Changes in the JDK Software Since 1.1
This document lists the changes between versions 1.1 and 1.2 of the
Java Development Kit. It is divided into these sections:
To find the JDK software version, execute:
java -version
For information on version compatibility, including a comprehensive list
of compatibility problems, see
Development Kit 1.2 Compatibility Page on the Java Software web
Changes in 1.2 Beta 4
Extended Floating Point Semantics
Java 1.2 platform specifications are being revised to permit use of
floating-point calculations using IEEE 754 extended-precision formats.
Sun is making these revisions in cooperation with its industry
partners. These revisions will be
available for public review on the Java Software web site,, at roughly the
same time as the Beta 4 release.
A detailed discussion of this extension is beyond the scope of this
document. Here is a brief summary of how this extension affects the JDK
1.2 Beta 4 software:
File Organization
All class libraries in the JDK are now JAR archive files. ZIP archives
still work as class libraries, but tend to get extracted and removed by
people who think that this is mandatory.
The files that implement the Java platform are now separate from files
that implement the development tools. Thus the JDK software is deployed
much like a Java application with a "private" Java Runtime Environment,
with all the platform files within a jre subdirectory.
In previous releases, a single class library,
contained all non-extension classes. In this release, the classes that
implement the development tools are in a separate tools.jar
library (in the lib subdirectory).
Launcher Tool Changes
The launcher tools have underdone a number of changes:
Keytool Transition Issues
If you have been using the keystore implementation supplied by the
"SUN" provider in the JDK software, note that Beta 4 security tools do
not recognize keystores created by previous releases. Create new
keystores using the Beta 4 software.
None of these issues apply if you're using your own keystore
JAR Tool Options
New command line options in the jar tool allow you to update an
existing archive and change directories before accessing a file.
Servlet API Now Separate Product
The Servlets Standard Extension (javax.servlet.*)
is no longer included in the JDK
software. This API is now available as a separate, free product, the
Java Servlet Development Kit. For more information, go to the
Product Page on the Java Software web site.
Swing Classes Revert to Old Names
In this release, the Swing APIs have been renamed to make them
consistent with the Java Foundation Classes 1.1. Class and package
names that began with the java.awt.swing qualifier in Beta3
begin with in Beta 4. This change
accomodates the large code base that has been written for Java 1.1
platform using the Java Foundation Classes product.
AWT and Multithreading
In java.awt.EventQueue, two new methods, invokeLater, and
invokeAndWait run Runnable objects on the dispatch
thread. These methods make it easy to run all AWT operations on a
single thread. This is safer than allowing each thread to access the
AWT directly.
These methods are similar to methods in However, the
EventQueue methods are implemented using a public API,
java.awt.event.InvocationEvent. Programmers can use
InvocationEvent to write their own invokeLater and
invokeAndWait methods.
In previous releases, java.awt.MenuShortcut provided an
equals method that required a MenuShortcut argument. This
failed to override the equals in Object. This release
adds a variant that takes an Object argument.
Component Uses Preallocated Objects
In java.awt.Component, new variants of getBounds,
getSize, and getLocation place their values in
pre-allocated objects, instead of allocating new objects on the heap.
This can substantially reduce the overhead required by short-lived
PrintStream Constructors No Longer Deprecated
In 1.1, the public constructors for were
deprecated, in order to encourage use of
Experience indicates that replacing PrintStream with
PrintWriter is not always practical. This release removes the
deprecations from the PrintStream constructors.
Input Method Framework
In, a new method, removeNotify,
notifies the Input Method Framework that a client control has been
removed or disabled.
In, the method
getOffsetLocation has undergone minor respecification
and renamed getTextLocation. These changes reflect future
support for as a "below-the-spot" input as a user option.
KeyEvent Constants
Numerous virtual key constants have been added to
java.awt.event.KeyEvent. These include constants for the Euro
currency symbol and for various Asian keyboards.
