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Interface java.rmi.server.RemoteCall

public interface RemoteCall
RemoteCall is an abstraction used solely by the implementation (stubs and skeletons of remote objects) to carry out a call to a remote object.

Method Index

 o done()
Allow cleanup after the remote call has completed.
 o executeCall()
Do whatever it takes to execute the call.
 o getInputStream()
Get the InputStream that the stub/skeleton should get results/arguments from.
 o getOutputStream()
Return the output stream the stub/skeleton should put arguments/results into.
 o getResultStream(boolean)
Returns an output stream (may put out header information relating to the success of the call).
 o releaseInputStream()
Release the input stream.
 o releaseOutputStream()
Release the output stream; in some transports this would release the stream.


 o getOutputStream
public abstract ObjectOutput getOutputStream() throws IOException
Return the output stream the stub/skeleton should put arguments/results into.

Throws: IOException
if an I/O error occurs.
 o releaseOutputStream
public abstract void releaseOutputStream() throws IOException
Release the output stream; in some transports this would release the stream.

Throws: IOException
if an I/O error occurs.
 o getInputStream
public abstract ObjectInput getInputStream() throws IOException
Get the InputStream that the stub/skeleton should get results/arguments from.

Throws: IOException
if an I/O error occurs.
 o releaseInputStream
public abstract void releaseInputStream() throws IOException
Release the input stream. This would allow some transports to release the channel early.

Throws: IOException
if an I/O error occurs.
 o getResultStream
public abstract ObjectOutput getResultStream(boolean success) throws IOException, StreamCorruptedException
Returns an output stream (may put out header information relating to the success of the call). Should only succeed once per remote call.

success - If true, indicates normal return, else indicates exceptional return.
Throws: IOException
if an I/O error occurs.
Throws: StreamCorruptedException
If already been called.
 o executeCall
public abstract void executeCall() throws Exception
Do whatever it takes to execute the call.

Throws: Exception
if a general exception occurs.
 o done
public abstract void done() throws IOException
Allow cleanup after the remote call has completed.

Throws: IOException
if an I/O error occurs.

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