
1. What is it?

SiteOutliner is a sample tool based on IBM's XML Parser for Java. It scans directories and creates a CDF (Channel Definition Format), which can be read by either our CDF Viewer or Internet Explorer's channel bar.

2. How to run it?

2.1 Start GUI

Although SiteOutliner can be used as a command line tool, a GUI interface is provided for easier use. To run the GUI version of SiteOutliner, type

jre -cp "xml4j_n_n_n.jar;xml4jSamples_n_n_n.jar" samples.SiteOutliner.SiteOutliner

from your command line. You need to have Java 1.1 installed in your PATH environment variable. You should specify a class path that includes the packages and samples.SiteOutliner. With a standard installation, these packages reside in the jar file named xml4j_n_n_n.jar and xml4jSamples_n_n_n.jar. If they are located in a different place, you should replace it accordingly on the command line.

You will see the screen above. To start scanning, choose the File-Scan menu.
You will then see the parameter menu.

2.2 Input Parameters

This panel shows various options. They are:

Once it is ready, press the Doit button and SiteOutliner starts scanning the directories. It takes few seconds to several hours to complete, depending on the number of files to scan and of course the processor speed. We recommend to carefully specify directories to be excluded, as well as the use of a Java JIT compiler.

2.3 Check Results and Save

When the scanning is finished, the results are displayed in the text pane. This has a standard text editing function so you can check and edit the contents if necessary. If it is not satisfactory, you can scan again. If it is ok, choose the File-Save menu to save the contents to a CDF file. The CDF file can be placed anywhere on your website which is accessible from users.

Command Line Processor

SiteOutliner is most effective if you run it automatically with a predetermined schedule such as every day. To do it easier, SiteOutliner is designed so that all the options can be given as command line parameters. The basic command line syntax is as follows:

jre -cp "xml4j_n_n_n.jar;xml4jSamples_n_n_n.jar" samples.Siteoutliner.SiteOutliner [options] dir url

where dir is the starting directory and url is the base URL.

You can specify the following options: