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Class javax.servlet.GenericServlet
- public abstract class GenericServlet
- extends Object
- implements Servlet, ServletConfig, Serializable
The GenericServlet class implements the Servlet interface and, for
convenience, the ServletConfig interface. Servlet developers
typically subclass GenericServlet, or its descendent HttpServlet,
unless the servlet needs another class as a parent. (If a servlet
does need to subclass another class, the servlet must implement the
Servlet interface directly. This would be necessary when, for
example, RMI or CORBA objects act as servlets.)
The GenericServlet class was created to make writing servlets
easier. It provides simple versions of the lifecycle methods init
and destroy, and of the methods in the ServletConfig interface. It
also provides a log method, from the ServletContext interface. The
servlet writer must override only the service method, which is
abstract. Though not required, the servlet implementer should also
override the getServletInfo method, and will want to specialize the
init and destroy methods if expensive servlet-wide resources are to
be managed.
- The default constructor does no work.
- Destroys the servlet, cleaning up whatever resources are being
held, and logs the destruction in the servlet log file.
- Returns a string containing the value of the named
initialization parameter, or null if the requested parameter
does not exist.
- Returns the names of the servlet's initialization parameters as
an enumeration of strings, or an empty enumeration if there are
no initialization parameters.
- Returns a servletConfig object containing any startup
configuration information for this servlet.
- Returns a ServletContext object, which contains information
about the network service in which the servlet is running.
- Returns a string that contains information about the servlet,
such as its author, version, and copyright.
- Initializes the servlet and logs the initialization.
- Writes the class name of the servlet and the given message to
the servlet log file.
service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse)
- Carries out a single request from the client.
public GenericServlet()
- The default constructor does no work.
public ServletContext getServletContext()
- Returns a ServletContext object, which contains information
about the network service in which the servlet is running. This
is a convenience method; it gets the ServletContext object from
the ServletConfig object. (The ServletConfig object was passed
into and stored by the init method.)
public String getInitParameter(String name)
- Returns a string containing the value of the named
initialization parameter, or null if the requested parameter
does not exist. Init parameters have a single string value; it
is the responsibility of the servlet writer to interpret the
This is a convenience method; it gets the parameter's value
from the ServletConfig object. (The ServletConfig object was
passed into and stored by the init method.)
- Parameters:
- name - the name of the parameter whose value is requested
public Enumeration getInitParameterNames()
- Returns the names of the servlet's initialization parameters as
an enumeration of strings, or an empty enumeration if there are
no initialization parameters. The getInitParameterNames method
is supplied for convenience; it gets the parameter names from
the ServletConfig object. (The ServletConfig object was passed
into and stored by the init method.)
public void log(String msg)
- Writes the class name of the servlet and the given message to
the servlet log file. The name of the servlet log file is
server specific; it is normally an event log.
If a servlet will have multiple instances (for example, if
the network service runs the servlet for multiple virtual
hosts), the servlet writer should override this method. The
specialized method should log an instance identifier, along with
the requested message. The default message prefix, the class
name of the servlet, does not allow the log entries of the
instances to be distinguished from one another.
- Parameters:
- msg - the message string to be logged
public String getServletInfo()
- Returns a string that contains information about the servlet,
such as its author, version, and copyright. This method
must be overridden in order to return this information.
If it is not overridden, null is returned.
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
- Initializes the servlet and logs the initialization. The init
method is called once, automatically, by the network service
each time it loads the servlet. It is guaranteed to finish
before any service requests are accepted. On fatal
initialization errors, an UnavailableException should be
thrown. Do not call call the method System.exit.
The init method stores the ServletConfig object. Servlet
writers who specialize this method should call either
super.init, or store the ServletConfig object themselves. If an
implementor decides to store the ServletConfig object in a
different location, then the getServletConfig method must also
be overridden.
- Parameters:
- config - servlet configuration information
- Throws:
- if a servlet exception has occurred
- See Also:
- UnavailableException
public ServletConfig getServletConfig()
- Returns a servletConfig object containing any startup
configuration information for this servlet.
public abstract void service(ServletRequest req,
ServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException
- Carries out a single request from the client. The request
object contains parameters provided by the client, and an input
stream, which can also bring data to the servlet. To return
information to the client, write to the output stream of the
response object.
Service requests handled after servlet initialization has
completed. Any requests for service that are received during
initialization block until it is complete.
Note that servlets typically run inside multi-threaded
network services, which can handle multiple service requests
simultaneously. It is the servlet writer's responsibility to
synchronize access to any shared resources, such as database or
network connections. The simplest way to do this is to
synchronize the entire service call. This can have a major
performance impact, however, and should be avoided whenever
possible in favor of techniques that are less coarse. For more
information on synchronization, see the the
Java tutorial on multithreaded programming.
- Parameters:
- req - the servlet request
- res - the servlet response
- Throws:
- if a servlet exception has occurred
- Throws:
- if an I/O exception has occurred
public void destroy()
- Destroys the servlet, cleaning up whatever resources are being
held, and logs the destruction in the servlet log file. This
method is called, once, automatically, by the network service
each time it removes the servlet. After destroy is run, it
cannot be called again until the network service reloads the
When the network service removes a servlet, it calls destroy
after all service calls have been completed, or a
service-specific number of seconds have passed, whichever comes
first. In the case of long-running operations, there could be
other threads running service requests when destroy is called.
The servlet writer is responsible for making sure that any
threads still in the service method complete.
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