The Virtual Reality Modeling Language Specification
Version 2.0, WD ISO/IEC 14772
August 4, 1996
There are many people that have contributed to the VRML 2.0
Specification. We have listed the major contributors below.

Gavin Bell, gavin@acm.org
Rikk Carey, rikk@best .com
Chris Marrin, cmarrin@sgi.com
Ed Allard, eda@sgi.com
Curtis Beeson, curtisb@sgi.com
Geoff Brown, gb@sgi.com
Sam T. Denton, denton@maryville.com
Christopher Fouts, fouts@atlanta.sgi.com
Rich Gossweiler, dr_rich@sgi.com
Jan Hardenbergh, jch@jch.com
Jed Hartman, jed@sgi.com
Jim Helman, jimh@sgi.com
Yasuaki Honda, honda@arch.sony.co.jp
Jim Kent, jkent@sgi.com
Chris Laurel, laurel@dimensionx.com
Rodger Lea, rodger@csl.sony.co.jp
Jeremy Leader, jeremy@worlds.net
Kouichi Matsuda, matsuda@arch.sony.co.jp
Mitra, mitra@earth.path.net
David Mott, mott@best.com
Chet Murphy, cmurphy@modelworks.com
Michael Natkin, mjn@sgi.com
Rick Pasetto, rsp@sgi.com
Bernie Roehl, broehl@sunee.uwaterloo.ca
John Rohlf, jrohlf@sgi.com
Ajay Sreekanth, ajay@cs.berkeley.edu
Paul Strauss, pss@sgi.com
Josie Wernecke, josie@sgi.com
Ben Wing, wing@dimensionx.com
Daniel Woods, woods@sgi.com
Yukio Andoh, andoh@dst.nk-exa.co.jp
Gad Barnea, barnea@easynet.fr
Philippe F. Bertrand, philippe@vizbiz.com
Don Brutzman, brutzman@cs.nps.navy.mil
Sam Chen, sambo@sgi.com
Justin Couch, jtc@hq.adied.oz.au
Ross Finlayson, raf@tomco.net
Clay Graham, clay@sgi.com
John Gwinner, 75162.514@compuserve.com
Jeremy Leader, jeremy@worlds.net
Braden McDaniel, braden@shadow.net
Tom Meyer, tom@tom.com
Stephanus Mueller, steffel@blacksun.de
Rob Myers, rob@sgi.com
Alan Norton, norton@sgi.com
Tony Parisi, tparisi@intervista.com
Mark Pesce, mpesce@netcom.com
Scott S. Ross, ssross@fedex.com
Hugh Steele, hughs@virtuality.com
Dave Story, story@sgi.com
Helga Thorvaldsdottir, helga@sgi.com
Harrison Ulrich, hrulrich@conline.com
Chee Yu, chee@netgravity.com
The entire VRML community, www-vrml@wired.com

This URL: http://vrml.sgi.com/moving-worlds/spec/credits.html