********************** Referee Number 1 ********************** The paper provides a qualitative and quantitative comparison of a concrete CORBA ORB (Borland VisiBroker for C++) and Message Queue System (IBM MQSeries for Windows 2000). This comparison is of interest and of obvious practical relevance to the community. However, the test carried out are only simple client-server (ping- pong) test and cannot reflect the bahaviour of more complex programs (e.g. of advanced patterns like call-back and so on). Moreover, the generalisation of the results to CORBA ORBs and Message Queue Systems, in general, is doubtful. The paper is a typical short paper for me. Section 1 introduces to middleware in general and to the project carried our by the author in special. It is well written. Section 2 reflects some key-dates of networks. Section 3 introduces to CORBA and message queues. This Section can be shortened, as it is not more than a basic introduction which is given in Distributed Systems Course. Section 4 describes the experimental settings. Section 5 presents detailed results. The major contributions are, however, not suprising: to put it ironically, you say (obviously much more elegant) with higher packet loss performance degrades and CORBA is better then. The problem here is that this Section must attract the reader more. Use other programs, more complex, which uses distributed patterns (factory, call-back, etc.), how can they be realized with CORBA, message queues, what does it mean to performance under the various conditions. Section 6 discusses some general issues again. I was a little bit confused about the placement of this Section. Section 7 presents the conclusion. Here, the author presents us with some information on QoS requirements for speech and video delivery and argues that systems have to better fulfill these requirements. However, this confused me in this context. Is the focus of this paper: real-time applications. If so, why do you compare CORBA and Message Queues. Instead you have to compare real-time implementations of CORBA ORBs, you should test it on different network technologies than ATM. Or is this paper general-purpose application oriented as I understood from the introduction. The last sentence is rather frustrating to the reader : "The selection of different middleware technologies cannot considerably improve the response time for remote object invocations.". So the comparison was meaningless, and only more reliable networks can solve the problem ? I think, turning again to the real-time problem that there is considerable difference in middleware, for instance serialization time differs considerably in the middleware used and this has been examined elsewhere. Finally, the list of references is very small with respect to the problem dicussed. There exists a lot of comparison of middlewares (quantitatively and qualitatively), see previous issues CandC:PandE. How is your comparison novel to these ? F: Presentation Changes Several major items have, to my opinion, to be updated before publishing : 1. more experiments : use of more complex programs using various patterns. 2. shorten the systems descriptions where they are basic and be more detailed for the comparisons. 3. relate to other works done (epsecially in the comparison of different middlewares). 4. clear the application context (real-time ?)