%options scopes,act,an=javaact.cpp,hn=javaact.h,em,tab,gp=c++,
%options fp=java,escape=$,prefix=TK_,em,defer,output-size=125
%options hblockb=\:,hblocke=:\
%options nogoto-default
%options single-productions
%options la=2,names=max

-- This software is subject to the terms of the IBM Jikes Compiler
-- License Agreement available at the following URL:
-- http://www.ibm.com/research/jikes.
-- Copyright (C) 1996, 1999, International Business Machines Corporation
-- and others.  All Rights Reserved.
-- You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.

--                               J A V A
-- This Java grammar is almost identical to the grammar defined in
-- chapter 19 of the Java Language Specification manual together with
-- the additional rules found in the 1.1 document. It is written here
-- in JIKES PG format with semantic actions following each rule. In
-- specifying the rules we enclosed all terminal symbols in single
-- quotes so that they can be quickly distinguished from
-- non-terminals. Optional symbols are suffixed with a question mark (?)
-- and the rules expanding such definitions can be found at the end.
-- This grammar is totally faithful to the original rules except that
-- some syntactic markers: PackageHeaderMarker, MethodHeaderMarker and
-- BodyMarker, were added to allow the parser to skip certain irrelevant
-- syntactic components when they are not needed.
-- The file javaact.h produced by JIKESPG from this file (java.g) contains a
-- very readable definition of the grammar rules together with their
-- associated semantic actions. That file is marked with appropriate
-- location directives (automatically generated) which instructs the C++
-- compiler to issue error messages in terms of this file (java.g).
-- Therefore, though the user is encouraged to read javaact.h, no
-- change should ever be made to that file. Instead, changes should
-- always be made in this file and javaact.h should be regenerated
-- using JIKESPG. 


-- This macro generates a header for an action function consisting
-- of the rule in question (commented) and a location directive.
// Rule $rule_number:  $rule_text
#line $next_line "$input_file"./
-- This macro is used to initialize the rule_action array
-- to an unnamed function. A name is generated using the
-- number of the rule in question.
#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::Act$rule_number;
    void Act$rule_number(void);
-- These macros are used to initialize the rule_action array
-- to a specific named function.
#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::MakeArrayType;

#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::MakeSimpleName;

#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::MakeFieldAccess;

#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::MakeQualifiedSuper;

#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::MakeQualifiedNew;

#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::SetSym1ToSym2;

#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::MakeEmptyStatement;

#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::MakeLabeledStatement;

#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::MakeExpressionStatement;

#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::MakeIfThenElseStatement;

#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::MakeWhileStatement;

#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::MakeForStatement;

#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::MakeArrayCreationExpression;

#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::MakeSuperFieldAccess;

#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::MakeSuperDoubleFieldAccess;

#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::MakeArrayAccess;

#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::MakeCastExpression;

-- This macro is used to initialize the rule_action array
-- to the NullAction function.
#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::NullAction;
-- This macro is used to initialize the rule_action array
-- to the NoAction function.
#ifndef HEADERS
    rule_action[$rule_number] = &Parser::NoAction;
-- This macro generates a header for a named action function that is
-- already defined and will be shared.

// Rule $rule_number:  $rule_text./

-- This macro generates a header for a rule that invokes the
-- no_function routine.

// Rule $rule_number:  $rule_text
// void NoAction(void);

-- This macro generates a header for a rule that invokes the
-- null_function routine.

// Rule $rule_number:  $rule_text
// void NullAction(void);




    abstract boolean break byte case catch char class const
    continue default do double else extends false final finally float
    for goto if implements import instanceof int
    interface long native new null package private
    protected public return short static strictfp super switch
    synchronized this throw throws transient true try void
    volatile while





    '++'   ::= PLUS_PLUS
    '--'   ::= MINUS_MINUS
    '=='   ::= EQUAL_EQUAL
    '<='   ::= LESS_EQUAL
    '>='   ::= GREATER_EQUAL
    '!='   ::= NOT_EQUAL
    '<<'   ::= LEFT_SHIFT
    '>>'   ::= RIGHT_SHIFT
    '+='   ::= PLUS_EQUAL
    '-='   ::= MINUS_EQUAL
    '*='   ::= MULTIPLY_EQUAL
    '/='   ::= DIVIDE_EQUAL
    '&='   ::= AND_EQUAL
    '|='   ::= OR_EQUAL
    '^='   ::= XOR_EQUAL
    '%='   ::= REMAINDER_EQUAL
    '<<='  ::= LEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL
    '>>='  ::= RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL
    '||'   ::= OR_OR
    '&&'   ::= AND_AND

    '+'    ::= PLUS
    '-'    ::= MINUS
    '!'    ::= NOT
    '%'    ::= REMAINDER
    '^'    ::= XOR
    '&'    ::= AND
    '*'    ::= MULTIPLY
    '|'    ::= OR
    '~'    ::= TWIDDLE
    '/'    ::= DIVIDE
    '>'    ::= GREATER
    '<'    ::= LESS
    '('    ::= LPAREN
    ')'    ::= RPAREN
    '{'    ::= LBRACE
    '}'    ::= RBRACE
    '['    ::= LBRACKET
    ']'    ::= RBRACKET
    ';'    ::= SEMICOLON
    '?'    ::= QUESTION
    ':'    ::= COLON
    ','    ::= COMMA
    '.'    ::= DOT
    '='    ::= EQUAL

    $EOF   ::= EOF
    $ERROR ::= ERROR

    $EOL   ::= ;




// This software is subject to the terms of the IBM Jikes Compiler Open
// Source License Agreement available at the following URL:
// http://www.ibm.com/research/jikes.
// Copyright (C) 1996, 1998, International Business Machines Corporation
// and others.  All Rights Reserved.
// You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.

#ifndef HEADERS
void Parser::InitRuleAction()
    rule_action[0] = &Parser::BadAction;
    void BadAction(void);
    void NoAction(void);
    void NullAction(void);
    void MakeArrayType(void);
    void MakeSimpleName(void);
    void MakeFieldAccess(void);
    void MakeQualifiedSuper(void);
    void MakeQualifiedNew(void);
    void SetSym1ToSym2(void);
    void MakeEmptyStatement(void);
    void MakeLabeledStatement(void);
    void MakeExpressionStatement(void);
    void MakeIfThenElseStatement(void);
    void MakeWhileStatement(void);
    void MakeForStatement(void);
    void MakeArrayCreationExpression(void);
    void MakeSuperFieldAccess(void);
    void MakeSuperDoubleFieldAccess(void);
    void MakeArrayAccess(void);
    void MakeCastExpression(void);


/.#line $next_line "$input_file"
// This software is subject to the terms of the IBM Jikes Compiler Open
// Source License Agreement available at the following URL:
// http://www.ibm.com/research/jikes.
// Copyright (C) 1996, 1998, International Business Machines Corporation
// and others.  All Rights Reserved.
// You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.

#include "config.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "ast.h"

#undef HEADERS
#include "javaact.h"

//*                                                                          *//
//* Below, we show each rule of the Java grammar together with the semantic  *//
//* action that is invoked when the parser performs a reduction by that rule.*//
//*                                                                          *//


--18.2 Productions from 2.3: The syntactic Grammar

Goal -> CompilationUnit
// Given a rule of the form A ::= x1 x2 ... xn        n >= 1
// Do nothing - Whatever Ast was produced for x1 is inherited by A.
void Parser::BadAction(void) { assert(0); }
void Parser::NoAction(void) {}

Goal ::= BodyMarker ConstructorBody
// This rule was added to allow the parser to recognize the body of a
// funtion (constructor or method, as the definition of the body of a
// method is subsumed by the definition of the body of a constructor)
// out of context. Note that the artificial terminal BodyMarker is
// added here to prevent an ordinary parse from accepting a body as
// a valid input - i.e., to recognize a body out-of-context, the
// BodyMarker terminal must be inserted in front of the input stream
// containing the body in question.
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = Sym(2);

--18.3 Productions from 3: Lexical Structure
-- Expand the definition IntegerLiteral and BooleanLiteral

Literal ::= IntegerLiteral
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewIntegerLiteral(Token(1));

Literal ::= LongLiteral
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewLongLiteral(Token(1));

Literal ::= FloatingPointLiteral
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewFloatingPointLiteral(Token(1));

Literal ::= DoubleLiteral
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewDoubleLiteral(Token(1));

Literal -> BooleanLiteral

Literal ::= CharacterLiteral
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewCharacterLiteral(Token(1));

Literal ::= StringLiteral
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewStringLiteral(Token(1));

Literal ::= null
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewNullLiteral(Token(1));

BooleanLiteral ::= true
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewTrueLiteral(Token(1));

BooleanLiteral ::= false
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewFalseLiteral(Token(1));

--18.4 Productions from 4: Types, Values and Variables

Type -> PrimitiveType

Type -> ReferenceType

PrimitiveType -> NumericType

PrimitiveType ::= 'boolean'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewPrimitiveType(Ast::BOOLEAN, Token(1));

NumericType -> IntegralType

NumericType -> FloatingPointType

IntegralType ::= 'byte'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewPrimitiveType(Ast::BYTE, Token(1));

IntegralType ::= 'short'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewPrimitiveType(Ast::SHORT, Token(1));

