rnk()An inquiry function returning the rank of the array (the value of rank).
grp()An inquiry function returning the group over which the array is distributed (the value of group).
rng(const int r)An inquiry function returning the rth range of the array--the value of map(r).rng().
str(const int r)An inquiry function returning the rth memory stride of the array--the value of map(r).str().
map(const int r)An inquiry function returning the rth dimension map of the array--the value of maps [r].
DimensionSet sig()Return the signature of the array. The signature is the set of process dimensions over which the ranges of the array are distributed. Equivalent to
DimensionSet sig() const { DimensionSet signature ; for(int r = 0 ; r < rank ; r++) signature += rng(r).dim() ; return signature ; }
One common use for the sig member is to compute the set of process dimensions over which the array is replicated. This is given by
grp().dims() - sig()