The signature of java.sql.Timestamp.equals has been changed
from equals(Timestamp)
to equals(Object)
This change prevents java.util.Date.equals from being invoked
inappropriately on a TimeStamp object.
The JDBC classes have been upgraded to the JDBC 2.0 Specification. This
involves numerous minor changes. For further information, see the
JDBC Features Page.
Some classes in java.sql have undergone minor changes.
These include renaming the method ReadBlobLocator
in SQLInput to readBlob, and making various methods throw
BitSet Changes
A number of changes have been made to java.util.BitSet:
- BitSet is no longer a final class.
- A new method, andNot, clears all bits in an argument
- A new method, length, returns the "logical size" of the
bit set.
In java.util.Property, the save method has been
deprecated. In its place, use store, which throws
Random Range
In java.util.Random, a new variant of nextInt generates a
pseudorandom integer between 0 (inclusive) and a specified value
BreakIterator Text Boundaries
In java.text.BreakIterator, two new methods, isBoundary
and preceding make word selection easier and faster.
Two-digit Years
The class java.text.SimpleDateFormat has been modified to
support entry of two-digit years. Two new methods,
set2DigitYearStart and get2DigitYearStart, set and get
the beginning of the hundred-year period assumed for two-digit years.
Time Zones
Various changes to java.util.SimpleTimeZone support more
flexible definitions of Daylight Savings Time.
In java.util.TimeZone, the new getDisplayName method
returns a user-readable description of the time zone.
In java.util.Calendar, two new methods, getActualMinimum
and getActualMaximum make it easier to find the length of the
current month in an arbitrary calendar.
Currency Characters
In java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols, the following new methods
support independent setting and getting of currency formatting symbols:
- getCurrencySymbol
- setCurrencySymbol
- getInternationalCurrencySymbol
- setInternationalCurrencySymbol
- getMonetaryDecimalSeparator
- setMonetaryDecimalSeparator
Decoding Numbers
The new methods Float.parseFloat and Double.parseDouble,
parse floating point numbers in strings. They are similar to
the existing Integer.parseInt and Double.parseInst. These
methods return the primitive data types float, double,
int, and long, respectively.
The new method Long.decode decodes long integers. It is similar
to Integer.decode. These methods return objects of type
Integer and Long, respectively.
Collections and Set
In java.util.Collections, a new static method and two new
constants support java.util.Set operations:
- singleton
- Returns a new, immutable Set object with
one member.
- An empty Set object.
- An empty java.util.List object.
Collections and List
In java.util.Collections, three new static methods (plus one
overloaded variant) support java.util.List operations:
- fill
- Fill the members of a list.
- copy
- Copy the contents of a list.
- shuffle
- Randomly permute a list.
Map Method Name
In java.util.Map, the entries method has been renamed
entrySet. The new name is consistent with the related method
The class java.util.Arrays has undergone a number of changes:
- The toList method has been renamed asList. The
method does not create a new List, so the "to" prefix was
inappropriate and potentially confusing.
- The fill methods now have "range" variants.
- The equals methods now support compile-time type
checking of both arguments.
List Changes
The static method, subList, has been removed from
java.util.Collections and replaced by an ordinary subList
method in java.util.List.
List no longer has a removeRange method or subrange
variants of the indexOf or lastIndexOf methods.
The specification for java.util.ArrayList no longer includes the
idea of a "capacity increment." The ArrayList constructor that
required a capcity incrment argument has been removed.
Native Libraries
The following additions support loading of native libraries:
- In java.lang.ClassLoader, a new method,
findLibrary returns the absolute path of a
native library file. User-defined class loaders should redefine this
- In java.lang.System, a new method, mapLibraryName
maps a library name to a platform-specific string.
New Privileged Blocks API
Privileged code now uses a new closure-based API in place of the old
beginPrivileged/endPrivileged calls. Refer to
API for Privileged Blocks.
Passwords as Character Arrays
Several classes that previously passed passwords as String
objects now use char arrays instead. This allows a program to
dispose of a password by overwriting it, minimizing the time a password
is in memory.
