FoilWorld IndexPage for Photos taken with Hitachi Camera

1: Photos in Detroit Airport and from Day Trip to ShaoShan (Hunan Province China)
2: Around Syracuse after the Great Storm/Tornado
3: Photographs from Java 98 Workshop Talks Posters and Forum
4: Java Academy Students in ECS MAD Lab
5: Photos of Final Demo of Rome Laboratory CIV Project
6: NPAC at Work
7: Scenes from NPAC Service Ceremony
8: CPS714 Final Project Presentations
9: Cassette hitachi/npacfeb98 from /usr/local/archives/public/users/gcf/04/hitachi/npacfeb98
10: Scenes from Tango Master Theses Defences
11: Java Academy and ECS Open House
12: InfoMall at the Exhibit Area at SALT Distance Learning Conference
13: Photos of NPAC SC97 Activities
14: Education Program, Exhibit and Java Grande Panels
15: NPAC (rather unsuccesful) Demo at Teaching Tools 97
16: The First Sessions of XII "Futurists" Meeting