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Java for MPI for the Java Grande Forum

Given by Bryan Carpenter, Vladimir Getov (Westminister Univ. UK Speaker), Glenn Judd, Tony Skjellum at SC98 Orlando Java Grande Panel on November 13 98. Foils prepared December 6 98

Java Grande Forum Homepage
SC98 Java Grande Panel Presentation
Motivation of subgroup and current activities
Some results
Proposed standard Java API for MPI

Table of Contents for Java for MPI for the Java Grande Forum

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1 MPI for Java
2 Introduction and Background
3 Current Status
4 Current Status (contd.)
5 JavaMPI: NPB IS kernel on IBM SP2
6 Java-MPI API Specification
7 mpiJava Class Hierarchy
8 Advanced Message Passing for Java
9 Further Actions
10 Further Actions (contd.)

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