The following classes are affected:
- In, the getKey,
setKeyEntry, store, and load methods.
- In, the engineGetKey,
engineSetKeyEntry, engineStore, and
engineLoad methods.
- In, the constructor and
the getPassword method.
In and, new getPermissions methods
allow applications to add permissions to a class as it is loaded.
In, the existing method evaluate has
been renamed getPermissions.
CodeSource uses Certificate
The class now uses instead of The constructor has changed
appropriately, and the getKeys method has been replaced by
getCertificates. There are a number of secondary changes:
- In, the
defineClass methods no longer use a signature argument. The
signature is included in the Certificate object.
- In SecureClassLoader, the getCodeSource method
has been removed.
- The constructor for
now uses Certificate objects.
Changed Use of ProtectionDomain
Two changes related
- In java.lang.Class, the setProtectionDomain
method has been removed.
- The variant of defineClass that uses
ProtectionDomain has been moved from to Class.
CodeSource Implication
In, a new method, implies
determines if one CodeSource object "implies" another.
In and, new varians of sign and
engineSign use pre-allocated buffers, instead of allocating new
buffers on the heap.
New Cryptography Classes and Interfaces
The following classes and interfaces have been moved to the Core API
from the Java Cryptography Extension:
RevokedCertificate Becomes X509CRLEntry
A object was often assumed
to represent a certificate that had been revoked. It really represented
a X509 Certificate Revocation List Entry. To prevent confusion, this
class has been renamed X509CRLEntry.
CertificateFactory and CertificateFactorySpi
The new class generates
Certificates or CRLs based on a Service Provider Interface (SPI). The
new abstract class
defines the required methods of such an SPI.
The new abstract class is an abstraction
of certificate revocation lists (CRLs) that have different formats but
important common uses.
Unsupported X509 Extensions
In previous releases, using an X509 certificate or CRL with an
unsupported critical extension caused a SecurityException.
In this release, the same situation simply sets an internal flag.
The value of this flag is returned by a method in,
User-Defined Randomness in Key Pair Generation
now supports
user-defined randomness. Two new variations of the
initialize method take a
object that specifies a source of randomness.
CertificateFactory Enhancement
Previously, a
object could generate precisely one Certificate or CRL object at a
time. Two new methods, generateCertificates and
generateCRLs return Collections of zero or more Certificates or
CRLs, based on an input stream.
Identity Classes
Both and have been deprecated.
Identity has also reverted to the form it has in the 1.1
platform. This includes changing Identity back to an
abstract class.
KeyStore Made Generic
The class now stores generic Key
objects, not just PrivateKey objects. The API has been modified
and extended to support this change.
Additional Abstract Service Provider Classes
Two new Abstract classes, and support pluggable
Service Provider Interfaces (SPIs).
Improved StringBuffer Editing
now offers a more complete set of editing and extraction operations:
| Single-Character Method
| Multiple-Character Method
| append
| append
| insert
| insert
| deleteCharAt*
| delete*
| setCharAt
| replace*
| charAt
| substring*
| | | | | |
*New methods.
StyledString Removed
Two classes in java.awt.font have been removed:
StyledString and StyleStringIterator.
Some of the features of these classes have been moved to
java.text.AttributedString. The existing addAttribute
method has a new argument sequence. AttributedString
has a getIterator
method that returns a java.text.AttributedCharacter object.
A number of APIs that used StyledString have changed:
- java.awt.Graphics2D
- java.awt.print.ProxyGraphics2D
- java.awt.print.PeekGraphics
- The drawString method that used StyledString
has been replaced by an equivalent method that uses
The hitString method has been removed.
- java.awt.font.TextLayout
The constructor that used StyleString has been removed.
An existing constructor uses
New constructors in java.text.AttributedString simplify coding
of an input method event.