IntegralType ::= 'int'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewPrimitiveType(Ast::INT, Token(1));

IntegralType ::= 'long'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewPrimitiveType(Ast::LONG, Token(1));

IntegralType ::= 'char'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewPrimitiveType(Ast::CHAR, Token(1));

FloatingPointType ::= 'float'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewPrimitiveType(Ast::FLOAT, Token(1));

FloatingPointType ::= 'double'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewPrimitiveType(Ast::DOUBLE, Token(1));

ReferenceType -> ClassOrInterfaceType

ReferenceType -> ArrayType

ClassOrInterfaceType -> Name

-- These rules have been rewritten to avoid some conflicts introduced
-- by adding the 1.1 features
-- ArrayType ::= PrimitiveType '[' ']'
-- ArrayType ::= Name '[' ']'
-- ArrayType ::= ArrayType '[' ']'
ArrayType ::= PrimitiveType Dims
void Parser::MakeArrayType(void)
    AstArrayType *p = ast_pool -> NewArrayType();
    p -> type     = Sym(1);
    // The list of modifiers is guaranteed not empty
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(2);
        p -> AllocateBrackets(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddBrackets((AstBrackets *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    Sym(1) = p;

ArrayType ::= Name Dims
// void MakeArrayType(void);

ClassType -> ClassOrInterfaceType

InterfaceType -> ClassOrInterfaceType

--18.5 Productions from 6: Names

Name -> SimpleName

Name -> QualifiedName

SimpleName ::= 'Identifier'
void Parser::MakeSimpleName(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewSimpleName(Token(1));

QualifiedName ::= Name '.' 'Identifier'
void Parser::MakeFieldAccess(void)
    AstFieldAccess *p = ast_pool -> NewFieldAccess();
    p -> base = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> dot_token = Token(2);
    p -> identifier_token = Token(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

--18.6 Productions from 7: Packages

CompilationUnit ::= PackageDeclarationopt ImportDeclarationsopt TypeDeclarationsopt
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstCompilationUnit *p = ast_pool -> NewCompilationUnit();
    p -> package_declaration_opt = (AstPackageDeclaration *) Sym(1);
    if (Sym(2) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(2);
        p -> AllocateImportDeclarations(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddImportDeclaration((AstImportDeclaration *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    if (Sym(3) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(3);
        p -> AllocateTypeDeclarations(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddTypeDeclaration(root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    Sym(1) = p;

ImportDeclarations ::= ImportDeclaration
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

ImportDeclarations ::= ImportDeclarations ImportDeclaration
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(2);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

TypeDeclarations ::= TypeDeclaration
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

TypeDeclarations ::= TypeDeclarations TypeDeclaration
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(2);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

PackageDeclaration ::= 'package' Name PackageHeaderMarker ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstPackageDeclaration *p = ast_pool -> NewPackageDeclaration();
    p -> package_token   = Token(1);
    p -> name            = (AstExpression *) Sym(2);
    p -> semicolon_token = Token(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

ImportDeclaration -> SingleTypeImportDeclaration

ImportDeclaration -> TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration

SingleTypeImportDeclaration ::= 'import' Name ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstImportDeclaration *p = ast_pool -> NewImportDeclaration();
    p -> import_token    = Token(1);
    p -> name            = (AstExpression *) Sym(2);
    p -> star_token_opt  = 0;
    p -> semicolon_token = Token(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration ::= 'import' Name '.' '*' ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstImportDeclaration *p = ast_pool -> NewImportDeclaration();
    p -> import_token         = Token(1);
    p -> name                 = (AstExpression *) Sym(2);
    p -> star_token_opt       = Token(4);
    p -> semicolon_token      = Token(5);
    Sym(1) = p;

TypeDeclaration -> ClassDeclaration

TypeDeclaration -> InterfaceDeclaration

TypeDeclaration ::= ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewEmptyDeclaration(Token(1));

--18.7 Only in the LALR(1) Grammar

Modifiers ::= Modifier
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

Modifiers ::= Modifiers Modifier
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(2);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

Modifier ::= 'public'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewModifier(Ast::PUBLIC, Token(1));

Modifier ::= 'protected'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewModifier(Ast::PROTECTED, Token(1));

Modifier ::= 'private'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewModifier(Ast::PRIVATE, Token(1));

Modifier ::= 'static'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewModifier(Ast::STATIC, Token(1));

Modifier ::= 'abstract'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewModifier(Ast::ABSTRACT, Token(1));

Modifier ::= 'final'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewModifier(Ast::FINAL, Token(1));

Modifier ::= 'native'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewModifier(Ast::NATIVE, Token(1));

Modifier ::= 'strictfp'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewModifier(Ast::STRICTFP, Token(1));

Modifier ::= 'synchronized'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewModifier(Ast::SYNCHRONIZED, Token(1));

Modifier ::= 'transient'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewModifier(Ast::TRANSIENT, Token(1));

Modifier ::= 'volatile'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewModifier(Ast::VOLATILE, Token(1));

--18.8 Productions from 8: Class Declarations
--ClassModifier ::=
--      'abstract'
--    | 'final'
--    | 'public'
--18.8.1 Productions from 8.1: Class Declarations

ClassDeclaration ::= Modifiersopt 'class' 'Identifier' Superopt Interfacesopt ClassBody
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstClassDeclaration *p = ast_pool -> NewClassDeclaration();
    if (Sym(1) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);
        p -> AllocateClassModifiers(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddClassModifier((AstModifier *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> class_token          = Token(2);
    p -> identifier_token     = Token(3);
    p -> super_opt            = (AstExpression *) Sym(4);
    if (Sym(5) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(5);
        p -> AllocateInterfaces(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddInterface((AstExpression *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> class_body = (AstClassBody *) Sym(6);
    Sym(1) = p;

Super ::= 'extends' ClassType
void Parser::SetSym1ToSym2(void) { Sym(1) = Sym(2); }

Interfaces ::= 'implements' InterfaceTypeList
// void SetSym1ToSym2(void);

InterfaceTypeList ::= InterfaceType
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

InterfaceTypeList ::= InterfaceTypeList ',' InterfaceType
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(3);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

ClassBody ::= '{' ClassBodyDeclarationsopt '}'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstClassBody *p = ast_pool -> NewClassBody();
    if (parse_header_only)
        p -> mark_unparsed();

    p -> left_brace_token = Token(1);
    if (Sym(2) != NULL)
        int num_instance_variables = 0,
            num_class_variables = 0,
            num_methods = 0,
            num_constructors = 0,
            num_static_initializers = 0,
            num_inner_classes = 0,
            num_inner_interfaces = 0,
            num_blocks = 0,
            num_empty_declarations = 0;

        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(2);
        p -> AllocateClassBodyDeclarations(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddClassBodyDeclaration(root -> element);

            AstFieldDeclaration *field_declaration = root -> element -> FieldDeclarationCast();
            if (field_declaration)
                for (int i = 0; i < field_declaration -> NumVariableModifiers(); i++)
                    if (field_declaration -> VariableModifier(i) -> kind == Ast::STATIC)
                        field_declaration -> MarkStatic();
                if (field_declaration -> StaticFieldCast())
                else num_instance_variables++;
            else if (root -> element -> MethodDeclarationCast())
            else if (root -> element -> ConstructorDeclarationCast())
            else if (root -> element -> StaticInitializerCast())
            else if (root -> element -> ClassDeclarationCast())
            else if (root -> element -> InterfaceDeclarationCast())
            else if (root -> element -> BlockCast())
            else num_empty_declarations++;
        } while(root != tail);

        p -> AllocateInstanceVariables(num_instance_variables);
        p -> AllocateClassVariables(num_class_variables);
        p -> AllocateMethods(num_methods);
        p -> AllocateConstructors(num_constructors);
        p -> AllocateStaticInitializers(num_static_initializers);
        p -> AllocateNestedClasses(num_inner_classes);
        p -> AllocateNestedInterfaces(num_inner_interfaces);
        p -> AllocateBlocks(num_blocks);
        p -> AllocateEmptyDeclarations(num_empty_declarations);

        root = tail;
            root = root -> next;

            AstFieldDeclaration *field_declaration;
            AstMethodDeclaration *method_declaration;
            AstConstructorDeclaration *constructor_declaration;
            AstStaticInitializer *static_initializer;
            AstClassDeclaration *class_declaration;
            AstInterfaceDeclaration *interface_declaration;
            AstBlock *block;

            if (field_declaration = root -> element -> FieldDeclarationCast())
                if (field_declaration -> StaticFieldCast())
                     p -> AddClassVariable(field_declaration);
                else p -> AddInstanceVariable(field_declaration);
            else if (method_declaration = root -> element -> MethodDeclarationCast())
                p -> AddMethod(method_declaration);
            else if (constructor_declaration = root -> element -> ConstructorDeclarationCast())
                p -> AddConstructor(constructor_declaration);
            else if (static_initializer = root -> element -> StaticInitializerCast())
                p -> AddStaticInitializer(static_initializer);
            else if (class_declaration = root -> element -> ClassDeclarationCast())
                p -> AddNestedClass(class_declaration);
            else if (interface_declaration = root -> element -> InterfaceDeclarationCast())
                p -> AddNestedInterface(interface_declaration);
            else if (block = root -> element -> BlockCast())
                p -> AddBlock(block);
            else // assert(block = root -> element -> EmptyDeclarationCast())
                p -> AddEmptyDeclaration((AstEmptyDeclaration *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_brace_token = Token(3);
    p -> pool = body_pool; // from now on, this is the storage pool to use for this type
    Sym(1) = p;

