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Interface java.text.AttributeSet

public interface AttributeSet
extends Cloneable
This interface provides read-only access to a set of attributes. An attribute is a name/value pair, identified by name. No two attributes in a set can have the same name.

Instances of AttributeSet can be mutable through additional functions on the instance. Interfaces that accept AttributeSet generally assume that the sets may be referenced and not copied, thus callers must be careful not to subsequently mutate these sets.

Implementors must be sure to properly implement equals and hashCode, so that attribute sets may be compared and placed in hash tables. This set is equal to another set if each set is empty, or if the sets have the same number of attributes and each attribute in this set has an attribute with an equal name and value in the other set.

By definition, attributes placed in an attribute set must always be immutable, even if the set itself is not. Thus clients of AttributeSet can always take references to the names and values of attributes and rely on these not changing. The implementation of clone may also make this assumption to avoid doing a deep clone of the attributes themselves.

See Also:
AttributedCharacterIterator, MutableAttributeSet

Method Index

 o clone()
Return a clone of this attribute set.
 o contains(AttributeSet)
Returns true if this set contains all the attributes with equal values.
 o contains(String, Object)
Returns true if this set contains this attribute with an equal value, or if the value is null and the attribute is not defined.
 o get(String)
Returns the value of the attribute with this name, or null if the attribute is not defined.
 o getSize()
Returns the number of attributes.
 o isEmpty()
Returns true if the set is empty.
 o names()
Returns an enumeration over the names of the attributes in the set.


 o isEmpty
public abstract boolean isEmpty()
Returns true if the set is empty.

 o getSize
public abstract int getSize()
Returns the number of attributes.

 o names
public abstract Enumeration names()
Returns an enumeration over the names of the attributes in the set. The elements of the enumeration are all Strings.

 o get
public abstract Object get(String attributeName)
Returns the value of the attribute with this name, or null if the attribute is not defined.

 o contains
public abstract boolean contains(String attributeName,
                                 Object value)
Returns true if this set contains this attribute with an equal value, or if the value is null and the attribute is not defined.

 o contains
public abstract boolean contains(AttributeSet attributes)
Returns true if this set contains all the attributes with equal values.

 o clone
public abstract Object clone()
Return a clone of this attribute set.

clone in class Object

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