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class VecGather

A vector-subscript gather schedule is a communication schedule for collecting a set of values from one distributed array (the source array) into the elements of another array of the same rank (the destination array). The selected set of elements is defined by a vector of rank-1 arrays--the subscript arrays. This schedule can be regarded as an optimized special case of the general gather schedule of section 5.7. It is functionally equivalent to certain Fortran-90 array assignments involving vector subscripts. A vector-subscript gather schedule is described by a collective object with local components of class VecGather. The public interface of the VecGather class is

  class DAD ;

  class VecGather {
  public :
    VecGather(const DAD* dst, const DAD* src, const int len,
              const DAD* subs [], const int* subsDat []) ;

    void execute(void* dstDat, void* srcDat) ;
  private :
  } ;

Guansong Zhang
Fri Oct 9 12:29:23 EDT 1998