ClassBodyDeclarations ::= ClassBodyDeclaration
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

ClassBodyDeclarations ::= ClassBodyDeclarations ClassBodyDeclaration
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(2);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

ClassBodyDeclaration -> ClassMemberDeclaration

ClassBodyDeclaration -> StaticInitializer

ClassBodyDeclaration -> ConstructorDeclaration

--1.1 feature
ClassBodyDeclaration ::= MethodHeaderMarker Block
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = Sym(2);

ClassMemberDeclaration -> FieldDeclaration

ClassMemberDeclaration -> MethodDeclaration

--1.1 feature
ClassMemberDeclaration -> ClassDeclaration

--1.1 feature
ClassMemberDeclaration -> InterfaceDeclaration

-- Empty declarations are not valid Java ClassMemberDeclarations.
-- However, since the current (2/14/97) Java compiler accepts them 
-- (in fact, some of the official tests contain this erroneous
-- syntax), we decided to accept them as valid syntax and flag them
-- as a warning during semantic processing.
ClassMemberDeclaration ::= ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewEmptyDeclaration(Token(1));

--18.8.2 Productions from 8.3: Field Declarations
--VariableModifier ::=
--      'public'
--    | 'protected'
--    | 'private'
--    | 'static'
--    | 'final'
--    | 'transient'
--    | 'volatile'

FieldDeclaration ::= Modifiersopt Type VariableDeclarators ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstFieldDeclaration *p = ast_pool -> NewFieldDeclaration();
    if (Sym(1) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);
        p -> AllocateVariableModifiers(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddVariableModifier((AstModifier *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> type = Sym(2);
    // The list of declarators is guaranteed not empty
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(3);
        p -> AllocateVariableDeclarators(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddVariableDeclarator((AstVariableDeclarator *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> semicolon_token      = Token(4);
    Sym(1) = p;

VariableDeclarators ::= VariableDeclarator
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

VariableDeclarators ::= VariableDeclarators ',' VariableDeclarator
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(3);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

VariableDeclarator ::= VariableDeclaratorId
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstVariableDeclarator *p = ast_pool -> NewVariableDeclarator();
    p -> variable_declarator_name = (AstVariableDeclaratorId *) Sym(1);
    p -> variable_initializer_opt = NULL;
    Sym(1) = p;

VariableDeclarator ::= VariableDeclaratorId '=' VariableInitializer
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstVariableDeclarator *p = ast_pool -> NewVariableDeclarator();
    p -> variable_declarator_name = (AstVariableDeclaratorId *) Sym(1);
    p -> variable_initializer_opt = Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

VariableDeclaratorId ::= 'Identifier' Dimsopt
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstVariableDeclaratorId *p = ast_pool -> NewVariableDeclaratorId();
    p -> identifier_token = Token(1);
    if (Sym(2) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(2);
        p -> AllocateBrackets(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddBrackets((AstBrackets *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    Sym(1) = p;

VariableInitializer -> Expression

VariableInitializer -> ArrayInitializer

--18.8.3 Productions from 8.4: Method Declarations
--MethodModifier ::=
--      'public'
--    | 'protected'
--    | 'private'
--    | 'static'
--    | 'abstract'
--    | 'final'
--    | 'native'
--    | 'synchronized'
-- The original rule does not contain the "MethodHeaderMarker.
-- See explanation above.
-- MethodDeclaration ::= MethodHeader MethodBody

MethodDeclaration ::= MethodHeader MethodHeaderMarker MethodBody
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    ((AstMethodDeclaration *) Sym(1)) -> method_body = (AstStatement *) Sym(3);

MethodHeader ::= Modifiersopt Type MethodDeclarator Throwsopt
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstMethodDeclaration *p = ast_pool -> NewMethodDeclaration();
    if (Sym(1) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);
        p -> AllocateMethodModifiers(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddMethodModifier((AstModifier *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> type              = Sym(2);
    p -> method_declarator = (AstMethodDeclarator *) Sym(3);
    if (Sym(4) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(4);
        p -> AllocateThrows(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddThrow((AstExpression *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    Sym(1) = p;

MethodHeader ::= Modifiersopt 'void' MethodDeclarator Throwsopt
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstMethodDeclaration *p = ast_pool -> NewMethodDeclaration();
    if (Sym(1) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);
        p -> AllocateMethodModifiers(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddMethodModifier((AstModifier *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> type              = ast_pool -> NewPrimitiveType(Ast::VOID_TYPE, Token(2));
    p -> method_declarator = (AstMethodDeclarator *) Sym(3);
    if (Sym(4) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(4);
        p -> AllocateThrows(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddThrow((AstExpression *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    Sym(1) = p;

MethodDeclarator ::= 'Identifier' '(' FormalParameterListopt ')' Dimsopt
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstMethodDeclarator *p = ast_pool -> NewMethodDeclarator();
    p -> identifier_token        = Token(1);
    p -> left_parenthesis_token  = Token(2);
    if (Sym(3) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(3);
        p -> AllocateFormalParameters(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddFormalParameter((AstFormalParameter *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_parenthesis_token = Token(4);
    if (Sym(5) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(5);
        p -> AllocateBrackets(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddBrackets((AstBrackets *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    Sym(1) = p;

FormalParameterList ::= FormalParameter
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

FormalParameterList ::= FormalParameterList ',' FormalParameter
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(3);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

FormalParameter ::= Type VariableDeclaratorId
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstFormalParameter *p = ast_pool -> NewFormalParameter();
    p -> type                     = Sym(1);
    p -> variable_declarator_name = (AstVariableDeclaratorId *) Sym(2);
    Sym(1) = p;

--1.1 feature
FormalParameter ::= Modifiers Type VariableDeclaratorId
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstFormalParameter *p = ast_pool -> NewFormalParameter();
    // The list of modifiers is guaranteed not empty
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);
        p -> AllocateParameterModifiers(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddParameterModifier((AstModifier *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> type                     = Sym(2);
    p -> variable_declarator_name = (AstVariableDeclaratorId *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

Throws ::= 'throws' ClassTypeList
// void SetSym1ToSym2(void);

ClassTypeList ::= ClassType
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

ClassTypeList ::= ClassTypeList ',' ClassType
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(3);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

MethodBody -> Block

MethodBody ::= ';'
void Parser::MakeEmptyStatement(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewEmptyStatement(Token(1));

--18.8.4 Productions from 8.5: Static Initializers

StaticInitializer ::= 'static' MethodHeaderMarker Block
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstStaticInitializer *p = ast_pool -> NewStaticInitializer();
    p -> static_token = Token(1);
    p -> block        = (AstBlock *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

--18.8.5 Productions from 8.6: Constructor Declarations
--ConstructorModifier ::=
--      'public'
--    | 'protected'
--    | 'private'
-- The original rule does not contain a "MethodHeaderMarker". See
-- explanation above.
-- ConstructorDeclaration ::= Modifiersopt ConstructorDeclarator Throwsopt ConstructorBody

ConstructorDeclaration ::= Modifiersopt ConstructorDeclarator Throwsopt MethodHeaderMarker ConstructorBody
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstConstructorBlock *block = Sym(5) -> ConstructorBlockCast();
    if (! block)
        block = ast_pool -> NewConstructorBlock();
        block -> left_brace_token                    = Sym(5) -> LeftToken();
        block -> explicit_constructor_invocation_opt = NULL;
        block -> block                               = (AstBlock *) Sym(5);
        block -> right_brace_token                   = Sym(5) -> RightToken();

    AstConstructorDeclaration *p = ast_pool -> NewConstructorDeclaration();

    if (Sym(1) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);
        p -> AllocateConstructorModifiers(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddConstructorModifier((AstModifier *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> constructor_declarator = (AstMethodDeclarator *) Sym(2);
    if (Sym(3) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(3);
        p -> AllocateThrows(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddThrow((AstExpression *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> constructor_body       = block;

    Sym(1) = p;

-- The original rule specifies SimpleName but it appears to be an
-- error as the rule for a method declarator uses an Identifier.
--...Until further notice, ...
-- ConstructorDeclarator ::= SimpleName '(' FormalParameterListopt ')'

ConstructorDeclarator ::= 'Identifier' '(' FormalParameterListopt ')'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstMethodDeclarator *p = ast_pool -> NewMethodDeclarator();
    p -> identifier_token        = Token(1);
    p -> left_parenthesis_token  = Token(2);
    if (Sym(3) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(3);
        p -> AllocateFormalParameters(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddFormalParameter((AstFormalParameter *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_parenthesis_token = Token(4);
    Sym(1) = p;

-- NOTE that the rules ExplicitConstructorInvocationopt has been expanded
-- in the rule below in order to make the grammar lalr(1).
-- ConstructorBody ::= '{' ExplicitConstructorInvocationopt BlockStatementsopt '}'
ConstructorBody -> Block

