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public class SecureClassLoader
extends ClassLoader
This class extends ClassLoader with additional support for defining classes with an associated code source and set of signers.

Constructor Index

 o SecureClassLoader()
Creates a new SecureClassLoader with no parent class loader for delegation.
 o SecureClassLoader(ClassLoader)
Creates a new SecureClassLoader using the specified parent class loader for delegation.

Method Index

 o defineClass(String, byte[], int, int, CodeSource, Object[])
Converts an array of bytes into an instance of class Class, with an optional CodeSource and list of signers.
 o getCodeSource(URL, Object[])
Returns the CodeSource for the specified URL and list of signers.


 o SecureClassLoader
protected SecureClassLoader(ClassLoader parent)
Creates a new SecureClassLoader using the specified parent class loader for delegation.

parent - the parent ClassLoader
 o SecureClassLoader
protected SecureClassLoader()
Creates a new SecureClassLoader with no parent class loader for delegation.


 o defineClass
protected final Class defineClass(String name,
                                  byte[] b,
                                  int off,
                                  int len,
                                  CodeSource cs,
                                  Object[] signers)
Converts an array of bytes into an instance of class Class, with an optional CodeSource and list of signers. Before the class can be used it must be resolved.

name - the name of the class
b - the class bytes
off - the start offset of the class bytes
len - the length of the class bytes
cs - the associated CodeSource, or null if none
signers - the list of signers, or null if none
the Class object created from the data, optional CodeSource, and list of signers
 o getCodeSource
protected CodeSource getCodeSource(URL url,
                                   Object[] signers)
Returns the CodeSource for the specified URL and list of signers.

url - the URL for the CodeSource
signers - the signers for the CodeSource
the resulting CodeSource

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