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry


public abstract class LocateRegistry
extends Object
This class is used to obtain the bootstrap Registry on a particular host (including your local host). The following example demonstrates usage (minus exception handling):
Server wishes to make itself available to others:
SomeService service = ...; // remote object for service
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry();
registry.bind("I Serve", service);
The client wishes to make requests of the above service:
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry("");
SomeService service = (SomeService)registry.lookup("I Serve");

See Also:

Constructor Index

 o LocateRegistry()

Method Index

 o createRegistry(int)
Create and export a registry on the local host.
 o getRegistry()
Returns the remote object Registry for the local host.
 o getRegistry(int)
Returns the remote object Registry on the current host at the specified port.
 o getRegistry(String)
Returns the remote object Registry on the specified host at a default (i.e., well-known) port number.
 o getRegistry(String, int)
Returns the remote object Registry on the specified host at the specified port.


 o LocateRegistry
public LocateRegistry()


 o getRegistry
public static Registry getRegistry() throws RemoteException
Returns the remote object Registry for the local host.

 o getRegistry
public static Registry getRegistry(int port) throws RemoteException
Returns the remote object Registry on the current host at the specified port.

 o getRegistry
public static Registry getRegistry(String host) throws RemoteException, UnknownHostException
Returns the remote object Registry on the specified host at a default (i.e., well-known) port number. If the host String reference is null, the local host is used.

 o getRegistry
public static Registry getRegistry(String host,
                                   int port) throws RemoteException, UnknownHostException
Returns the remote object Registry on the specified host at the specified port. If port <= 0, the default Registry port number is used. If the host String reference is null, the local host is used.

Throws: UnknownHostException
If the host is not known.
 o createRegistry
public static Registry createRegistry(int port) throws RemoteException
Create and export a registry on the local host.

port - the port on which the registry is to be exported
Throws: RemoteException
If failure occurs during remote object creation.

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