ConstructorBody ::= '{' ExplicitConstructorInvocation BlockStatementsopt '}'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBlock *block = ast_pool -> NewBlock();
    if (Sym(3) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(3);
        block -> AllocateBlockStatements(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
        block -> left_brace_token  = root -> element -> LeftToken();
        block -> right_brace_token = tail -> element -> RightToken();
            root = root -> next;
            block -> AddStatement((AstStatement *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
        block -> left_brace_token  = Token(4);
        block -> right_brace_token = Token(4);

    AstConstructorBlock *p = ast_pool -> NewConstructorBlock();
    p -> left_brace_token                    = Token(1);
    p -> explicit_constructor_invocation_opt = Sym(2);
    p -> block                               = block;
    p -> right_brace_token                   = Token(4);
    Sym(1) = p;

ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= 'this' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstThisCall *p = ast_pool -> NewThisCall();
    p -> base_opt                = NULL;
    p -> dot_token_opt           = 0;
    p -> this_token              = Token(1);
    p -> left_parenthesis_token  = Token(2);
    if (Sym(3) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(3);
        p -> AllocateArguments(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddArgument((AstExpression *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_parenthesis_token = Token(4);
    p -> semicolon_token         = Token(5);
    Sym(1) = p;

ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= 'super' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstSuperCall *p = ast_pool -> NewSuperCall();
    p -> base_opt                = NULL;
    p -> dot_token_opt           = 0;
    p -> super_token             = Token(1);
    p -> left_parenthesis_token  = Token(2);
    if (Sym(3) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(3);
        p -> AllocateArguments(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddArgument((AstExpression *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_parenthesis_token = Token(4);
    p -> semicolon_token         = Token(5);
    Sym(1) = p;

--1.2 feature
ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Primary '.' 'this' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstThisCall *p = ast_pool -> NewThisCall();
    p -> base_opt               = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> dot_token_opt          = Token(2);
    p -> this_token             = Token(3);
    p -> left_parenthesis_token = Token(4);
    if (Sym(5) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(5);
        p -> AllocateArguments(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddArgument((AstExpression *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_parenthesis_token = Token(6);
    p -> semicolon_token         = Token(7);
    Sym(1) = p;

--1.1 feature
ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Primary '.' 'super' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';'
void Parser::MakeQualifiedSuper(void)
    AstSuperCall *p = ast_pool -> NewSuperCall();
    p -> base_opt                = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> dot_token_opt           = Token(2);
    p -> super_token             = Token(3);
    p -> left_parenthesis_token  = Token(4);
    if (Sym(5) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(5);
        p -> AllocateArguments(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddArgument((AstExpression *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_parenthesis_token = Token(6);
    p -> semicolon_token         = Token(7);
    Sym(1) = p;

--1.1 feature
ExplicitConstructorInvocation ::= Name '.' 'super' '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ';'
// void MakeQualifiedSuper(void);

--18.9 Productions from 9: Interface Declarations

--18.9.1 Productions from 9.1: Interface Declarations
--InterfaceModifier ::=
--      'public'
--    | 'abstract'
InterfaceDeclaration ::= Modifiersopt 'interface' 'Identifier' ExtendsInterfacesopt InterfaceBody
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstInterfaceDeclaration *p = (AstInterfaceDeclaration *) Sym(5);
    if (Sym(1) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);
        p -> AllocateInterfaceModifiers(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddInterfaceModifier((AstModifier *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> interface_token  = Token(2);
    p -> identifier_token = Token(3);
    if (Sym(4) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(4);
        p -> AllocateExtendsInterfaces(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddExtendsInterface((AstExpression *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    Sym(1) = p;

ExtendsInterfaces ::= 'extends' InterfaceTypeList
// void SetSym1ToSym2(void);

InterfaceBody ::= '{' InterfaceMemberDeclarationsopt '}'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstInterfaceDeclaration *p = ast_pool -> NewInterfaceDeclaration();
    if (parse_header_only)
        p -> mark_unparsed();

    p -> left_brace_token = Token(1);
    if (Sym(2) != NULL)
        int num_class_variables = 0,
            num_methods = 0,
            num_inner_classes = 0,
            num_inner_interfaces = 0,
            num_empty_declarations = 0;

        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(2);
        p -> AllocateInterfaceMemberDeclarations(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddInterfaceMemberDeclaration(root -> element);

            AstFieldDeclaration *field_declaration = root -> element -> FieldDeclarationCast();
            if (field_declaration)
                field_declaration -> MarkStatic();
            else if (root -> element -> MethodDeclarationCast())
            else if (root -> element -> ClassDeclarationCast())
            else if (root -> element -> InterfaceDeclarationCast())
            else num_empty_declarations++;
        } while(root != tail);

        p -> AllocateClassVariables(num_class_variables);
        p -> AllocateMethods(num_methods);
        p -> AllocateNestedClasses(num_inner_classes);
        p -> AllocateNestedInterfaces(num_inner_interfaces);
        p -> AllocateEmptyDeclarations(num_empty_declarations);

        root = tail;
            root = root -> next;

            AstFieldDeclaration *field_declaration;
            AstMethodDeclaration *method_declaration;
            AstClassDeclaration *class_declaration;
            AstInterfaceDeclaration *interface_declaration;

            if (field_declaration = root -> element -> FieldDeclarationCast())
                p -> AddClassVariable(field_declaration);
            else if (method_declaration = root -> element -> MethodDeclarationCast())
                p -> AddMethod(method_declaration);
            else if (class_declaration = root -> element -> ClassDeclarationCast())
                p -> AddNestedClass(class_declaration);
            else if (interface_declaration = root -> element -> InterfaceDeclarationCast())
                p -> AddNestedInterface(interface_declaration);
            else // assert(interface_declaration = root -> element -> EmptyDeclarationCast())
                p -> AddEmptyDeclaration((AstEmptyDeclaration *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_brace_token = Token(3);
    p -> pool = body_pool; // from now on, this is the storage pool to use for this type
    Sym(1) = p;

InterfaceMemberDeclarations ::= InterfaceMemberDeclaration
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

InterfaceMemberDeclarations ::= InterfaceMemberDeclarations InterfaceMemberDeclaration
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(2);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

InterfaceMemberDeclaration -> ConstantDeclaration

InterfaceMemberDeclaration -> AbstractMethodDeclaration

--1.1 feature
InterfaceMemberDeclaration -> ClassDeclaration

--1.1 feature
InterfaceMemberDeclaration -> InterfaceDeclaration

-- Empty declarations are not valid Java InterfaceMemberDeclarations.
-- However, since the current (2/14/97) Java compiler accepts them 
-- (in fact, some of the official tests contain this erroneous
-- syntax), we decided to accept them as valid syntax and flag them
-- as a warning during semantic processing.
InterfaceMemberDeclaration ::= ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewEmptyDeclaration(Token(1));

ConstantDeclaration -> FieldDeclaration

AbstractMethodDeclaration ::= MethodHeader ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    ((AstMethodDeclaration *) Sym(1)) -> method_body = ast_pool -> NewEmptyStatement(Token(2));

--18.10 Productions from 10: Arrays

-- NOTE that the rules VariableInitializersopt and ,opt have been expanded,
-- where appropriate, in the rule below in order to make the grammar lalr(1).
-- ArrayInitializer ::= '{' VariableInitializersopt ,opt '}'
ArrayInitializer ::= '{' ,opt '}'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstArrayInitializer *p = ast_pool -> NewArrayInitializer();
    p -> left_brace_token      = Token(1);
    p -> right_brace_token     = Token(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

ArrayInitializer ::= '{' VariableInitializers '}'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstArrayInitializer *p = ast_pool -> NewArrayInitializer();
    p -> left_brace_token      = Token(1);
    if (Sym(2) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(2);
        p -> AllocateVariableInitializers(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddVariableInitializer(root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_brace_token     = Token(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

ArrayInitializer ::= '{' VariableInitializers , '}'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstArrayInitializer *p = ast_pool -> NewArrayInitializer();
    p -> left_brace_token      = Token(1);
    if (Sym(2) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(2);
        p -> AllocateVariableInitializers(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddVariableInitializer(root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_brace_token     = Token(4);
    Sym(1) = p;

VariableInitializers ::= VariableInitializer
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

VariableInitializers ::= VariableInitializers ',' VariableInitializer
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(3);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

--18.11 Productions from 13: Blocks and Statements

Block ::= '{' BlockStatementsopt '}'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBlock *p = ast_pool -> NewBlock();
    p -> left_brace_token  = Token(1);
    if (Sym(2) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(2);
        p -> AllocateBlockStatements(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddStatement((AstStatement *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_brace_token = Token(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

BlockStatements ::= BlockStatement
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

BlockStatements ::= BlockStatements BlockStatement
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(2);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

BlockStatement -> LocalVariableDeclarationStatement

BlockStatement -> Statement

--1.1 feature
BlockStatement -> ClassDeclaration

LocalVariableDeclarationStatement ::= LocalVariableDeclaration ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    ((AstLocalVariableDeclarationStatement *) Sym(1)) -> semicolon_token_opt = Token(2);

