FoilWorld IndexPage for Activities at SC98
1: Summary of Concurrency and applications working Group report
2: Java for MPI for the Java Grande Forum
3: JAMA Java Matrix Classes for Java Grande Forum
4: Lessons from C++ for the Java Grande Process
5: Summary of Report of the Java Grande Forum Numerics Working Group
6: Java Access to Numerical Libraries: Compiling Fortran to Java
7: EPCC Java Grande Benchmark Suite
8: Overview of the Desktop Access to Remote Resources Activity (DATORR) for the Java Grande Process
9: Is There going to be an Internetics?
10: ICWU: How can we benefit
11: Computational Science Curriculum, Delivery, Certification
12: DATORR : Desktop Access to Remote Resources
13: Education Program, Exhibit and Java Grande Panels
14: Introduction to Java Grande Panel Sessions
15: Experiences using TangoInteractive in Distance Education
16: User View of Tango Features with tutorial
17: Overview of WebFlow Applications as Multi-Tier HPCC MetaComputing