Basic Goal ---------- This project focuses on the Information technology infrastructure which can support SFUSD's educational mission with a broad range of stakeholders and a lifetime learning model. Technology is changing rapidly and so is our understanding of how it can be used in education. This project will not propose or deeply investigate new curriculum or pedagogy approaches for SFUSD. Rather we will develop an approach to IT for SFUSD that can support a broad range of learning models. we will indicate where a particular IT feature is especially needed by a particular approach to education and its technology. We will make our recommendations based on current experiences and a vision for the future shaped by California and National processes and activities. Some Experience of Fox in Education Technology ----------------------------------------------- Fox has been involved in education technology for twenty years; he has held administrative positions; developed new technology in both academia and business; he has used innovative technology in many classes he has taught as a Professor of physics, computer science and informatics.. From 1983-1985, Fox was Professor and Dean for educational computing at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. he led the first deployment of PC's and networks to support undergraduates. This was followed by three years at Caltech as Chief Information Officer. This mix of research and administrative work has continued. In 2000-2001, Fox was chief technologist for the distance education program while at Florida state University. Fox co-founded in 1997 and Anabas Corporation in 1999; both these small companies develop innovative learning technology. Since 1997, Fox focused on educational technology for both learning management systems and collaboration environments. He has taught distance classes over the net most semesters since fall 1997. Several were to Jackson State University Miss which graduates the most African-American computer scientists in the nation. See and his review of industry collaboration systems at His major work in education today is as part of the National Science Foundation EOT collaboration This has many K-12 projects -- see is a good source of current practice where Fox has good contacts. Fox is currently working with a group of American Indian Tribal Colleges coordinated by AIHEC: American Indian Higher Education Consortium They are designing a "Collaboratory" to link tribal areas together and with outside educational and business partners. While at Syracuse University, Fox did several K-12 Projects a) The Living Schoolbook where he helped Syracuse's School of education set-up the prototype. This original (1995) is at It has now become b) Fox built one of the early popular educational web sites for K-12 called kidsweb This Kidsweb site was closed when he left Syracuse in early 2000. It has been re-opened and it can be seen at This was always NPAC Web Page with highest hit count -- NPAC was research group Fox ran for 10 years at Syracuse (NPAC Site got around one million hits per month; 30,000 or so each month were for Kids Web; note about 400,000 per month were curriculum pages for Fox's on-line courses at undergraduate level and above) See for site hit statistics 1995-2000 (go to "Past Year" buttons to get 1995-1999 when site active) See for "awards" Kidsweb won in early days of the web. c) Fox taught Java to middle and high school students saturdays in winter 1998 and 1999 1998 was just local Syracuse students 1999 used distance technology to teach to Schools in Boston, Houston and Starkville as well as a local Syracuse group Fox's K-12 work while at Syracuse is summarized at