int shp [2] = {2, 3} ; Procs p(2, shp) ; Dimension d = p.dim(0), e = p.dim(1) ; Dimension f ;
Create a process array p representing a 2 by 3 grid. The active process group must contain at least 6 processes when the declaration of p is encountered. Set d to represent the first dimension of p and e to represent the second. Set f to a collapsed dimension.
The inquiries d.size(), e.size() and f.size() return
2, 3 and 1 respectively. The inquiries d.crd() and e.crd()
will return values in the ranges and
respectively if the inquiry p.member() returns value
1. They return unspecified values if p.member() returns 0. The
inquiry f.crd() will return 0.