Referee 1 ******************************************* E: Referee Comments (For Author and Editor) ------------------------------ A strong paper generally. A couple of questions I'd like to see addressed: 1) Is there any security for resources which are _not_ GSI-enabled? 2) Are there requirements for the administrative relationship of resources on which TENT may be effectively deployed? It seems like a user might have to have the same moniker everywhere in order to use TENT, for instance. 3) Are there scaling issues with the naming service? 4) Where does the name TENT come from? Typos: factorie -> factories Section 2.1 whithout -> without Section 2.3 F: Presentation Changes Referee 2 ******************************************* E: Referee Comments (For Author and Editor) The paper describes the CORBA-based simulation environment TENT, its architecture and applications, as well as its integration with Globus, and as such fits well within the topic range of this special issue of CCP&E. Figure 2 (Architectural overview) is not explicitly referenced anywhere in the paper. I am missing a "State of the art" type of section, describing other similar environments, though maybe, in a special issue like this, the other papers will largely fill this in. F: Presentation Changes The quality of the figures generated from bitmaps (4, 5, 6, 9) is definitely unsatisfactory: they are so blurred that it's virtually impossible to see anything. Figure 7 contains a grey arrow plus text that only become apparent after looking twice. While the language quality of the paper is good on average, it does contain several typos and other language problems ("whithout", "to simulate of the". I would recommend that a native speaker proofreads it before it is resubmitted. Also, aren't the sections/subsections supposed to be _not_ numbered? Referee 3 ******************************************* E. Referee comments for author and editor: This is a good example of component based grid computing. Will be interested in seeing how the portals version evolves. Also would like to know about the code it available as a toolkit? ** Presentation - 4/5 layout and flow of paper is good. ** Competence - 4/5 ** Contribution - 4/5 ** Originality - 4/5 ** Strengths - 4/5reas Schreiber