In java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator, methods that
previously used java.util.Enumeration objects now use
java.util.Set. The variants of getRunLimit and
getRunStart that previously used took an Enumeration
argument now take a Set argument. The
getAllAttributeNames method, which returned an
Enumeration, has been replaced by getAllAttributeKeys,
which returns a Set
The getAttributes method now returns a java.util.Map
instead of a java.text.AttributeSet
In previous releases, text attribute names were specified
as String
values. This was inefficient and had some potential for name collision.
In this release, attributes are enumerated by an inner class,
Attribute, or one one of its subclasses. This requires
a number of secondary changes:
READING have been moved from
AttributedCharacterIterator to Attribute and made
- The methods in AttributedCharacterIterator have
undergone a number of changes. These include name and signature
changes that reflect the shift from String attribute names to
Attribute objects.
- Various methods in AttributedString, and now use
Attribute objects in place of String attribute names.
- The interface java.awt.font.TextAttributeSet has been
replaced by java.awt.font.TextAttribute, a subclass of
Manifest Attribute Names
In place of the old Manifest Attributes, Package-Sealed and
Archive-Sealed, URLClassLoader now uses Sealed
Manifest Attributes for both kinds of seals. The kind of seal is
indicated by the location of the Manifest Attribute.
The Manifest Attributes Package-Version, Package-Vendor,
and Package-Title have been renamed to
Implementation-Version, Implementation-Vendor, and
Implementation-Title, respectively. This provides consistency
with the related Manifest Attributes, Specification-Version,
Specification-Vendor, and Specification-Title.
New And Changed URLClassLoader Methods
In, a new protected method,
addURL, dynamically extends the list of URLs searched for
classes and resources.
The existing methods findLocalClass, getLocalResource,
and getLocalResources have been renamed to findClass,
getResource and getResources, respectively. The use of
"Local" in the old method names was found to be inappropriate and
potentially confusing.
Flexible Class Loading
In java.lang.Class, a new, overloaded forName method is
more flexible than the existing forName. The new forName
takes additional arguments that control initialization and specify the
class loader used.
Flexible Resource Loading
In java.util.ResourceBundle, a new, overloaded getBundle
method takes an additional argument that specifies the class loader.
Socket Buffer Sizes
In and, new
methods set and query buffer sizes.
In, two new constructors use a buffer
offset, so that packet data doesn't have to be at the beginning of a
The new class decodes the strings encoded by
Connection Callbacks
A connection object can now have a "callback" object that responds to
various events in the course of a connection. This facility is
supported by changes to, including
various new methods and an abstract inner class,
New HttpURLConnection Method
In, a new method,
getErrorStream provides access to the message stream after an
HTTP error. This is useful when the server returns both an error header
and a document. The document is typically a message explaining the
The new interface is similar to FileFilter uses abstract
pathnames, in the form of instances, instead of
path name strings. FileFilter objects can be passed to the new
listFiles method in the File class.
Improved Abstract File Class
The specification for has been upgraded to provide
a better abstract representation of file and directory path names.
Class implementation has changed to support the new specification. The
new specification does a better job of supporting complex file system
features, such as drive letters, UNC share names, and multiple
separator characters. The new specification is compatible with the
original intended behavior of File, and is also compatible with
current common uses of the class.
The following methods are new or changed:
- The new method createNewFile creates the specified file
if and only if it doesn't already exist. The entire method call is
a single "atomic" operation that cannot be affected by other
file system activity. This method is designed to support simple
file locking mechanisms.
- The new static method listRoots returns
an array of file system roots. On Windows platforms, each drive root
directory is considered a file system root.
- The new toURL method returns a object that describes the same file or directory
as the File object.
- The new method isHidden identifies a file that is
"hidden," according to the underlying platform's conventions.
- The new method setReadOnly marks the file for read-only
- The new methods getParentFile, getAbsoluteFile,
getCanonicalFile, and listFiles are equivalent to the
existing methods, getParent, getAbsolutePath, get
CanonicalPath, and list, but return File objects
instead of String filenames. In addition to the two
listFiles methods that are equivalent to the two list
methods, a third listFiles method takes a argument.
