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Class javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent


public class HttpSessionBindingEvent
extends EventObject
This event is communicated to a HttpSessionBindingListener whenever the listener is bound to or unbound from a HttpSession value.

The event's source is the HttpSession: binding occurs with a call to HttpSession.putValue; unbinding occurs with a call to HttpSession.removeValue.

See Also:
HttpSession, HttpSessionBindingListener

Constructor Index

 o HttpSessionBindingEvent(HttpSession, String)
Constructs a new HttpSessionBindingEvent

Method Index

 o getName()
Returns the name to which the object is being bound or the name from which the object is being unbound.
 o getSession()
Returns the session into which the listener is being bound or from which the listener is being unbound.


 o HttpSessionBindingEvent
public HttpSessionBindingEvent(HttpSession session,
                               String name)
Constructs a new HttpSessionBindingEvent

session - the session acting as the source of the event
name - the name to which the object is being bound or the name from which the object is being unbound


 o getName
public String getName()
Returns the name to which the object is being bound or the name from which the object is being unbound.

 o getSession
public HttpSession getSession()
Returns the session into which the listener is being bound or from which the listener is being unbound.

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