1. Java Grande/ISCOPE Meeting How many if any tutorials? Affects financials Location of Conference ? ISCOPE Sensitive to this as traditionallly moved internationally Student Funding IBM Sun DoE NSF Keynotes Guy Steele Start process to agree Reach out to component community Rooms for breakouts and exhibits Java University for tutorials -- Eric Sharakan -- overlaps meeting Target NSF (Koelbel) and Doe (Mary Ann Scott) Have best paper and best student paper Target applications Parabon interested in submitting paper(s) Possible Themes/panels High performance Java Environments Hybrid Java/C++ Environments -- Strengths and Weaknesses Applications Bridge science to e-commerce 2. Status See Later 3. Future Activities Meet at Java Grande/ISCOPE Meeting Maybe an earlier february/march meeting Numerics Area Generics Agreed outside forum Overloading ? Joe Darcy Immutable/value classes ? Fast FP IBM (Snir/Moreira) Arrays IBM F90 Syntax NIST/IBM Complex Visual Numerics/Michael Phillipsen Library Framework NEW effort Concurrency etc. OpenMP Deliver "natural" standard (Bull) MPI Declare finished (Getov/Carpenter) RMI Cannot change specification but can develop fast implementations on specific platforms Need to test (Gannon/Phillipsen) Benchmarking EPCC working away and making progress with comparative (C) implemedntations Portals Keep in Grid Forum go for JSR in MPI and later openMP JSR needs a champion and a reference implementation