- The lastModified method has been respecified to return a
file modification time as the number of seconds since a
conventional epoch. In previous releases, this method returned a
"platform-dependent value."
- The new setLastModified method sets the modification
time of a file.
Subclassing PrintWriter
A number of changes to make it easier to
write subclasses:
- The underlying output stream is now accessible through the
out field, which is protected.
- Single-argument println
methods have been respecified in terms of the zero-argument
println method. A subclass that wants to implement
indentation, line-prefixes, or other special line-break behavior
only has to override one method.
In java.lang.ThreadLocal, the initialize method,
which doesn't
actually initialize anything, has been renamed initialValue.
Unscaled BigDecimal
In java.math.BigDecimal, a new method, unscaledValue
returns the unscaled value as a BigInteger.
Drag and Drop
Various changes to java.awt.dnd classes support Drag and Drop on
multiple files.
In java.awt.dnd.DragSourceContext, the cancelDrag method
has been removed.
New Drag and Drop classes abstract platform-dependent user
gestures to platform-independent events. These classes are:
- java.awt.dnd.DragGestureRecognizer
- java.awt.dnd.MouseDragGestureRecognizer
- java.awt.dnd.DragGestureEvent
- java.awt.dnd.DragGestureListener
The new java.awt.Toolkit method,
createDragGestureRecognizer creates recognizer objects.
No Reference Subclasses
The constructors for java.lang.ref.Reference have been made
package-private. It is no longer possible to create new subclasses of
Weak Hash Maps
A new class, java.util.WeakHashMap, implements the most common
use of Weak References, the Weak Hash Map. An entry in a
WeakHashMap will be removed automatically when its key is no
longer in ordinary use. More precisely, the presence of a mapping for a
given key does not prevent the key from being discarded by
the garbage collector -- that is, made finalizable, finalized, and then
Soft References
Support for Soft References in the 1.2 platform has undergone a number
of changes:
- The specification for java.lang.ref.SoftReference has
been simplified and strengthened. It is now guaranteed that all soft
references will be cleared before the the virtual machine throws an
- The memory advice API has been removed due to insurmountable
technical problems. This API consisted of
two methods and an inner interface in java.lang.Runtime:
getMemoryAdvice, waitForMemoryAdvice, and
- The class java.lang.ref.GuardedReference has been
Font Enhancements
Numerous changes have been made to the 2D classes to support improved
font rendering and metrics, facilitate better used of native fonts, and
add text layout features.
The new class java.awt.RenderingHints class is used by various
classes to express rendering hints:
- In the class java.awt.Graphics2d, the setHints
and getHints methods now use RenderingHints objects.
The drawRenderableImage method now relies on the object's
rendering hint information.
- In java.awt.Composite and java.awt.Paint
the createContext method now
requires a RenderingHints argument.
- The class java.awt.TexturePaint, which implements
Paint, relies on RenderingHints instead of
interpolation. The constructor no longer takes an interpolation
argument, and the getInterpolation method has been removed.
In the java.awt.image package, numerous changes have been made
to make the API more consistent and to make use of the new
java.awt.RenderingHints class.
Serialization Substitution
The interfaces and
have been eliminated. Replace references to these interfaces with Serialization now uses Reflection to
invoke methods previous declared by Replaceable and
Resolvable. Refer to the API documentation for the method
signatures of writeReplace and readResolve.
Serialized Form
New javadoc tags @serial
, and @serialData
document the
serialized form of Serializable classes.
Explicitly Defining Serializable Fields
For security reasons, the special Serializable class member,
serialPersistentFields must be declared private. Previously,
this member could have any access. Serialization accesses this member
using reflection. If it is not declared private, Serialization ignores
it and uses default Serialization to compute the serializable fields
of the Serializable class.
Changes in 1.2 Beta 3
Collection Classes Changes
The Collection Classes have undergone numerous design changes. For a
summary, see
Collections API Summary.
