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Scatter(const DAD* src, const DAD* dst, const int len,
        const DAD* subs [], const int* subsDat [],
        const DAD* msk, const int* mskDat)
The source array is described by the DAD *src and the destination array is described by the DAD *dst. len specifies the size of each array element, in bytes. The vectors subs and subsDat have extent R--the rank of the destination array. The subscript arrays are defined by the pairs *subs [r], subsDat [r]. If msk is non-null, the pair *msk, mskDat defines a mask array.

Note well that the source and destination arguments of Scatter members are reversed relative to the conventions for other communication schedules. This is to emphasize the symmetry with Gather.

Guansong Zhang
Fri Oct 9 12:29:23 EDT 1998