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Class java.util.jar.Attributes


public class Attributes
extends Object
implements Map, Cloneable
The Attributes class maps Manifest attribute names to associated string values. Attribute names are case-insensitive and restricted to the ASCII characters in the set [0-9a-zA-Z_-]. Attribute values can contain any characters and will be UTF8-encoded when written to the output stream.

See Also:

Class Index

 o Attributes.Name
The Attributes.Name class represents an attribute name stored in this Map.

Variable Index

 o amap
The attribute name-value mappings.

Constructor Index

 o Attributes()
Constructs a new, empty Attributes object.
 o Attributes(Attributes)
Constructs a new Attributes object with the same attribute name-value mappings as in the specified Attributes.

Method Index

 o clear()
Removes all attributes from this Map.
 o clone()
Returns a copy of the Attributes, implemented as follows:
     public Object clone() { return new Attributes(this); }
Since the attribute names and values are themselves immutable, the Attributes returned can be safely modified without affecting the original.
 o containsKey(Object)
Returns true if this Map contains the specified attribute name (key).
 o containsValue(Object)
Returns true if this Map maps one or more attribute names (keys) to the specified value.
 o entries()
Returns a Collection view of the attribute name-value mappings contained in this Map.
 o equals(Object)
Compares the specified Attributes object with this Map for equality.
 o get(Object)
Returns the value of the specified attribute name, or null if the attribute name was not found.
 o getValue(Attributes.Name)
Returns the value of the specified Attributes.Name, or null if the attribute was not found.
 o getValue(String)
Returns the value of the specified attribute name, specified as a string, or null if the attribute was not found.
 o hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this Map.
 o isEmpty()
Returns true if this Map contains no attributes.
 o keySet()
Returns a Set view of the attribute names (keys) contained in this Map.
 o put(Object, Object)
Associates the specified value with the specified attribute name (key) in this Map.
 o putAll(Map)
Copies all of the attribute name-value mappings from the specified Attributes to this Map.
 o putValue(String, String)
Associates the specified value with the specified attribute name, specified as a String.
 o remove(Object)
Removes the attribute with the specified name (key) from this Map.
 o size()
Returns the number of attributes in this Map.
 o values()
Returns a Collection view of the attribute values contained in this Map.


 o amap
protected Map amap
The attribute name-value mappings.


 o Attributes
public Attributes()
Constructs a new, empty Attributes object.

 o Attributes
public Attributes(Attributes attr)
Constructs a new Attributes object with the same attribute name-value mappings as in the specified Attributes.


 o get
public Object get(Object name)
Returns the value of the specified attribute name, or null if the attribute name was not found.

name - the attribute name
Throws: ClassCastException
if name is not a Attributes.Name
Throws: NullPointerException
if name is null
 o getValue
public String getValue(String name)
Returns the value of the specified attribute name, specified as a string, or null if the attribute was not found. The attribute name is case-insensitive.

This method is merely shorthand for the expression:

	    (String)get(new Attributes.Name((String)name));

name - the attribute name as a string
Throws: NullPointerException
if the name is null
 o getValue
public String getValue(Attributes.Name name)
Returns the value of the specified Attributes.Name, or null if the attribute was not found.

This method is merely shorthand for the expression:


name - the Attributes.Name object
Throws: NullPointerException
if name is null
 o put
public Object put(Object name,
                  Object value)
Associates the specified value with the specified attribute name (key) in this Map. If the Map previously contained a mapping for the attribute name, the old value is replaced.

name - the attribute name
value - the attribute value
the previous value of the attribute, or null if none
Throws: ClassCastException
if the name is not a Attributes.Name or the value is not a String
 o putValue
public String putValue(String name,
                       String value)
Associates the specified value with the specified attribute name, specified as a String. The attributes name is case-insensitive. If the Map previously contained a mapping for the attribute name, the old value is replaced.

This method is merely shorthand for the expression:

	    (String)put(new Attributes.Name(name), value);

the - attribute name as a string
value - the attribute value
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
if the attribute name is invalid
Throws: NullPointerException
if name or value is null
 o remove
public Object remove(Object name)
Removes the attribute with the specified name (key) from this Map. Returns the previous attribute value, or null if none.

name - attribute name
Throws: ClassCastException
if the name is not a Attributes.Name
Throws: NullPointerException
if the name is null
 o containsValue
public boolean containsValue(Object value)
Returns true if this Map maps one or more attribute names (keys) to the specified value.

value - the attribute value
 o containsKey
public boolean containsKey(Object name)
Returns true if this Map contains the specified attribute name (key).

name - the attribute name
Throws: ClassCastException
if the name is not a Attributes.Name
Throws: NullPointerException
if the name is null
 o putAll
public void putAll(Map attr)
Copies all of the attribute name-value mappings from the specified Attributes to this Map. Duplicate mappings will be replaced.

attr - the Attributes to be stored in this map
Throws: ClassCastException
if attr is not an instance of Attributes
Throws: NullPointerException
if attr is null
 o clear
public void clear()
Removes all attributes from this Map.

 o size
public int size()
Returns the number of attributes in this Map.

 o isEmpty
public boolean isEmpty()
Returns true if this Map contains no attributes.

 o keySet
public Set keySet()
Returns a Set view of the attribute names (keys) contained in this Map.

 o values
public Collection values()
Returns a Collection view of the attribute values contained in this Map.

 o entries
public Collection entries()
Returns a Collection view of the attribute name-value mappings contained in this Map.

 o equals
public boolean equals(Object o)
Compares the specified Attributes object with this Map for equality. Returns true if the given object is also an instance of Attributes and the two Attributes objects represent the same mappings.

o - the Object to be compared
true if the specified Object is equal to this Map
equals in class Object
 o hashCode
public int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this Map.

hashCode in class Object
 o clone
public Object clone()
Returns a copy of the Attributes, implemented as follows:
     public Object clone() { return new Attributes(this); }
Since the attribute names and values are themselves immutable, the Attributes returned can be safely modified without affecting the original.

clone in class Object

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