Java Accessibility (JFC)
This release reorganizes package java.awt.accessibility to make it more
flexible and open. Most of the features previously defined by interface
Accessible are now defined by new interfaces
AccesibleAction, AccessibleComponent,
AccessibleSelection, and AccessibleText.
Serialization Protocol Versions
Serialization output streams default to a new format that is not
compatible with the old format. Backward compatibility is supported by To indicate the
old format, use For the new
format, use
Input streams automatically detect and use the correct format.
Collections Classes
The classes java.util.ArrayMap and java.util.ArraySet
have been removed. These classes were intended as alternatives to
java.util.HashMap and java.util.HashSet, optimized for
very small collections. ArrayMap and ArraySet proved to
offer negligible benefits.
The method java.util.Map.entries() now returns a
java.util.Set instead of a java.util.Collection. This
guarantees that two maps are equal if and only if their contents are
equal. [Bug 4109773]
Java Virtual Machine Debugger Interface
A new set of class introspection functions were added. Global objects
are now managed through a set of allocation callbacks.
Extensions Framework
The Extensions Framework is still in a preliminary form, and is not
enabled by default. To simplify testing of Extensions software, a -new
option has been temporarily added to the launcher too. See the README.
Input Method Framework
The Input Method Framework now works with Swing controls.
Additional features were added to the Input Method Framework. These
include new methods in and support for
Internet-Intranet Input Method Protocol (IIIMP). The IIIMP adapter
uses the Extensions Framework, which is currently not enabled by
default. See the README for this release.
Reference Objects
The class java.lang.ref.CachedReference has been renamed
No Debugging Launcher
Debugging no longer requires a special non-optimized launcher. For
that reason, the java_g tool has been removed from the JDK. Use the
java tool instead.
JDBC was upgraded from JDBC 1.2 to a preliminary version of JDBC 2.0.
Java 2D
In the Beta 3 release,
java.awt.font.StyledString.getAttributes(int) has been removed.
The method getAttributesAt(int) of the StyledString class
should be used in its place.
Security Enhancements
The launcher tool (java) now includes a -usepolicy option, for
specifying a security policy on the command line. This makes it
unnecessary to invoke sun.misc.Launcher and set various properties in
order to specify a security policy.
By default, a program started by the java launcher has no security
policy, and thus no security restrictions.
Changes from 1.1 to 1.2 Beta 2
Starting with 1.1_Final, the API and feature set were
frozen. At that time JDK 1.2 became the focus for new development. Any
further releases of JDK 1.1 will be Maintenance Releases. This section
describes JDK 1.2 Beta 2, the first public release of JDK 1.2.
The 1.2 API offers the new functionality and enhancements in the
following areas:
- Performance Enhancements
- Solaris Native Thread Support
- Memory Compression for Loaded Classes
- Faster Memory Allocation and Garbage Collection
- Monitor Speedups
- Native Library JNI Port
- JIT Compilers
- Extensions Framework
- Java IDL
- Input Method Framework
- JDBC(tm) Enhancements
- Security Enhancements
- Policy-based Access Control
- Certificate Interfaces
- x.509 v3 Implementation
- The keytool, jar, jarsigner, and policytool tools
- Java Foundation Classes (JFC)(tm)
- Java 2D
- User-Interface Components (Swing Package)
- Accessibility
- Drag-and-Drop Data Transfer
- Application Services
- JavaBeans(tm) Enhancements
- Interaction with Applet Semantics
- Better Design-Time Support
- JavaBeans Runtime Containment and Services Protocol
- Collections
- Version Identification
- RMI Enhancements
- Remote Object Activation
- Custom Socket Types
- Minor API Enhancements
- Serialization Enhancements
- Reference Objects (including weak references)
- Audio Enhancements
- Java Sound(tm) software
- getNewAudioClip Method
- JAR Enhancements
- JNI Enhancements
- Reflection Enhancements
The JDK is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Copyright © 1997, 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California 94303 USA.
All rights reserved.