LocalVariableDeclaration ::= Type VariableDeclarators
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstLocalVariableDeclarationStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewLocalVariableDeclarationStatement();
    p -> type                 = Sym(1);
    // The list of declarators is guaranteed not empty
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(2);
        p -> AllocateVariableDeclarators(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddVariableDeclarator((AstVariableDeclarator *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> semicolon_token_opt  = 0;
    Sym(1) = p;

--1.1 feature
LocalVariableDeclaration ::= Modifiers Type VariableDeclarators
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstLocalVariableDeclarationStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewLocalVariableDeclarationStatement();
    // The list of modifiers is guaranteed not empty
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);
        p -> AllocateLocalModifiers(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddLocalModifier((AstModifier *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> type = Sym(2);
    // The list of declarators is guaranteed not empty
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(3);
        p -> AllocateVariableDeclarators(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddVariableDeclarator((AstVariableDeclarator *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> semicolon_token_opt  = 0;
    Sym(1) = p;

Statement -> StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement

Statement -> LabeledStatement

Statement -> IfThenStatement

Statement -> IfThenElseStatement

Statement -> WhileStatement

Statement -> ForStatement

StatementNoShortIf -> StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement

StatementNoShortIf -> LabeledStatementNoShortIf

StatementNoShortIf -> IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf

StatementNoShortIf -> WhileStatementNoShortIf

StatementNoShortIf -> ForStatementNoShortIf

StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement -> Block

StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement -> EmptyStatement

StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement -> ExpressionStatement

StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement -> SwitchStatement

StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement -> DoStatement

StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement -> BreakStatement

StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement -> ContinueStatement

StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement -> ReturnStatement

StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement -> SynchronizedStatement

StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement -> ThrowStatement

StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement -> TryStatement

EmptyStatement ::= ';'
// void MakeEmptyStatement(void);

LabeledStatement ::= 'Identifier' ':' Statement
void Parser::MakeLabeledStatement(void)
    AstBlock *p = Sym(3) -> BlockCast();

    if (! (p && p -> NumStatements() == 1 &&
           (p -> Statement(0) -> kind == Ast::FOR   ||
            p -> Statement(0) -> kind == Ast::WHILE ||
            p -> Statement(0) -> kind == Ast::DO)))
        // When a statement is labeled, it is enclosed in a block.
        // This is necessary in order to allow the same name to be
        // reused to label a subsequent statement at the same nesting
        // level... See ProcessBlock, ProcessStatement,...
        p = ast_pool -> NewBlock();
        p -> AllocateBlockStatements(1); // allocate 1 element
        p -> left_brace_token  = Token(1);
        p -> AddStatement((AstStatement *) Sym(3));
        p -> right_brace_token = Sym(3) -> RightToken();

    p -> label_token_opt = Token(1); // add label to statement
    Sym(1) = p; // The final result is a block containing the labeled-statement

LabeledStatementNoShortIf ::= 'Identifier' ':' StatementNoShortIf
// void MakeLabeledStatement(void);

ExpressionStatement ::= StatementExpression ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    ((AstExpressionStatement *) Sym(1)) -> semicolon_token_opt = Token(2);

StatementExpression ::= Assignment
void Parser::MakeExpressionStatement(void)
    AstExpressionStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewExpressionStatement();
    p -> expression          = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> semicolon_token_opt = 0;
    Sym(1) = p;

StatementExpression ::= PreIncrementExpression
// void MakeExpressionStatement(void);

StatementExpression ::= PreDecrementExpression
// void MakeExpressionStatement(void);

StatementExpression ::= PostIncrementExpression
// void MakeExpressionStatement(void);

StatementExpression ::= PostDecrementExpression
// void MakeExpressionStatement(void);

StatementExpression ::= MethodInvocation
// void MakeExpressionStatement(void);

StatementExpression ::= ClassInstanceCreationExpression
// void MakeExpressionStatement(void);

IfThenStatement ::=  'if' '(' Expression ')' Statement
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBlock *block = Sym(5) -> BlockCast();
    if (! block)
        block = ast_pool -> NewBlock();
        block -> AllocateBlockStatements(1); // allocate 1 element
        block -> left_brace_token  = Token(5);
        block -> AddStatement((AstStatement *) Sym(5));
        block -> right_brace_token = Sym(5) -> RightToken();

    AstIfStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewIfStatement();
    p -> if_token            = Token(1);
    p -> expression          = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    p -> true_statement      = block;
    p -> false_statement_opt = NULL;
    Sym(1) = p;

IfThenElseStatement ::=  'if' '(' Expression ')' StatementNoShortIf 'else' Statement
void Parser::MakeIfThenElseStatement(void)
    AstBlock *true_block = Sym(5) -> BlockCast();
    if (! true_block)
        true_block = ast_pool -> NewBlock();
        true_block -> AllocateBlockStatements(1); // allocate 1 element
        true_block -> left_brace_token  = Token(5);
        true_block -> AddStatement((AstStatement *) Sym(5));
        true_block -> right_brace_token = Sym(5) -> RightToken();

    AstBlock *false_block = Sym(7) -> BlockCast();
    if (! false_block)
        false_block = ast_pool -> NewBlock();
        false_block -> AllocateBlockStatements(1); // allocate 1 element
        false_block -> left_brace_token  = Token(7);
        false_block -> AddStatement((AstStatement *) Sym(7));
        false_block -> right_brace_token = Sym(7) -> RightToken();

    AstIfStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewIfStatement();
    p -> if_token            = Token(1);
    p -> expression          = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    p -> true_statement      = true_block;
    p -> false_statement_opt = false_block;
    Sym(1) = p;

IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf ::=  'if' '(' Expression ')' StatementNoShortIf 'else' StatementNoShortIf
// void MakeIfThenElseStatement(void);

SwitchStatement ::= 'switch' '(' Expression ')' SwitchBlock
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstSwitchStatement *p = (AstSwitchStatement *) Sym(5);
    p -> switch_token = Token(1);
    p -> expression   = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

SwitchBlock ::= '{' '}'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstSwitchStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewSwitchStatement();

    AstBlock *block = ast_pool -> NewBlock();
    block -> left_brace_token  = Token(1);
    block -> right_brace_token = Token(2);

    p -> switch_block = block;

    Sym(1) = p;

SwitchBlock ::= '{' SwitchBlockStatements '}'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstSwitchStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewSwitchStatement();

    AstBlock *block = ast_pool -> NewBlock();
    block -> left_brace_token  = Token(1);
    if (Sym(2) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(2);
        block -> AllocateBlockStatements(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            block -> AddStatement((AstStatement *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    block -> right_brace_token = Token(3);

    p -> switch_block  = block;

    Sym(1) = p;

SwitchBlock ::= '{' SwitchLabels '}'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstSwitchStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewSwitchStatement();

    AstSwitchBlockStatement *q = ast_pool -> NewSwitchBlockStatement();
    // The list of SwitchBlockStatements is never null
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(2);
        q -> AllocateSwitchLabels(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            q -> AddSwitchLabel((AstStatement *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);

    AstBlock *block = ast_pool -> NewBlock();
    block -> AllocateBlockStatements(1); // allocate 1 element
    block -> left_brace_token  = Token(1);
    block -> AddStatement(q);
    block -> right_brace_token = Token(3);

    p -> switch_block  = block;

    Sym(1) = p;

SwitchBlock ::= '{' SwitchBlockStatements SwitchLabels '}'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstSwitchStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewSwitchStatement();

    AstBlock *block = ast_pool -> NewBlock();
    block -> left_brace_token  = Token(1);
    // The list of SwitchBlockStatements is never null
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(2);
        block -> AllocateBlockStatements(tail -> index + 2); // +1 because of extra statement for additional SwithLabels
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            block -> AddStatement((AstStatement *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);

    AstSwitchBlockStatement *q = ast_pool -> NewSwitchBlockStatement();
    // The list of SwitchLabels is never null
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(3);
        q -> AllocateSwitchLabels(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            q -> AddSwitchLabel(root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);

    block -> AddStatement(q);
    block -> right_brace_token = Token(4);

    p -> switch_block  = block;

    Sym(1) = p;

SwitchBlockStatements ::= SwitchBlockStatement
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

SwitchBlockStatements ::= SwitchBlockStatements SwitchBlockStatement
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(2);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

SwitchBlockStatement ::= SwitchLabels BlockStatements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstSwitchBlockStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewSwitchBlockStatement();
    // The list of SwitchLabels is never null
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);
        p -> AllocateSwitchLabels(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddSwitchLabel(root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);

    // The list of SwitchBlockStatements is never null
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(2);
        p -> AllocateBlockStatements(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddStatement((AstStatement *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    Sym(1) = p;

SwitchLabels ::= SwitchLabel
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

SwitchLabels ::= SwitchLabels SwitchLabel
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(2);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

SwitchLabel ::= 'case' ConstantExpression ':'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstCaseLabel *p = ast_pool -> NewCaseLabel();
    p -> case_token  = Token(1);
    p -> expression  = (AstExpression *) Sym(2);
    p -> colon_token = Token(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

SwitchLabel ::= 'default' ':'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstDefaultLabel *p = ast_pool -> NewDefaultLabel();
    p -> default_token = Token(1);
    p -> colon_token   = Token(2);
    Sym(1) = p;

