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Class java.util.jar.JarOutputStream


public class JarOutputStream
extends ZipOutputStream
The JarOutputStream class is used to write the contents of a JAR file to any output stream. It extends the class with support for writing an optional Manifest entry. The Manifest can be used to specify meta-information about the JAR file and its entries.

See Also:
Manifest, ZipOutputStream

Variable Index

ZIP file header extra field data used to identify an executable JAR file.

Constructor Index

 o JarOutputStream(OutputStream)
Creates a new JarOutputStream with default manifest.
 o JarOutputStream(OutputStream, Manifest)
Creates a new JarOutputStream with the specified Manifest.


public static final byte[] EDATA_JAX
ZIP file header extra field data used to identify an executable JAR file. This value must be present in the extra field data header of the manifest entry to be recognized as an executable JAR file with an entry point. It is automatically added when the Main-Class manifest header is defined.


 o JarOutputStream
public JarOutputStream(OutputStream out,
                       Manifest man) throws IOException
Creates a new JarOutputStream with the specified Manifest. The manifest is written as the first entry to the output stream.

out - the actual output stream
man - the optional Manifest
Throws: IOException
if an I/O error has occurred
 o JarOutputStream
public JarOutputStream(OutputStream out) throws IOException
Creates a new JarOutputStream with default manifest.

out - the actual output stream
Throws: IOException
if an I/O error has occurred

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