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Begins an enumeration of the blocks of the range mapped to the local process. On exit from this member, the Block componenent of the Index contains the parameters of the first (non-empty) block of the locally held segment of the range, and the Location component represents the first element (smallest global subscript) in that block. ``First block'' simply means first in the enumeration--it does not guarantee that the block contains smaller subscripts than later blocks.

If i is the loop index, the idiom for the loop is

  for(i.beginLocBlk() ; i.test() ; i.nextLocBlk())

Move to next (non-empty) block in the enumeration, updating the Block and Location components. Usage is illustrated in the idiomatic example above.

After an initial call to beginLocBlock and zero or more subsequent calls to nextLocBlock, result of this member is non-zero if there are still blocks waiting to be enumerated. Usage is illustrated in the idiomatic example above.

Guansong Zhang
Fri Oct 9 12:29:23 EDT 1998