WhileStatement ::= 'while' '(' Expression ')' Statement
void Parser::MakeWhileStatement(void)
    AstWhileStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewWhileStatement();
    p -> while_token = Token(1);
    p -> expression  = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    p -> statement   = (AstStatement *) Sym(5);

    AstBlock *block = ast_pool -> NewBlock();
    block -> AllocateBlockStatements(1); // allocate 1 element
    block -> left_brace_token  = Token(1); // point to 'FOR' keyword
    block -> AddStatement(p);
    block -> right_brace_token = Sym(5) -> RightToken(); // point to last token in statement

    Sym(1) = block;

WhileStatementNoShortIf ::= 'while' '(' Expression ')' StatementNoShortIf
// void MakeWhileStatement(void);

DoStatement ::= 'do' Statement 'while' '(' Expression ')' ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstDoStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewDoStatement();
    p -> do_token        = Token(1);
    p -> statement       = (AstStatement *) Sym(2);
    p -> while_token     = Token(3);
    p -> expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(5);
    p -> semicolon_token = Token(7);

    AstBlock *block = ast_pool -> NewBlock();
    block -> AllocateBlockStatements(1); // allocate 1 element
    block -> left_brace_token  = Token(1);
    block -> AddStatement(p);
    block -> right_brace_token = Token(7);

    Sym(1) = block;

ForStatement ::= 'for' '(' ForInitopt ';' Expressionopt ';' ForUpdateopt ')' Statement
void Parser::MakeForStatement(void)
    AstForStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewForStatement();
    p -> for_token = Token(1);
    if (Sym(3) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(3);
        p -> AllocateForInitStatements(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddForInitStatement((AstStatement *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> end_expression_opt = (AstExpression *) Sym(5);
    if (Sym(7) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(7);
        p -> AllocateForUpdateStatements(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddForUpdateStatement((AstExpressionStatement *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> statement = (AstStatement *) Sym(9);

    AstBlock *block = ast_pool -> NewBlock();
    block -> AllocateBlockStatements(1); // allocate 1 element
    block -> left_brace_token  = Token(1);
    block -> AddStatement(p);
    block -> right_brace_token = Sym(9) -> RightToken();

    Sym(1) = block;

ForStatementNoShortIf ::= 'for' '(' ForInitopt ';' Expressionopt ';' ForUpdateopt ')' StatementNoShortIf
// void MakeForStatement(void);

ForInit -> StatementExpressionList

ForInit ::= LocalVariableDeclaration
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

ForUpdate -> StatementExpressionList

StatementExpressionList ::= StatementExpression
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

StatementExpressionList ::= StatementExpressionList ',' StatementExpression
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(3);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

-- NOTE that the rule Identifieropt was expanded in line in the two
-- contexts where it appeared: Break and Continue statements.
-- This was done because there is no straightforward way of passing
-- optional token information in the parse stack.
BreakStatement ::= 'break' ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBreakStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewBreakStatement();
    p -> break_token          = Token(1);
    p -> identifier_token_opt = 0;
    p -> semicolon_token      = Token(2);
    Sym(1) = p;

BreakStatement ::= 'break' 'Identifier' ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBreakStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewBreakStatement();
    p -> break_token          = Token(1);
    p -> identifier_token_opt = Token(2);
    p -> semicolon_token      = Token(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

ContinueStatement ::= 'continue' ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstContinueStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewContinueStatement();
    p -> continue_token       = Token(1);
    p -> identifier_token_opt = 0;
    p -> semicolon_token      = Token(2);
    Sym(1) = p;

ContinueStatement ::= 'continue' 'Identifier' ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstContinueStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewContinueStatement();
    p -> continue_token       = Token(1);
    p -> identifier_token_opt = Token(2);
    p -> semicolon_token      = Token(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

ReturnStatement ::= 'return' Expressionopt ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstReturnStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewReturnStatement();
    p -> return_token    = Token(1);
    p -> expression_opt  = (AstExpression *) Sym(2);
    p -> semicolon_token = Token(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

ThrowStatement ::= 'throw' Expression ';'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstThrowStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewThrowStatement();
    p -> throw_token     = Token(1);
    p -> expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(2);
    p -> semicolon_token = Token(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

SynchronizedStatement ::= 'synchronized' '(' Expression ')' Block
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstSynchronizedStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewSynchronizedStatement();
    p -> synchronized_token = Token(1);
    p -> expression         = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    p -> block              = (AstBlock *) Sym(5);
    Sym(1) = p;

TryStatement ::= 'try' Block Catches
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstTryStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewTryStatement();
    p -> try_token          = Token(1);
    p -> block              = (AstBlock *) Sym(2);
    // The list of modifiers is guaranteed not empty
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(3);
        p -> AllocateCatchClauses(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddCatchClause((AstCatchClause *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> finally_clause_opt = NULL;
    Sym(1) = p;

TryStatement ::= 'try' Block Catchesopt Finally
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstTryStatement *p = ast_pool -> NewTryStatement();
    p -> try_token      = Token(1);
    p -> block          = (AstBlock *) Sym(2);
    if (Sym(3) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(3);
        p -> AllocateCatchClauses(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddCatchClause((AstCatchClause *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> finally_clause_opt = (AstFinallyClause *) Sym(4);
    Sym(1) = p;

Catches ::= CatchClause
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

Catches ::= Catches CatchClause
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(2);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

CatchClause ::= 'catch' '(' FormalParameter ')' Block
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstCatchClause *p = ast_pool -> NewCatchClause();
    p -> catch_token      = Token(1);
    p -> formal_parameter = (AstFormalParameter *) Sym(3);
    p -> block            = (AstBlock *) Sym(5);
    Sym(1) = p;

Finally ::= 'finally' Block
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstFinallyClause *p = ast_pool -> NewFinallyClause();
    p -> finally_token = Token(1);
    p -> block         = (AstBlock *) Sym(2);
    Sym(1) = p;

--18.12 Productions from 14: Expressions

Primary -> PrimaryNoNewArray

Primary -> ArrayCreationExpression

PrimaryNoNewArray -> Literal

PrimaryNoNewArray ::= this
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewThisExpression(Token(1));

PrimaryNoNewArray ::= '(' Expression ')'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstParenthesizedExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewParenthesizedExpression();
    p -> left_parenthesis_token = Token(1);
    p -> expression = (AstExpression *) Sym(2);
    p -> right_parenthesis_token = Token(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

PrimaryNoNewArray -> ClassInstanceCreationExpression

PrimaryNoNewArray -> FieldAccess

--1.1 feature
PrimaryNoNewArray ::= Name '.' 'this'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstFieldAccess *p = ast_pool -> NewFieldAccess(AstFieldAccess::THIS_TAG);
    p -> base = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> dot_token = Token(2);
    p -> identifier_token = Token(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

--1.1 feature
PrimaryNoNewArray ::= Type '.' 'class'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstFieldAccess *p = ast_pool -> NewFieldAccess(AstFieldAccess::CLASS_TAG);
    p -> base = ast_pool -> NewTypeExpression(Sym(1));
    p -> dot_token = Token(2);
    p -> identifier_token = Token(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

--1.1 feature
PrimaryNoNewArray ::= 'void' '.' 'class'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstFieldAccess *p = ast_pool -> NewFieldAccess(AstFieldAccess::CLASS_TAG);
    p -> base = ast_pool -> NewTypeExpression(ast_pool -> NewPrimitiveType(Ast::VOID_TYPE, Token(1)));
    p -> dot_token = Token(2);
    p -> identifier_token = Token(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

PrimaryNoNewArray -> MethodInvocation

PrimaryNoNewArray -> ArrayAccess

--1.1 feature
-- In Java 1.0 a ClassBody could not appear at all in a
-- ClassInstanceCreationExpression.
ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= 'new' ClassType '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstClassInstanceCreationExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewClassInstanceCreationExpression();
    p -> base_opt                = NULL;
    p -> dot_token_opt           = 0;
    p -> new_token               = Token(1);
    p -> class_type              = ast_pool -> NewTypeExpression(Sym(2));
    p -> left_parenthesis_token  = Token(3);
    if (Sym(4) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(4);
        p -> AllocateArguments(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddArgument((AstExpression *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_parenthesis_token = Token(5);
    p -> class_body_opt          = (AstClassBody *) Sym(6);
    Sym(1) = p;

--1.1 feature
ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Primary '.' 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt
void Parser::MakeQualifiedNew(void)
    AstClassInstanceCreationExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewClassInstanceCreationExpression();
    p -> base_opt                = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> dot_token_opt           = Token(2);
    p -> new_token               = Token(3);
    p -> class_type              = ast_pool -> NewTypeExpression(Sym(4));
    p -> left_parenthesis_token  = Token(5);
    if (Sym(6) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(6);
        p -> AllocateArguments(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddArgument((AstExpression *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_parenthesis_token = Token(7);
    p -> class_body_opt          = (AstClassBody *) Sym(8);
    Sym(1) = p;

--1.1 feature
ClassInstanceCreationExpression ::= Name '.' 'new' SimpleName '(' ArgumentListopt ')' ClassBodyopt
// void MakeQualifiedNew(void);

ArgumentList ::= Expression
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

ArgumentList ::= ArgumentList ',' Expression
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(3);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

ArrayCreationExpression ::= 'new' PrimitiveType DimExprs Dimsopt
void Parser::MakeArrayCreationExpression(void)
    AstArrayCreationExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewArrayCreationExpression();
    p -> new_token             = Token(1);
    p -> array_type            = Sym(2);
    // The list of DimExprs is never null
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(3);
        p -> AllocateDimExprs(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddDimExpr((AstDimExpr *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);

    if (Sym(4) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(4);
        p -> AllocateBrackets(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddBrackets((AstBrackets *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> array_initializer_opt = NULL;
    Sym(1) = p;

ArrayCreationExpression ::= 'new' ClassOrInterfaceType DimExprs Dimsopt
// void MakeArrayCreationExpression(void);

--1.1 feature
ArrayCreationExpression ::= 'new' ArrayType ArrayInitializer
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstArrayCreationExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewArrayCreationExpression();
    p -> new_token             = Token(1);
    p -> array_type            = Sym(2);
    p -> array_initializer_opt = (AstArrayInitializer *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

DimExprs ::= DimExpr
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = Sym(1);
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

DimExprs ::= DimExprs DimExpr
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = Sym(2);
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

DimExpr ::= '[' Expression ']'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstDimExpr *p = ast_pool -> NewDimExpr();
    p -> left_bracket_token  = Token(1);
    p -> expression          = (AstExpression *) Sym(2);
    p -> right_bracket_token = Token(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

Dims ::= '[' ']'
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> next = p;
    p -> element = ast_pool -> NewBrackets(Token(1), Token(2));
    p -> index = 0;

    Sym(1) = p;

Dims ::= Dims '[' ']'
// Note that the list is circular so as to preserve the order of the elements
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(1);

    AstListNode *p = AllocateListNode();
    p -> element = ast_pool -> NewBrackets(Token(2), Token(3));
    p -> index = tail -> index + 1;

    p -> next = tail -> next;
    tail -> next = p;

    Sym(1) = p;

FieldAccess ::= Primary '.' 'Identifier'
// void MakeFieldAccess(void);

FieldAccess ::= 'super' '.' 'Identifier'
void Parser::MakeSuperFieldAccess(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewSuperExpression(Token(1));


--1.2 feature
FieldAccess ::= Name '.' 'super' '.' 'Identifier'
void Parser::MakeSuperDoubleFieldAccess(void)
    AstFieldAccess *p = ast_pool -> NewFieldAccess();

         AstFieldAccess *q = ast_pool -> NewFieldAccess(AstFieldAccess::SUPER_TAG);
         q -> base = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
         q -> dot_token = Token(2);
         q -> identifier_token = Token(3);

    p -> base = q;
    p -> dot_token = Token(4);
    p -> identifier_token = Token(5);

    Sym(1) = p;

MethodInvocation ::= Name '(' ArgumentListopt ')'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstMethodInvocation *p = ast_pool -> NewMethodInvocation();
    p -> method                  = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> left_parenthesis_token  = Token(2);
    if (Sym(3) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(3);
        p -> AllocateArguments(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddArgument((AstExpression *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_parenthesis_token = Token(4);
    Sym(1) = p;

MethodInvocation ::= Primary '.' 'Identifier' '(' ArgumentListopt ')'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)

    AstMethodInvocation *p = ast_pool -> NewMethodInvocation();
    p -> method                  = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> left_parenthesis_token  = Token(4);
    if (Sym(5) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(5);
        p -> AllocateArguments(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddArgument((AstExpression *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_parenthesis_token = Token(6);
    Sym(1) = p;

MethodInvocation ::= 'super' '.' 'Identifier' '(' ArgumentListopt ')'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)

    AstMethodInvocation *p = ast_pool -> NewMethodInvocation();
    p -> method                  = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> left_parenthesis_token  = Token(4);
    if (Sym(5) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(5);
        p -> AllocateArguments(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddArgument((AstExpression *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_parenthesis_token = Token(6);
    Sym(1) = p;

--1.2 feature
MethodInvocation ::= Name '.' 'super' '.' 'Identifier' '(' ArgumentListopt ')'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)

    AstMethodInvocation *p = ast_pool -> NewMethodInvocation();
    p -> method                  = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> left_parenthesis_token  = Token(6);
    if (Sym(7) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(7);
        p -> AllocateArguments(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddArgument((AstExpression *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_parenthesis_token = Token(8);
    Sym(1) = p;

ArrayAccess ::= Name '[' Expression ']'
void Parser::MakeArrayAccess(void)
    AstArrayAccess *p = ast_pool -> NewArrayAccess();
    p -> base                = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> left_bracket_token  = Token(2);
    p -> expression          = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    p -> right_bracket_token = Token(4);
    Sym(1) = p;

ArrayAccess ::= PrimaryNoNewArray '[' Expression ']'
// void MakeArrayAccess(void);

PostfixExpression -> Primary

PostfixExpression -> Name

PostfixExpression -> PostIncrementExpression

PostfixExpression -> PostDecrementExpression

PostIncrementExpression ::= PostfixExpression '++'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstPostUnaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewPostUnaryExpression(AstPostUnaryExpression::PLUSPLUS);
    p -> expression          = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> post_operator_token = Token(2);
    Sym(1) = p;

PostDecrementExpression ::= PostfixExpression '--'
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstPostUnaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewPostUnaryExpression(AstPostUnaryExpression::MINUSMINUS);
    p -> expression          = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> post_operator_token = Token(2);
    Sym(1) = p;

UnaryExpression -> PreIncrementExpression

UnaryExpression -> PreDecrementExpression

UnaryExpression ::= '+' UnaryExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstPreUnaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewPreUnaryExpression(AstPreUnaryExpression::PLUS);
    p -> pre_operator_token = Token(1);
    p -> expression         = (AstExpression *) Sym(2);
    Sym(1) = p;

UnaryExpression ::= '-' UnaryExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstPreUnaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewPreUnaryExpression(AstPreUnaryExpression::MINUS);
    p -> pre_operator_token = Token(1);
    p -> expression         = (AstExpression *) Sym(2);
    Sym(1) = p;

UnaryExpression -> UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus

PreIncrementExpression ::= '++' UnaryExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstPreUnaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewPreUnaryExpression(AstPreUnaryExpression::PLUSPLUS);
    p -> pre_operator_token = Token(1);
    p -> expression         = (AstExpression *) Sym(2);
    Sym(1) = p;

PreDecrementExpression ::= '--' UnaryExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstPreUnaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewPreUnaryExpression(AstPreUnaryExpression::MINUSMINUS);
    p -> pre_operator_token = Token(1);
    p -> expression         = (AstExpression *) Sym(2);
    Sym(1) = p;

UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus -> PostfixExpression

UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus ::= '~' UnaryExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstPreUnaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewPreUnaryExpression(AstPreUnaryExpression::TWIDDLE);
    p -> pre_operator_token = Token(1);
    p -> expression         = (AstExpression *) Sym(2);
    Sym(1) = p;

UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus ::= '!' UnaryExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstPreUnaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewPreUnaryExpression(AstPreUnaryExpression::NOT);
    p -> pre_operator_token = Token(1);
    p -> expression         = (AstExpression *) Sym(2);
    Sym(1) = p;

UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus -> CastExpression

CastExpression ::= '(' PrimitiveType Dimsopt ')' UnaryExpression
void Parser::MakeCastExpression(void)
    AstCastExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewCastExpression();
    p -> left_parenthesis_token_opt  = Token(1);
    p -> type_opt                    = Sym(2);
    if (Sym(3) != NULL)
        AstListNode *tail = (AstListNode *) Sym(3);
        p -> AllocateBrackets(tail -> index + 1);
        AstListNode *root = tail;
            root = root -> next;
            p -> AddBrackets((AstBrackets *) root -> element);
        } while(root != tail);
    p -> right_parenthesis_token_opt = Token(4);
    p -> expression                  = (AstExpression *) Sym(5);
    Sym(1) = p;

CastExpression ::= '(' Expression ')' UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    // Note that Expression must be a name - i.e., Sym(2) -> isName() == true
    // This check is not performed here and should be performed during
    // semantic processing.
    AstCastExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewCastExpression();
    p -> left_parenthesis_token_opt  = Token(1);
    p -> type_opt                    = Sym(2);
    p -> right_parenthesis_token_opt = Token(3);
    p -> expression                  = (AstExpression *) Sym(4);
    Sym(1) = p;

CastExpression ::= '(' Name Dims ')' UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus
// void MakeCastExpression(void);

MultiplicativeExpression -> UnaryExpression

MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression '*' UnaryExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::STAR);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression '/' UnaryExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::SLASH);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

MultiplicativeExpression ::= MultiplicativeExpression '%' UnaryExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::MOD);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

AdditiveExpression -> MultiplicativeExpression

AdditiveExpression ::= AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::PLUS);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

AdditiveExpression ::= AdditiveExpression '-' MultiplicativeExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::MINUS);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

ShiftExpression -> AdditiveExpression

ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression '<<'  AdditiveExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::LEFT_SHIFT);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression '>>'  AdditiveExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::RIGHT_SHIFT);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

ShiftExpression ::= ShiftExpression '>>>' AdditiveExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

RelationalExpression -> ShiftExpression

RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression '<'  ShiftExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::LESS);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression '>'  ShiftExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::GREATER);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression '<=' ShiftExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::LESS_EQUAL);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression '>=' ShiftExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::GREATER_EQUAL);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

RelationalExpression ::= RelationalExpression 'instanceof' ReferenceType
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::INSTANCEOF);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = ast_pool -> NewTypeExpression(Sym(3));
    Sym(1) = p;

EqualityExpression -> RelationalExpression

EqualityExpression ::= EqualityExpression '==' RelationalExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::EQUAL_EQUAL);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

EqualityExpression ::= EqualityExpression '!=' RelationalExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::NOT_EQUAL);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

AndExpression -> EqualityExpression

AndExpression ::= AndExpression '&' EqualityExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::AND);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

ExclusiveOrExpression -> AndExpression

ExclusiveOrExpression ::= ExclusiveOrExpression '^' AndExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::XOR);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

InclusiveOrExpression -> ExclusiveOrExpression

InclusiveOrExpression ::= InclusiveOrExpression '|' ExclusiveOrExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::IOR);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

ConditionalAndExpression -> InclusiveOrExpression

ConditionalAndExpression ::= ConditionalAndExpression '&&' InclusiveOrExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::AND_AND);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

ConditionalOrExpression -> ConditionalAndExpression

ConditionalOrExpression ::= ConditionalOrExpression '||' ConditionalAndExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstBinaryExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewBinaryExpression(AstBinaryExpression::OR_OR);
    p -> left_expression       = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> binary_operator_token = Token(2);
    p -> right_expression      = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

ConditionalExpression -> ConditionalOrExpression

ConditionalExpression ::= ConditionalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' ConditionalExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstConditionalExpression *p = ast_pool -> NewConditionalExpression();
    p -> test_expression  = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> question_token   = Token(2);
    p -> true_expression  = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    p -> colon_token      = Token(4);
    p -> false_expression = (AstExpression *) Sym(5);
    Sym(1) = p;

AssignmentExpression -> ConditionalExpression

AssignmentExpression -> Assignment

Assignment ::= LeftHandSide AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpression
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    AstAssignmentExpression *p = (AstAssignmentExpression *) Sym(2);
    p -> left_hand_side = (AstExpression *) Sym(1);
    p -> expression     = (AstExpression *) Sym(3);
    Sym(1) = p;

LeftHandSide -> Name

LeftHandSide -> FieldAccess

LeftHandSide -> ArrayAccess

AssignmentOperator ::= '='
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewAssignmentExpression(AstAssignmentExpression::EQUAL, Token(1));

AssignmentOperator ::= '*='
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewAssignmentExpression(AstAssignmentExpression::STAR_EQUAL, Token(1));

AssignmentOperator ::= '/='
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewAssignmentExpression(AstAssignmentExpression::SLASH_EQUAL, Token(1));

AssignmentOperator ::= '%='
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewAssignmentExpression(AstAssignmentExpression::MOD_EQUAL, Token(1));

AssignmentOperator ::= '+='
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewAssignmentExpression(AstAssignmentExpression::PLUS_EQUAL, Token(1));

AssignmentOperator ::= '-='
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewAssignmentExpression(AstAssignmentExpression::MINUS_EQUAL, Token(1));

AssignmentOperator ::= '<<='
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewAssignmentExpression(AstAssignmentExpression::LEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL, Token(1));

AssignmentOperator ::= '>>='
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewAssignmentExpression(AstAssignmentExpression::RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL, Token(1));

AssignmentOperator ::= '>>>='
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewAssignmentExpression(AstAssignmentExpression::UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL, Token(1));

AssignmentOperator ::= '&='
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewAssignmentExpression(AstAssignmentExpression::AND_EQUAL, Token(1));

AssignmentOperator ::= '^='
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewAssignmentExpression(AstAssignmentExpression::XOR_EQUAL, Token(1));

AssignmentOperator ::= '|='
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    Sym(1) = ast_pool -> NewAssignmentExpression(AstAssignmentExpression::IOR_EQUAL, Token(1));

Expression -> AssignmentExpression

ConstantExpression -> Expression

-- The following rules are for optional nonterminals.

PackageDeclarationopt ::= $empty
// Given a rule of the form A ::= x1 x2 ... xn
// Construct a NULL Ast for A.
void Parser::NullAction(void) { Sym(1) = NULL; }

PackageDeclarationopt -> PackageDeclaration

Superopt ::= $empty

Superopt -> Super

Expressionopt ::= $empty

Expressionopt -> Expression

--1.1 feature
ClassBodyopt ::= $empty

--1.1 feature
ClassBodyopt -> ClassBody

-- The rules below are for optional terminal symbols.  An optional comma,
-- is only used in the context of an array initializer - It is a
-- "syntactic sugar" that otherwise serves no other purpose. By contrast,
-- an optional identifier is used in the definition of a break and 
-- continue statement. When the identifier does not appear, a NULL
-- is produced. When the identifier is present, the user should use the
-- corresponding Token(i) method. See break statement as an example.

,opt ::= $empty

,opt -> ,

ImportDeclarationsopt ::= $empty

ImportDeclarationsopt -> ImportDeclarations

TypeDeclarationsopt ::= $empty

TypeDeclarationsopt -> TypeDeclarations

ClassBodyDeclarationsopt ::= $empty

ClassBodyDeclarationsopt -> ClassBodyDeclarations

Modifiersopt ::= $empty

Modifiersopt -> Modifiers

BlockStatementsopt ::= $empty

BlockStatementsopt -> BlockStatements

Dimsopt ::= $empty

Dimsopt -> Dims

ArgumentListopt ::= $empty

ArgumentListopt -> ArgumentList

Throwsopt ::= $empty

Throwsopt -> Throws

FormalParameterListopt ::= $empty

FormalParameterListopt -> FormalParameterList

Interfacesopt ::= $empty

Interfacesopt -> Interfaces

InterfaceMemberDeclarationsopt ::= $empty

InterfaceMemberDeclarationsopt -> InterfaceMemberDeclarations

ForInitopt ::= $empty

ForInitopt -> ForInit

ForUpdateopt ::= $empty

ForUpdateopt -> ForUpdate

ExtendsInterfacesopt ::= $empty

ExtendsInterfacesopt -> ExtendsInterfaces

Catchesopt ::= $empty

Catchesopt -> Catches

PackageHeaderMarker ::= $empty
// When this function is invoked, if the "parse_package_header_only" flag
// is turned on, we skip to the end-of-file token.
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    if (parse_package_header_only)
        lex_stream -> Reset(lex_stream -> NumTokens() - 1); // point to the EOF token
    Sym(1) = NULL;

MethodHeaderMarker ::= $empty
// When this function is invoked, if the "parse_header_only" flag
// is turned on, the body of the method being parsed is skipped.
void Parser::Act$rule_number(void)
    if (parse_header_only)
        TokenObject token = Token(1);

        // If the first token immediately following the method header
        // is not an open brace, then we have a syntactic error. Do
        // nothing and let the error recovery take care of it.
        if (lex_stream -> Kind(token) == TK_LBRACE)
            lex_stream -> Reset(lex_stream -> MatchingBrace(token));

    Sym(1) = NULL;


#ifndef HEADERS


BodyMarker ::= '"class Identifier { ... MethodHeader "'

void ::= ResultType

PLUS_PLUS ::=    '++'   
MINUS_MINUS ::=    '--'   
EQUAL_EQUAL ::=    '=='   
LESS_EQUAL ::=    '<='   
GREATER_EQUAL ::=    '>='   
NOT_EQUAL ::=    '!='   
LEFT_SHIFT ::=    '<<'   
RIGHT_SHIFT ::=    '>>'   
PLUS_EQUAL ::=    '+='   
MINUS_EQUAL ::=    '-='   
MULTIPLY_EQUAL ::=    '*='   
DIVIDE_EQUAL ::=    '/='   
AND_EQUAL ::=    '&='   
OR_EQUAL ::=    '|='   
XOR_EQUAL ::=    '^='   
REMAINDER_EQUAL ::=    '%='   
LEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL ::=    '<<='  
RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL ::=    '>>='  
OR_OR ::=    '||'   
AND_AND ::=    '&&'   

PLUS ::=    '+'    
MINUS ::=    '-'    
NOT ::=    '!'    
REMAINDER ::=    '%'    
XOR ::=    '^'    
AND ::=    '&'    
MULTIPLY ::=    '*'    
OR ::=    '|'    
TWIDDLE ::=    '~'    
DIVIDE ::=    '/'    
GREATER ::=    '>'    
LESS ::=    '<'    
LPAREN ::=    '('    
RPAREN ::=    ')'    
LBRACE ::=    '{'    
RBRACE ::=    '}'    
LBRACKET ::=    '['    
RBRACKET ::=    ']'    
SEMICOLON ::=    ';'    
QUESTION ::=    '?'    
COLON ::=    ':'    
COMMA ::=    ','    
DOT ::=    '.'    
EQUAL ::=    '='    
