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operator int()
Returns a non-zero value if the set is non-empty, or 0 if it is empty.

operator+(DimensionSet ds)
Create a new set containing the union of this set with ds. If both input sets are non-empty, they must contain dimensions from the same process array.

operator-(DimensionSet ds)
Create a new set by subtracting ds from this set. If both input sets are non-empty, they must contain dimensions from the same process array.

operator+=(DimensionSet ds)
Replace this set by its union with ds. If both input sets are non-empty, they must contain dimensions from the same process array.

operator-=(DimensionSet ds)
Subtract ds from this set. If both input sets are non-empty, they must contain dimensions from the same process array.

operator+(Dimension d)
Create a new set by adding a dimension to this set. If the set is non-empty before this operation d must be collapsed or a dimension from the same process array as the current elements. Adding a collapsed dimension, or one already in the set, does not change the set.

operator-(Dimension d)
Create a new set by removing d from this set. If the set is non-empty before this operation d must be collapsed or a dimension from the same process array as the current elements. Removing a collapsed dimension, or one not in the set, does not change the set.

operator+=(Dimension d)
Add a dimension to this set. If the set is non-empty before this operation d must be collapsed or a dimension from the same process array as the current elements. Adding a collapsed dimension, or one already in the set, does not change the set.

operator-=(Dimension d)
Remove a dimension from this set. If the set is non-empty before this operation d must be collapsed or a dimension from the same process array as the current elements. Removing a collapsed dimension, or one not in the set, does not change the set.

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Guansong Zhang
Fri Oct 9 12:29:23 EDT 1998